Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
30.09.2023 Penzijní společnosti - Počet účastníků II. a III. pilíře: Čtvrtletní, Supplementary pension insurance with state contribution
31.12.2023 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
30.11.2023 Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.12.2023 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
30.11.2023 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční

Graf hodnot, Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels)

Nahrávám ... Nahrávám interaktivní graf ...

Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Min 31.12.2017 390 885.50
Max 31.08.2008 751 354.00

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.07.2020 464 486.80 475 464.60 -10 977.80 -2.31% 582 618.30 - 118 131.50 -20.28%
30.06.2020 475 464.60 516 301.30 -40 836.70 -7.91% 570 562.90 -95 098.30 -16.67%
31.05.2020 516 301.30 574 278.90 -57 977.60 -10.10% 566 407.40 -50 106.10 -8.85%
30.04.2020 574 278.90 618 442.30 -44 163.40 -7.14% 558 831.40 15 447.50 2.76%
31.03.2020 618 442.30 633 755.40 -15 313.10 -2.42% 537 079.90 81 362.40 15.15%
29.02.2020 633 755.40 645 833.00 -12 077.60 -1.87% 525 302.00 108 453.40 20.65%
31.01.2020 645 833.00 580 718.10 65 114.90 11.21% 522 277.40 123 555.60 23.66%
31.12.2019 580 718.10 640 061.90 -59 343.80 -9.27% 453 308.70 127 409.40 28.11%
30.11.2019 640 061.90 634 836.20 5 225.70 0.82% 495 073.20 144 988.70 29.29%
31.10.2019 634 836.20 616 993.10 17 843.10 2.89% 472 855.70 161 980.50 34.26%
30.09.2019 616 993.10 607 100.90 9 892.20 1.63% 447 647.50 169 345.60 37.83%
31.08.2019 607 100.90 582 618.30 24 482.60 4.20% 450 210.90 156 890.00 34.85%
31.07.2019 582 618.30 570 562.90 12 055.40 2.11% 444 526.90 138 091.40 31.06%
30.06.2019 570 562.90 566 407.40 4 155.50 0.73% 437 553.90 133 009.00 30.40%
31.05.2019 566 407.40 558 831.40 7 576.00 1.36% 453 445.10 112 962.30 24.91%
30.04.2019 558 831.40 537 079.90 21 751.50 4.05% 453 553.20 105 278.20 23.21%
31.03.2019 537 079.90 525 302.00 11 777.90 2.24% 439 502.20 97 577.70 22.20%
28.02.2019 525 302.00 522 277.40 3 024.60 0.58% 430 083.60 95 218.40 22.14%
31.01.2019 522 277.40 453 308.70 68 968.70 15.21% 414 632.10 107 645.30 25.96%
31.12.2018 453 308.70 495 073.20 -41 764.50 -8.44% 390 885.50 62 423.20 15.97%
30.11.2018 495 073.20 472 855.70 22 217.50 4.70% 423 364.70 71 708.50 16.94%
31.10.2018 472 855.70 447 647.50 25 208.20 5.63% 428 069.30 44 786.40 10.46%
30.09.2018 447 647.50 450 210.90 -2 563.40 -0.57% 420 440.00 27 207.50 6.47%
