Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Client loans by sector (CZK)

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Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.03.2020 157 606.40
Min 31.01.1993 591.40

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.07.2020 155 017.20 152 616.90 2 400.30 1.57% 153 061.00 1 956.20 1.28%
30.06.2020 152 616.90 152 407.90 209.00 0.14% 156 248.50 -3 631.60 -2.32%
31.05.2020 152 407.90 150 958.20 1 449.70 0.96% 152 295.40 112.50 0.07%
30.04.2020 150 958.20 157 606.40 -6 648.20 -4.22% 149 062.20 1 896.00 1.27%
31.03.2020 157 606.40 154 494.00 3 112.40 2.01% 148 738.30 8 868.10 5.96%
29.02.2020 154 494.00 153 828.60 665.40 0.43% 147 793.70 6 700.30 4.53%
31.01.2020 153 828.60 152 812.00 1 016.60 0.67% 148 615.60 5 213.00 3.51%
31.12.2019 152 812.00 151 439.90 1 372.10 0.91% 143 709.60 9 102.40 6.33%
30.11.2019 151 439.90 154 897.90 -3 458.00 -2.23% 143 899.30 7 540.60 5.24%
31.10.2019 154 897.90 151 891.70 3 006.20 1.98% 147 041.60 7 856.30 5.34%
30.09.2019 151 891.70 152 280.10 - 388.40 -0.26% 151 307.80 583.90 0.39%
31.08.2019 152 280.10 153 061.00 - 780.90 -0.51% 148 190.00 4 090.10 2.76%
31.07.2019 153 061.00 156 248.50 -3 187.50 -2.04% 151 296.80 1 764.20 1.17%
30.06.2019 156 248.50 152 295.40 3 953.10 2.60% 149 405.60 6 842.90 4.58%
31.05.2019 152 295.40 149 062.20 3 233.20 2.17% 142 673.90 9 621.50 6.74%
30.04.2019 149 062.20 148 738.30 323.90 0.22% 141 937.80 7 124.40 5.02%
31.03.2019 148 738.30 147 793.70 944.60 0.64% 143 431.80 5 306.50 3.70%
28.02.2019 147 793.70 148 615.60 - 821.90 -0.55% 140 268.90 7 524.80 5.36%
31.01.2019 148 615.60 143 709.60 4 906.00 3.41% 141 681.90 6 933.70 4.89%
31.12.2018 143 709.60 143 899.30 - 189.70 -0.13% 139 704.00 4 005.60 2.87%
30.11.2018 143 899.30 147 041.60 -3 142.30 -2.14% 142 839.70 1 059.60 0.74%
31.10.2018 147 041.60 151 307.80 -4 266.20 -2.82% 140 091.70 6 949.90 4.96%
30.09.2018 151 307.80 148 190.00 3 117.80 2.10% 139 980.50 11 327.30 8.09%
31.08.2018 148 190.00 151 296.80 -3 106.80 -2.05% 139 536.00 8 654.00 6.20%
31.07.2018 151 296.80 149 405.60 1 891.20 1.27% 137 837.10 13 459.70 9.76%
30.06.2018 149 405.60 142 673.90 6 731.70 4.72% 136 878.30 12 527.30 9.15%
31.05.2018 142 673.90 141 937.80 736.10 0.52% 133 343.30 9 330.60 7.00%
30.04.2018 141 937.80 143 431.80 -1 494.00 -1.04% 136 797.20 5 140.60 3.76%
31.03.2018 143 431.80 140 268.90 3 162.90 2.25% 129 156.20 14 275.60 11.05%
28.02.2018 140 268.90 141 681.90 -1 413.00 -1.00% 129 579.70 10 689.20 8.25%
31.01.2018 141 681.90 139 704.00 1 977.90 1.42% 131 628.00 10 053.90 7.64%
31.12.2017 139 704.00 142 839.70 -3 135.70 -2.20% 131 608.20 8 095.80 6.15%
