PIVOVAR V.POPOVICE - Share PIVOVAR V.POPOVICE share price, Prague Stock Exchange
RMS - 30.9.2002 17:00:00 | |
Current price | 340.00 CZK (9.67%) |
Average | 334.46 CZK / 561 Pc |
Volume | 187 632 CZK |
First/Last | 340.00/340.00 CZK |
Min/Max | 310.00/340.00 CZK |
Number of changes | 17 |
PCP | 279.00/341.00 CZK |
Akcie PIVOVAR V.POPOVICE - Ask/bid on markets
RMS : 30.9.2002 17:00:00 | |||
Purchase price | Purchase pieces | Sale price | Sale pieces |
310.10 | 122 | 8 000.00 | 2 293 |
310.00 | 131 | - | |
300.10 | 160 | - | |
300.00 | 183 | - | |
287.00 | 194 | - | |
History » | All ask/bids » |
Akcie PIVOVAR V.POPOVICE - Latest on-line trades on markets
Other info about PIVOVAR V.POPOVICE
CZ0008424751, ISIN: CZ0008424751, BIC: BAAPIVVP - Information from central depository
PIVOVAR V.POPOVICE on the Prague Stock Exchange
Total monthly/yearly volumes of PIVOVAR V.POPOVICE on the Prague Stock Exchange