31.08.2018 450 210.90 444 526.90 5 684.00 1.28% 429 976.00 20 234.90 4.71%
31.07.2018 444 526.90 437 553.90 6 973.00 1.59% 415 092.60 29 434.30 7.09%
30.06.2018 437 553.90 453 445.10 -15 891.20 -3.50% 400 670.80 36 883.10 9.21%
31.05.2018 453 445.10 453 553.20 - 108.10 -0.02% 413 944.70 39 500.40 9.54%
30.04.2018 453 553.20 439 502.20 14 051.00 3.20% 435 631.80 17 921.40 4.11%
31.03.2018 439 502.20 430 083.60 9 418.60 2.19% 415 733.60 23 768.60 5.72%
28.02.2018 430 083.60 414 632.10 15 451.50 3.73% 415 782.60 14 301.00 3.44%
31.01.2018 414 632.10 390 885.50 23 746.60 6.08% 411 235.10 3 397.00 0.83%
31.12.2017 390 885.50 423 364.70 -32 479.20 -7.67% 393 101.70 -2 216.20 -0.56%
30.11.2017 423 364.70 428 069.30 -4 704.60 -1.10% 403 265.90 20 098.80 4.98%
31.10.2017 428 069.30 420 440.00 7 629.30 1.81% 409 227.20 18 842.10 4.60%
30.09.2017 420 440.00 429 976.00 -9 536.00 -2.22% 417 017.00 3 423.00 0.82%
31.08.2017 429 976.00 415 092.60 14 883.40 3.59% 415 979.60 13 996.40 3.36%
31.07.2017 415 092.60 400 670.80 14 421.80 3.60% 426 832.70 -11 740.10 -2.75%
30.06.2017 400 670.80 413 944.70 -13 273.90 -3.21% 410 296.50 -9 625.70 -2.35%
31.05.2017 413 944.70 435 631.80 -21 687.10 -4.98% 426 466.30 -12 521.60 -2.94%
30.04.2017 435 631.80 415 733.60 19 898.20 4.79% 430 139.40 5 492.40 1.28%
31.03.2017 415 733.60 415 782.60 -49.00 -0.01% 428 209.30 -12 475.70 -2.91%
28.02.2017 415 782.60 411 235.10 4 547.50 1.11% 436 959.00 -21 176.40 -4.85%
31.01.2017 411 235.10 393 101.70 18 133.40 4.61% 448 330.60 -37 095.50 -8.27%
31.12.2016 393 101.70 403 265.90 -10 164.20 -2.52% 436 170.80 -43 069.10 -9.87%
30.11.2016 403 265.90 409 227.20 -5 961.30 -1.46% 445 908.60 -42 642.70 -9.56%
31.10.2016 409 227.20 417 017.00 -7 789.80 -1.87% 460 394.00 -51 166.80 -11.11%
30.09.2016 417 017.00 415 979.60 1 037.40 0.25% 455 058.10 -38 041.10 -8.36%
31.08.2016 415 979.60 426 832.70 -10 853.10 -2.54% 450 156.10 -34 176.50 -7.59%
31.07.2016 426 832.70 410 296.50 16 536.20 4.03% 472 160.20 -45 327.50 -9.60%
30.06.2016 410 296.50 426 466.30 -16 169.80 -3.79% 453 583.70 -43 287.20 -9.54%
31.05.2016 426 466.30 430 139.40 -3 673.10 -0.85% 451 605.00 -25 138.70 -5.57%
30.04.2016 430 139.40 428 209.30 1 930.10 0.45% 471 105.80 -40 966.40 -8.70%
31.03.2016 428 209.30 436 959.00 -8 749.70 -2.00% 449 647.40 -21 438.10 -4.77%
29.02.2016 436 959.00 448 330.60 -11 371.60 -2.54% 453 254.60 -16 295.60 -3.60%
31.01.2016 448 330.60 436 170.80 12 159.80 2.79% 455 042.40 -6 711.80 -1.47%
31.12.2015 436 170.80 445 908.60 -9 737.80 -2.18% 450 787.80 -14 617.00 -3.24%