30.11.2017 142 839.70 140 091.70 2 748.00 1.96% 130 724.30 12 115.40 9.27%
31.10.2017 140 091.70 139 980.50 111.20 0.08% 127 047.20 13 044.50 10.27%
30.09.2017 139 980.50 139 536.00 444.50 0.32% 130 004.70 9 975.80 7.67%
31.08.2017 139 536.00 137 837.10 1 698.90 1.23% 123 512.20 16 023.80 12.97%
31.07.2017 137 837.10 136 878.30 958.80 0.70% 123 282.70 14 554.40 11.81%
30.06.2017 136 878.30 133 343.30 3 535.00 2.65% 123 985.60 12 892.70 10.40%
31.05.2017 133 343.30 136 797.20 -3 453.90 -2.52% 116 700.10 16 643.20 14.26%
30.04.2017 136 797.20 129 156.20 7 641.00 5.92% 115 032.00 21 765.20 18.92%
31.03.2017 129 156.20 129 579.70 - 423.50 -0.33% 112 571.10 16 585.10 14.73%
28.02.2017 129 579.70 131 628.00 -2 048.30 -1.56% 111 764.60 17 815.10 15.94%
31.01.2017 131 628.00 131 608.20 19.80 0.01% 110 350.50 21 277.50 19.28%
31.12.2016 131 608.20 130 724.30 883.90 0.68% 111 099.10 20 509.10 18.46%
30.11.2016 130 724.30 127 047.20 3 677.10 2.89% 109 154.00 21 570.30 19.76%
31.10.2016 127 047.20 130 004.70 -2 957.50 -2.27% 107 219.30 19 827.90 18.49%
30.09.2016 130 004.70 123 512.20 6 492.50 5.26% 104 220.20 25 784.50 24.74%
31.08.2016 123 512.20 123 282.70 229.50 0.19% 103 561.10 19 951.10 19.27%
31.07.2016 123 282.70 123 985.60 - 702.90 -0.57% 102 959.90 20 322.80 19.74%
30.06.2016 123 985.60 116 700.10 7 285.50 6.24% 98 947.30 25 038.30 25.30%
31.05.2016 116 700.10 115 032.00 1 668.10 1.45% 104 016.70 12 683.40 12.19%
30.04.2016 115 032.00 112 571.10 2 460.90 2.19% 103 787.40 11 244.60 10.83%
31.03.2016 112 571.10 111 764.60 806.50 0.72% 104 396.10 8 175.00 7.83%
29.02.2016 111 764.60 110 350.50 1 414.10 1.28% 107 412.80 4 351.80 4.05%
31.01.2016 110 350.50 111 099.10 - 748.60 -0.67% 108 329.00 2 021.50 1.87%
31.12.2015 111 099.10 109 154.00 1 945.10 1.78% 109 291.90 1 807.20 1.65%
30.11.2015 109 154.00 107 219.30 1 934.70 1.80% 107 223.70 1 930.30 1.80%
31.10.2015 107 219.30 104 220.20 2 999.10 2.88% 108 424.20 -1 204.90 -1.11%
30.09.2015 104 220.20 103 561.10 659.10 0.64% 102 581.60 1 638.60 1.60%
31.08.2015 103 561.10 102 959.90 601.20 0.58% 104 042.00 - 480.90 -0.46%
31.07.2015 102 959.90 98 947.30 4 012.60 4.06% 104 743.60 -1 783.70 -1.70%
30.06.2015 98 947.30 104 016.70 -5 069.40 -4.87% 101 139.20 -2 191.90 -2.17%
31.05.2015 104 016.70 103 787.40 229.30 0.22% 99 188.30 4 828.40 4.87%
30.04.2015 103 787.40 104 396.10 - 608.70 -0.58% 97 316.00 6 471.40 6.65%
31.03.2015 104 396.10 107 412.80 -3 016.70 -2.81% 96 521.90 7 874.20 8.16%
28.02.2015 107 412.80 108 329.00 - 916.20 -0.85% 90 396.00 17 016.80 18.82%
31.01.2015 108 329.00 109 291.90 - 962.90 -0.88% 90 110.40 18 218.60 20.22%
