Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Total economy) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Total economy) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Liabilities, stocks, Total economy

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Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Shares and other equity (AF.51) - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.12.2019 8 227 611.00
Min 30.06.2004 4 397 043.00

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.03.2020 8 203 193.00 8 227 611.00 -24 418.00 -0.30% 7 871 632.00 331 561.00 4.21%
31.12.2019 8 227 611.00 8 028 560.00 199 051.00 2.48% 7 691 335.00 536 276.00 6.97%
30.09.2019 8 028 560.00 7 933 949.00 94 611.00 1.19% 7 517 889.00 510 671.00 6.79%
30.06.2019 7 933 949.00 7 871 632.00 62 317.00 0.79% 7 422 317.00 511 632.00 6.89%
31.03.2019 7 871 632.00 7 691 335.00 180 297.00 2.34% 7 460 175.00 411 457.00 5.52%
31.12.2018 7 691 335.00 7 517 889.00 173 446.00 2.31% 7 431 119.00 260 216.00 3.50%
30.09.2018 7 517 889.00 7 422 317.00 95 572.00 1.29% 7 137 057.00 380 832.00 5.34%
30.06.2018 7 422 317.00 7 460 175.00 -37 858.00 -0.51% 7 004 753.00 417 564.00 5.96%
31.03.2018 7 460 175.00 7 431 119.00 29 056.00 0.39% 6 989 663.00 470 512.00 6.73%
31.12.2017 7 431 119.00 7 137 057.00 294 062.00 4.12% 6 687 491.00 743 628.00 11.12%
30.09.2017 7 137 057.00 7 004 753.00 132 304.00 1.89% 6 648 603.00 488 454.00 7.35%
30.06.2017 7 004 753.00 6 989 663.00 15 090.00 0.22% 6 588 590.00 416 163.00 6.32%
31.03.2017 6 989 663.00 6 687 491.00 302 172.00 4.52% 6 598 578.00 391 085.00 5.93%
31.12.2016 6 687 491.00 6 648 603.00 38 888.00 0.58% 6 409 106.00 278 385.00 4.34%
30.09.2016 6 648 603.00 6 588 590.00 60 013.00 0.91% 6 408 016.00 240 587.00 3.75%
30.06.2016 6 588 590.00 6 598 578.00 -9 988.00 -0.15% 6 256 315.00 332 275.00 5.31%
31.03.2016 6 598 578.00 6 409 106.00 189 472.00 2.96% 6 279 631.00 318 947.00 5.08%
31.12.2015 6 409 106.00 6 408 016.00 1 090.00 0.02% 6 105 794.00 303 312.00 4.97%
30.09.2015 6 408 016.00 6 256 315.00 151 701.00 2.42% 6 187 671.00 220 345.00 3.56%
30.06.2015 6 256 315.00 6 279 631.00 -23 316.00 -0.37% 6 110 396.00 145 919.00 2.39%
31.03.2015 6 279 631.00 6 105 794.00 173 837.00 2.85% 6 298 400.00 -18 769.00 -0.30%
31.12.2014 6 105 794.00 6 187 671.00 -81 877.00 -1.32% 6 152 764.00 -46 970.00 -0.76%
30.09.2014 6 187 671.00 6 110 396.00 77 275.00 1.26% 6 181 503.00 6 168.00 0.10%
30.06.2014 6 110 396.00 6 298 400.00 - 188 004.00 -2.98% 6 101 020.00 9 376.00 0.15%
31.03.2014 6 298 400.00 6 152 764.00 145 636.00 2.37% 6 160 090.00 138 310.00 2.25%
31.12.2013 6 152 764.00 6 181 503.00 -28 739.00 -0.46% 6 194 276.00 -41 512.00 -0.67%
30.09.2013 6 181 503.00 6 101 020.00 80 483.00 1.32% 6 178 959.00 2 544.00 0.04%
30.06.2013 6 101 020.00 6 160 090.00 -59 070.00 -0.96% 6 045 357.00 55 663.00 0.92%
31.03.2013 6 160 090.00 6 194 276.00 -34 186.00 -0.55% 6 063 806.00 96 284.00 1.59%
31.12.2012 6 194 276.00 6 178 959.00 15 317.00 0.25% 5 973 703.00 220 573.00 3.69%
30.09.2012 6 178 959.00 6 045 357.00 133 602.00 2.21% 6 006 004.00 172 955.00 2.88%
30.06.2012 6 045 357.00 6 063 806.00 -18 449.00 -0.30% 6 032 528.00 12 829.00 0.21%
31.03.2012 6 063 806.00 5 973 703.00 90 103.00 1.51% 6 086 970.00 -23 164.00 -0.38%
31.12.2011 5 973 703.00 6 006 004.00 -32 301.00 -0.54% 6 073 612.00 -99 909.00 -1.64%