30.11.2015 445 908.60 460 394.00 -14 485.40 -3.15% 452 854.30 -6 945.70 -1.53%
31.10.2015 460 394.00 455 058.10 5 335.90 1.17% 451 412.50 8 981.50 1.99%
30.09.2015 455 058.10 450 156.10 4 902.00 1.09% 457 063.60 -2 005.50 -0.44%
31.08.2015 450 156.10 472 160.20 -22 004.10 -4.66% 472 070.10 -21 914.00 -4.64%
31.07.2015 472 160.20 453 583.70 18 576.50 4.10% 488 865.70 -16 705.50 -3.42%
30.06.2015 453 583.70 451 605.00 1 978.70 0.44% 493 510.80 -39 927.10 -8.09%
31.05.2015 451 605.00 471 105.80 -19 500.80 -4.14% 517 759.30 -66 154.30 -12.78%
30.04.2015 471 105.80 449 647.40 21 458.40 4.77% 532 076.40 -60 970.60 -11.46%
31.03.2015 449 647.40 453 254.60 -3 607.20 -0.80% 523 106.30 -73 458.90 -14.04%
28.02.2015 453 254.60 455 042.40 -1 787.80 -0.39% 521 317.30 -68 062.70 -13.06%
31.01.2015 455 042.40 450 787.80 4 254.60 0.94% 512 561.90 -57 519.50 -11.22%
31.12.2014 450 787.80 452 854.30 -2 066.50 -0.46% 524 544.00 -73 756.20 -14.06%
30.11.2014 452 854.30 451 412.50 1 441.80 0.32% 519 842.70 -66 988.40 -12.89%
31.10.2014 451 412.50 457 063.60 -5 651.10 -1.24% 519 708.90 -68 296.40 -13.14%
30.09.2014 457 063.60 472 070.10 -15 006.50 -3.18% 529 946.00 -72 882.40 -13.75%
31.08.2014 472 070.10 488 865.70 -16 795.60 -3.44% 533 682.80 -61 612.70 -11.54%
31.07.2014 488 865.70 493 510.80 -4 645.10 -0.94% 538 609.40 -49 743.70 -9.24%
30.06.2014 493 510.80 517 759.30 -24 248.50 -4.68% 530 663.80 -37 153.00 -7.00%
31.05.2014 517 759.30 532 076.40 -14 317.10 -2.69% 532 727.00 -14 967.70 -2.81%
30.04.2014 532 076.40 523 106.30 8 970.10 1.71% 541 940.00 -9 863.60 -1.82%
31.03.2014 523 106.30 521 317.30 1 789.00 0.34% 549 884.20 -26 777.90 -4.87%
28.02.2014 521 317.30 512 561.90 8 755.40 1.71% 554 198.00 -32 880.70 -5.93%
31.01.2014 512 561.90 524 544.00 -11 982.10 -2.28% 550 396.60 -37 834.70 -6.87%
31.12.2013 524 544.00 519 842.70 4 701.30 0.90% 563 841.20 -39 297.20 -6.97%
30.11.2013 519 842.70 519 708.90 133.80 0.03% 573 271.00 -53 428.30 -9.32%
31.10.2013 519 708.90 529 946.00 -10 237.10 -1.93% 576 077.70 -56 368.80 -9.78%
30.09.2013 529 946.00 533 682.80 -3 736.80 -0.70% 596 530.20 -66 584.20 -11.16%
31.08.2013 533 682.80 538 609.40 -4 926.60 -0.91% 601 261.90 -67 579.10 -11.24%
31.07.2013 538 609.40 530 663.80 7 945.60 1.50% 590 883.20 -52 273.80 -8.85%
30.06.2013 530 663.80 532 727.00 -2 063.20 -0.39% 618 869.90 -88 206.10 -14.25%
31.05.2013 532 727.00 541 940.00 -9 213.00 -1.70% 616 333.60 -83 606.60 -13.57%
30.04.2013 541 940.00 549 884.20 -7 944.20 -1.44% 632 552.60 -90 612.60 -14.32%
31.03.2013 549 884.20 554 198.00 -4 313.80 -0.78% 622 648.80 -72 764.60 -11.69%