31.12.2014 109 291.90 107 223.70 2 068.20 1.93% 93 818.10 15 473.80 16.49%
30.11.2014 107 223.70 108 424.20 -1 200.50 -1.11% 94 137.80 13 085.90 13.90%
31.10.2014 108 424.20 102 581.60 5 842.60 5.70% 93 934.00 14 490.20 15.43%
30.09.2014 102 581.60 104 042.00 -1 460.40 -1.40% 96 168.10 6 413.50 6.67%
31.08.2014 104 042.00 104 743.60 - 701.60 -0.67% 95 429.60 8 612.40 9.02%
31.07.2014 104 743.60 101 139.20 3 604.40 3.56% 97 275.70 7 467.90 7.68%
30.06.2014 101 139.20 99 188.30 1 950.90 1.97% 95 357.70 5 781.50 6.06%
31.05.2014 99 188.30 97 316.00 1 872.30 1.92% 93 348.90 5 839.40 6.26%
30.04.2014 97 316.00 96 521.90 794.10 0.82% 92 138.50 5 177.50 5.62%
31.03.2014 96 521.90 90 396.00 6 125.90 6.78% 91 967.30 4 554.60 4.95%
28.02.2014 90 396.00 90 110.40 285.60 0.32% 93 521.60 -3 125.60 -3.34%
31.01.2014 90 110.40 93 818.10 -3 707.70 -3.95% 93 965.80 -3 855.40 -4.10%
31.12.2013 93 818.10 94 137.80 - 319.70 -0.34% 96 965.30 -3 147.20 -3.25%
30.11.2013 94 137.80 93 934.00 203.80 0.22% 93 171.30 966.50 1.04%
31.10.2013 93 934.00 96 168.10 -2 234.10 -2.32% 92 674.80 1 259.20 1.36%
30.09.2013 96 168.10 95 429.60 738.50 0.77% 92 590.40 3 577.70 3.86%
31.08.2013 95 429.60 97 275.70 -1 846.10 -1.90% 92 442.70 2 986.90 3.23%
31.07.2013 97 275.70 95 357.70 1 918.00 2.01% 94 349.80 2 925.90 3.10%
30.06.2013 95 357.70 93 348.90 2 008.80 2.15% 95 152.80 204.90 0.22%
31.05.2013 93 348.90 92 138.50 1 210.40 1.31% 95 399.60 -2 050.70 -2.15%
30.04.2013 92 138.50 91 967.30 171.20 0.19% 94 465.70 -2 327.20 -2.46%
31.03.2013 91 967.30 93 521.60 -1 554.30 -1.66% 96 344.80 -4 377.50 -4.54%
28.02.2013 93 521.60 93 965.80 - 444.20 -0.47% 95 538.40 -2 016.80 -2.11%
31.01.2013 93 965.80 96 965.30 -2 999.50 -3.09% 96 125.30 -2 159.50 -2.25%
31.12.2012 96 965.30 93 171.30 3 794.00 4.07% 98 102.60 -1 137.30 -1.16%
30.11.2012 93 171.30 92 674.80 496.50 0.54% 96 786.80 -3 615.50 -3.74%
31.10.2012 92 674.80 92 590.40 84.40 0.09% 97 314.40 -4 639.60 -4.77%
30.09.2012 92 590.40 92 442.70 147.70 0.16% 99 208.70 -6 618.30 -6.67%
31.08.2012 92 442.70 94 349.80 -1 907.10 -2.02% 98 507.30 -6 064.60 -6.16%
31.07.2012 94 349.80 95 152.80 - 803.00 -0.84% 101 274.90 -6 925.10 -6.84%
30.06.2012 95 152.80 95 399.60 - 246.80 -0.26% 99 811.50 -4 658.70 -4.67%
31.05.2012 95 399.60 94 465.70 933.90 0.99% 99 142.50 -3 742.90 -3.78%
30.04.2012 94 465.70 96 344.80 -1 879.10 -1.95% 101 085.00 -6 619.30 -6.55%
31.03.2012 96 344.80 95 538.40 806.40 0.84% 99 516.90 -3 172.10 -3.19%
29.02.2012 95 538.40 96 125.30 - 586.90 -0.61% 99 163.20 -3 624.80 -3.66%
31.01.2012 96 125.30 98 102.60 -1 977.30 -2.02% 101 156.20 -5 030.90 -4.97%
31.12.2011 98 102.60 96 786.80 1 315.80 1.36% 103 615.10 -5 512.50 -5.32%