30.09.2011 6 006 004.00 6 032 528.00 -26 524.00 -0.44% 6 009 598.00 -3 594.00 -0.06%
30.06.2011 6 032 528.00 6 086 970.00 -54 442.00 -0.89% 5 876 897.00 155 631.00 2.65%
31.03.2011 6 086 970.00 6 073 612.00 13 358.00 0.22% 5 887 422.00 199 548.00 3.39%
31.12.2010 6 073 612.00 6 009 598.00 64 014.00 1.07% 5 794 847.00 278 765.00 4.81%
30.09.2010 6 009 598.00 5 876 897.00 132 701.00 2.26% 5 676 215.00 333 383.00 5.87%
30.06.2010 5 876 897.00 5 887 422.00 -10 525.00 -0.18% 5 483 616.00 393 281.00 7.17%
31.03.2010 5 887 422.00 5 794 847.00 92 575.00 1.60% 5 354 454.00 532 968.00 9.95%
31.12.2009 5 794 847.00 5 676 215.00 118 632.00 2.09% 5 412 865.00 381 982.00 7.06%
30.09.2009 5 676 215.00 5 483 616.00 192 599.00 3.51% 5 586 818.00 89 397.00 1.60%
30.06.2009 5 483 616.00 5 354 454.00 129 162.00 2.41% 5 753 335.00 - 269 719.00 -4.69%
31.03.2009 5 354 454.00 5 412 865.00 -58 411.00 -1.08% 5 759 457.00 - 405 003.00 -7.03%
31.12.2008 5 412 865.00 5 586 818.00 - 173 953.00 -3.11% 5 714 872.00 - 302 007.00 -5.28%
30.09.2008 5 586 818.00 5 753 335.00 - 166 517.00 -2.89% 5 529 050.00 57 768.00 1.04%
30.06.2008 5 753 335.00 5 759 457.00 -6 122.00 -0.11% 5 434 386.00 318 949.00 5.87%
31.03.2008 5 759 457.00 5 714 872.00 44 585.00 0.78% 5 266 319.00 493 138.00 9.36%
31.12.2007 5 714 872.00 5 529 050.00 185 822.00 3.36% 5 156 870.00 558 002.00 10.82%
30.09.2007 5 529 050.00 5 434 386.00 94 664.00 1.74% 4 956 997.00 572 053.00 11.54%
30.06.2007 5 434 386.00 5 266 319.00 168 067.00 3.19% 4 919 249.00 515 137.00 10.47%
31.03.2007 5 266 319.00 5 156 870.00 109 449.00 2.12% 5 005 895.00 260 424.00 5.20%
31.12.2006 5 156 870.00 4 956 997.00 199 873.00 4.03% 4 926 837.00 230 033.00 4.67%
30.09.2006 4 956 997.00 4 919 249.00 37 748.00 0.77% 4 900 948.00 56 049.00 1.14%
30.06.2006 4 919 249.00 5 005 895.00 -86 646.00 -1.73% 4 739 897.00 179 352.00 3.78%
31.03.2006 5 005 895.00 4 926 837.00 79 058.00 1.60% 4 700 138.00 305 757.00 6.51%
31.12.2005 4 926 837.00 4 900 948.00 25 889.00 0.53% 4 596 692.00 330 145.00 7.18%
30.09.2005 4 900 948.00 4 739 897.00 161 051.00 3.40% 4 499 145.00 401 803.00 8.93%
30.06.2005 4 739 897.00 4 700 138.00 39 759.00 0.85% 4 397 043.00 342 854.00 7.80%
31.03.2005 4 700 138.00 4 596 692.00 103 446.00 2.25% 4 404 349.00 295 789.00 6.72%
31.12.2004 4 596 692.00 4 499 145.00 97 547.00 2.17% - - -
30.09.2004 4 499 145.00 4 397 043.00 102 102.00 2.32% - - -
30.06.2004 4 397 043.00 4 404 349.00 -7 306.00 -0.17% - - -
31.03.2004 4 404 349.00 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Shares and other equity (AF.51) - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Total economy)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, transactions, Total economy)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Non-MMF investment funds)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Other financial institutions)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Insurance corporations)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Pension funds)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Central government)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Non-financial corporation)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Monetary financial institutions)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Rest of the World)
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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