28.02.2013 554 198.00 550 396.60 3 801.40 0.69% 614 915.40 -60 717.40 -9.87%
31.01.2013 550 396.60 563 841.20 -13 444.60 -2.38% 607 066.30 -56 669.70 -9.34%
31.12.2012 563 841.20 573 271.00 -9 429.80 -1.64% 623 991.10 -60 149.90 -9.64%
30.11.2012 573 271.00 576 077.70 -2 806.70 -0.49% 608 867.40 -35 596.40 -5.85%
31.10.2012 576 077.70 596 530.20 -20 452.50 -3.43% 609 569.40 -33 491.70 -5.49%
30.09.2012 596 530.20 601 261.90 -4 731.70 -0.79% 611 856.00 -15 325.80 -2.50%
31.08.2012 601 261.90 590 883.20 10 378.70 1.76% 585 206.70 16 055.20 2.74%
31.07.2012 590 883.20 618 869.90 -27 986.70 -4.52% 606 931.60 -16 048.40 -2.64%
30.06.2012 618 869.90 616 333.60 2 536.30 0.41% 589 265.60 29 604.30 5.02%
31.05.2012 616 333.60 632 552.60 -16 219.00 -2.56% 588 114.70 28 218.90 4.80%
30.04.2012 632 552.60 622 648.80 9 903.80 1.59% 591 307.40 41 245.20 6.98%
31.03.2012 622 648.80 614 915.40 7 733.40 1.26% 567 546.40 55 102.40 9.71%
29.02.2012 614 915.40 607 066.30 7 849.10 1.29% 567 479.40 47 436.00 8.36%
31.01.2012 607 066.30 623 991.10 -16 924.80 -2.71% 569 191.50 37 874.80 6.65%
31.12.2011 623 991.10 608 867.40 15 123.70 2.48% 587 584.30 36 406.80 6.20%
30.11.2011 608 867.40 609 569.40 - 702.00 -0.12% 562 058.80 46 808.60 8.33%
31.10.2011 609 569.40 611 856.00 -2 286.60 -0.37% 583 464.80 26 104.60 4.47%
30.09.2011 611 856.00 585 206.70 26 649.30 4.55% 570 786.60 41 069.40 7.20%
31.08.2011 585 206.70 606 931.60 -21 724.90 -3.58% 581 932.80 3 273.90 0.56%
31.07.2011 606 931.60 589 265.60 17 666.00 3.00% 621 364.80 -14 433.20 -2.32%
30.06.2011 589 265.60 588 114.70 1 150.90 0.20% 606 536.70 -17 271.10 -2.85%
31.05.2011 588 114.70 591 307.40 -3 192.70 -0.54% 613 334.10 -25 219.40 -4.11%
30.04.2011 591 307.40 567 546.40 23 761.00 4.19% 655 832.30 -64 524.90 -9.84%
31.03.2011 567 546.40 567 479.40 67.00 0.01% 600 562.40 -33 016.00 -5.50%
28.02.2011 567 479.40 569 191.50 -1 712.10 -0.30% 611 680.70 -44 201.30 -7.23%
31.01.2011 569 191.50 587 584.30 -18 392.80 -3.13% 603 829.40 -34 637.90 -5.74%
31.12.2010 587 584.30 562 058.80 25 525.50 4.54% 624 653.60 -37 069.30 -5.93%
30.11.2010 562 058.80 583 464.80 -21 406.00 -3.67% 575 704.90 -13 646.10 -2.37%
31.10.2010 583 464.80 570 786.60 12 678.20 2.22% 606 875.40 -23 410.60 -3.86%
30.09.2010 570 786.60 581 932.80 -11 146.20 -1.92% 584 229.50 -13 442.90 -2.30%
31.08.2010 581 932.80 621 364.80 -39 432.00 -6.35% 598 911.10 -16 978.30 -2.83%
31.07.2010 621 364.80 606 536.70 14 828.10 2.44% 631 404.10 -10 039.30 -1.59%
30.06.2010 606 536.70 613 334.10 -6 797.40 -1.11% 618 107.90 -11 571.20 -1.87%
31.05.2010 613 334.10 655 832.30 -42 498.20 -6.48% 689 959.80 -76 625.70 -11.11%
30.04.2010 655 832.30 600 562.40 55 269.90 9.20% 672 553.50 -16 721.20 -2.49%
31.03.2010 600 562.40 611 680.70 -11 118.30 -1.82% 638 762.40 -38 200.00 -5.98%
28.02.2010 611 680.70 603 829.40 7 851.30 1.30% 670 085.10 -58 404.40 -8.72%
31.01.2010 603 829.40 624 653.60 -20 824.20 -3.33% 677 939.30 -74 109.90 -10.93%
31.12.2009 624 653.60 575 704.90 48 948.70 8.50% 654 428.80 -29 775.20 -4.55%
30.11.2009 575 704.90 606 875.40 -31 170.50 -5.14% 700 789.90 - 125 085.00 -17.85%
31.10.2009 606 875.40 584 229.50 22 645.90 3.88% 717 365.70 - 110 490.30 -15.40%
30.09.2009 584 229.50 598 911.10 -14 681.60 -2.45% 702 616.50 - 118 387.00 -16.85%
31.08.2009 598 911.10 631 404.10 -32 493.00 -5.15% 751 354.00 - 152 442.90 -20.29%
31.07.2009 631 404.10 618 107.90 13 296.20 2.15% 716 643.10 -85 239.00 -11.89%
30.06.2009 618 107.90 689 959.80 -71 851.90 -10.41% 689 840.20 -71 732.30 -10.40%
31.05.2009 689 959.80 672 553.50 17 406.30 2.59% 746 795.50 -56 835.70 -7.61%
30.04.2009 672 553.50 638 762.40 33 791.10 5.29% 747 023.50 -74 470.00 -9.97%
31.03.2009 638 762.40 670 085.10 -31 322.70 -4.67% 695 781.90 -57 019.50 -8.20%
28.02.2009 670 085.10 677 939.30 -7 854.20 -1.16% 739 312.80 -69 227.70 -9.36%
31.01.2009 677 939.30 654 428.80 23 510.50 3.59% 700 848.50 -22 909.20 -3.27%
31.12.2008 654 428.80 700 789.90 -46 361.10 -6.62% 731 598.90 -77 170.10 -10.55%
30.11.2008 700 789.90 717 365.70 -16 575.80 -2.31% 719 660.10 -18 870.20 -2.62%
31.10.2008 717 365.70 702 616.50 14 749.20 2.10% 692 243.80 25 121.90 3.63%
30.09.2008 702 616.50 751 354.00 -48 737.50 -6.49% 721 048.40 -18 431.90 -2.56%
31.08.2008 751 354.00 716 643.10 34 710.90 4.84% 732 007.40 19 346.60 2.64%
31.07.2008 716 643.10 689 840.20 26 802.90 3.89% 692 847.90 23 795.20 3.43%
30.06.2008 689 840.20 746 795.50 -56 955.30 -7.63% 737 505.70 -47 665.50 -6.46%
31.05.2008 746 795.50 747 023.50 - 228.00 -0.03% 717 496.80 29 298.70 4.08%
30.04.2008 747 023.50 695 781.90 51 241.60 7.36% 749 823.00 -2 799.50 -0.37%
31.03.2008 695 781.90 739 312.80 -43 530.90 -5.89% 731 786.90 -36 005.00 -4.92%
29.02.2008 739 312.80 700 848.50 38 464.30 5.49% 694 730.40 44 582.40 6.42%
31.01.2008 700 848.50 731 598.90 -30 750.40 -4.20% 683 706.40 17 142.10 2.51%
31.12.2007 731 598.90 719 660.10 11 938.80 1.66% 693 742.50 37 856.40 5.46%
30.11.2007 719 660.10 692 243.80 27 416.30 3.96% 663 066.30 56 593.80 8.54%
31.10.2007 692 243.80 721 048.40 -28 804.60 -3.99% 669 482.70 22 761.10 3.40%
30.09.2007 721 048.40 732 007.40 -10 959.00 -1.50% 681 507.30 39 541.10 5.80%
31.08.2007 732 007.40 692 847.90 39 159.50 5.65% 674 297.90 57 709.50 8.56%
31.07.2007 692 847.90 737 505.70 -44 657.80 -6.06% 669 482.40 23 365.50 3.49%
30.06.2007 737 505.70 717 496.80 20 008.90 2.79% 702 701.70 34 804.00 4.95%
31.05.2007 717 496.80 749 823.00 -32 326.20 -4.31% 677 060.60 40 436.20 5.97%
30.04.2007 749 823.00 731 786.90 18 036.10 2.46% 719 706.60 30 116.40 4.18%
31.03.2007 731 786.90 694 730.40 37 056.50 5.33% 708 473.60 23 313.30 3.29%
28.02.2007 694 730.40 683 706.40 11 024.00 1.61% 679 891.90 14 838.50 2.18%
31.01.2007 683 706.40 693 742.50 -10 036.10 -1.45% 672 373.90 11 332.50 1.69%
31.12.2006 693 742.50 663 066.30 30 676.20 4.63% 690 849.50 2 893.00 0.42%
30.11.2006 663 066.30 669 482.70 -6 416.40 -0.96% 694 973.70 -31 907.40 -4.59%
31.10.2006 669 482.70 681 507.30 -12 024.60 -1.76% 696 878.50 -27 395.80 -3.93%
30.09.2006 681 507.30 674 297.90 7 209.40 1.07% 714 296.50 -32 789.20 -4.59%
31.08.2006 674 297.90 669 482.40 4 815.50 0.72% 700 059.30 -25 761.40 -3.68%
31.07.2006 669 482.40 702 701.70 -33 219.30 -4.73% 719 845.90 -50 363.50 -7.00%
30.06.2006 702 701.70 677 060.60 25 641.10 3.79% 722 130.00 -19 428.30 -2.69%
31.05.2006 677 060.60 719 706.60 -42 646.00 -5.93% 714 054.60 -36 994.00 -5.18%
30.04.2006 719 706.60 708 473.60 11 233.00 1.59% 731 148.80 -11 442.20 -1.56%
31.03.2006 708 473.60 679 891.90 28 581.70 4.20% 686 614.20 21 859.40 3.18%
28.02.2006 679 891.90 672 373.90 7 518.00 1.12% 696 619.20 -16 727.30 -2.40%
31.01.2006 672 373.90 690 849.50 -18 475.60 -2.67% 675 367.40 -2 993.50 -0.44%
31.12.2005 690 849.50 694 973.70 -4 124.20 -0.59% 693 365.50 -2 516.00 -0.36%
30.11.2005 694 973.70 696 878.50 -1 904.80 -0.27% 692 251.30 2 722.40 0.39%
31.10.2005 696 878.50 714 296.50 -17 418.00 -2.44% 720 020.50 -23 142.00 -3.21%
30.09.2005 714 296.50 700 059.30 14 237.20 2.03% 706 412.00 7 884.50 1.12%
31.08.2005 700 059.30 719 845.90 -19 786.60 -2.75% 702 984.70 -2 925.40 -0.42%
31.07.2005 719 845.90 722 130.00 -2 284.10 -0.32% 717 396.80 2 449.10 0.34%
30.06.2005 722 130.00 714 054.60 8 075.40 1.13% 698 534.70 23 595.30 3.38%
31.05.2005 714 054.60 731 148.80 -17 094.20 -2.34% 703 064.50 10 990.10 1.56%
30.04.2005 731 148.80 686 614.20 44 534.60 6.49% 726 712.40 4 436.40 0.61%
31.03.2005 686 614.20 696 619.20 -10 005.00 -1.44% 691 008.70 -4 394.50 -0.64%
28.02.2005 696 619.20 675 367.40 21 251.80 3.15% 701 611.60 -4 992.40 -0.71%
31.01.2005 675 367.40 693 365.50 -17 998.10 -2.60% 693 725.40 -18 358.00 -2.65%
31.12.2004 693 365.50 692 251.30 1 114.20 0.16% 683 710.40 9 655.10 1.41%
30.11.2004 692 251.30 720 020.50 -27 769.20 -3.86% 669 186.70 23 064.60 3.45%
31.10.2004 720 020.50 706 412.00 13 608.50 1.93% 674 531.70 45 488.80 6.74%
30.09.2004 706 412.00 702 984.70 3 427.30 0.49% 658 233.40 48 178.60 7.32%
31.08.2004 702 984.70 717 396.80 -14 412.10 -2.01% 699 653.30 3 331.40 0.48%
31.07.2004 717 396.80 698 534.70 18 862.10 2.70% 675 727.40 41 669.40 6.17%
30.06.2004 698 534.70 703 064.50 -4 529.80 -0.64% 656 687.00 41 847.70 6.37%
31.05.2004 703 064.50 726 712.40 -23 647.90 -3.25% 684 991.80 18 072.70 2.64%
30.04.2004 726 712.40 691 008.70 35 703.70 5.17% 693 747.10 32 965.30 4.75%
31.03.2004 691 008.70 701 611.60 -10 602.90 -1.51% 659 840.10 31 168.60 4.72%
29.02.2004 701 611.60 693 725.40 7 886.20 1.14% 680 725.30 20 886.30 3.07%
31.01.2004 693 725.40 683 710.40 10 015.00 1.46% 687 209.80 6 515.60 0.95%
31.12.2003 683 710.40 669 186.70 14 523.70 2.17% 663 260.40 20 450.00 3.08%
30.11.2003 669 186.70 674 531.70 -5 345.00 -0.79% 685 261.70 -16 075.00 -2.35%
31.10.2003 674 531.70 658 233.40 16 298.30 2.48% 670 374.70 4 157.00 0.62%
30.09.2003 658 233.40 699 653.30 -41 419.90 -5.92% 659 519.40 -1 286.00 -0.19%
31.08.2003 699 653.30 675 727.40 23 925.90 3.54% 588 693.30 110 960.00 18.85%
31.07.2003 675 727.40 656 687.00 19 040.40 2.90% 570 051.60 105 675.80 18.54%
30.06.2003 656 687.00 684 991.80 -28 304.80 -4.13% 577 990.80 78 696.20 13.62%
31.05.2003 684 991.80 693 747.10 -8 755.30 -1.26% 618 392.80 66 599.00 10.77%
30.04.2003 693 747.10 659 840.10 33 907.00 5.14% 627 691.50 66 055.60 10.52%
31.03.2003 659 840.10 680 725.30 -20 885.20 -3.07% 624 385.60 35 454.50 5.68%
28.02.2003 680 725.30 687 209.80 -6 484.50 -0.94% 612 116.00 68 609.30 11.21%
31.01.2003 687 209.80 663 260.40 23 949.40 3.61% 603 154.30 84 055.50 13.94%
31.12.2002 663 260.40 685 261.70 -22 001.30 -3.21% - - -
30.11.2002 685 261.70 670 374.70 14 887.00 2.22% - - -
31.10.2002 670 374.70 659 519.40 10 855.30 1.65% - - -
30.09.2002 659 519.40 588 693.30 70 826.10 12.03% - - -
31.08.2002 588 693.30 570 051.60 18 641.70 3.27% - - -
31.07.2002 570 051.60 577 990.80 -7 939.20 -1.37% - - -
30.06.2002 577 990.80 618 392.80 -40 402.00 -6.53% - - -
31.05.2002 618 392.80 627 691.50 -9 298.70 -1.48% - - -
30.04.2002 627 691.50 624 385.60 3 305.90 0.53% - - -
31.03.2002 624 385.60 612 116.00 12 269.60 2.00% - - -
28.02.2002 612 116.00 603 154.30 8 961.70 1.49% - - -
31.01.2002 603 154.30 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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