30.11.2011 96 786.80 97 314.40 - 527.60 -0.54% 102 782.40 -5 995.60 -5.83%
31.10.2011 97 314.40 99 208.70 -1 894.30 -1.91% 101 540.60 -4 226.20 -4.16%
30.09.2011 99 208.70 98 507.30 701.40 0.71% 98 960.20 248.50 0.25%
31.08.2011 98 507.30 101 274.90 -2 767.60 -2.73% 105 011.90 -6 504.60 -6.19%
31.07.2011 101 274.90 99 811.50 1 463.40 1.47% 105 309.00 -4 034.10 -3.83%
30.06.2011 99 811.50 99 142.50 669.00 0.67% 108 474.10 -8 662.60 -7.99%
31.05.2011 99 142.50 101 085.00 -1 942.50 -1.92% 106 515.40 -7 372.90 -6.92%
30.04.2011 101 085.00 99 516.90 1 568.10 1.58% 108 351.60 -7 266.60 -6.71%
31.03.2011 99 516.90 99 163.20 353.70 0.36% 101 060.80 -1 543.90 -1.53%
28.02.2011 99 163.20 101 156.20 -1 993.00 -1.97% 103 949.60 -4 786.40 -4.60%
31.01.2011 101 156.20 103 615.10 -2 458.90 -2.37% 106 941.70 -5 785.50 -5.41%
31.12.2010 103 615.10 102 782.40 832.70 0.81% 111 834.20 -8 219.10 -7.35%
30.11.2010 102 782.40 101 540.60 1 241.80 1.22% 116 042.90 -13 260.50 -11.43%
31.10.2010 101 540.60 98 960.20 2 580.40 2.61% 117 318.40 -15 777.80 -13.45%
30.09.2010 98 960.20 105 011.90 -6 051.70 -5.76% 119 295.20 -20 335.00 -17.05%
31.08.2010 105 011.90 105 309.00 - 297.10 -0.28% 119 735.80 -14 723.90 -12.30%
31.07.2010 105 309.00 108 474.10 -3 165.10 -2.92% 125 273.10 -19 964.10 -15.94%
30.06.2010 108 474.10 106 515.40 1 958.70 1.84% 128 830.80 -20 356.70 -15.80%
31.05.2010 106 515.40 108 351.60 -1 836.20 -1.69% 128 813.30 -22 297.90 -17.31%
30.04.2010 108 351.60 101 060.80 7 290.80 7.21% 130 734.80 -22 383.20 -17.12%
31.03.2010 101 060.80 103 949.60 -2 888.80 -2.78% 125 461.60 -24 400.80 -19.45%
28.02.2010 103 949.60 106 941.70 -2 992.10 -2.80% 127 554.80 -23 605.20 -18.51%
31.01.2010 106 941.70 111 834.20 -4 892.50 -4.37% 133 570.00 -26 628.30 -19.94%
31.12.2009 111 834.20 116 042.90 -4 208.70 -3.63% 130 350.50 -18 516.30 -14.21%
30.11.2009 116 042.90 117 318.40 -1 275.50 -1.09% 133 360.40 -17 317.50 -12.99%
31.10.2009 117 318.40 119 295.20 -1 976.80 -1.66% 135 244.30 -17 925.90 -13.25%
30.09.2009 119 295.20 119 735.80 - 440.60 -0.37% 137 521.60 -18 226.40 -13.25%
31.08.2009 119 735.80 125 273.10 -5 537.30 -4.42% 138 045.00 -18 309.20 -13.26%
31.07.2009 125 273.10 128 830.80 -3 557.70 -2.76% 142 338.40 -17 065.30 -11.99%
30.06.2009 128 830.80 128 813.30 17.50 0.01% 141 606.10 -12 775.30 -9.02%
31.05.2009 128 813.30 130 734.80 -1 921.50 -1.47% 135 895.30 -7 082.00 -5.21%
30.04.2009 130 734.80 125 461.60 5 273.20 4.20% 131 366.40 - 631.60 -0.48%
31.03.2009 125 461.60 127 554.80 -2 093.20 -1.64% 128 661.90 -3 200.30 -2.49%
28.02.2009 127 554.80 133 570.00 -6 015.20 -4.50% 125 816.80 1 738.00 1.38%
31.01.2009 133 570.00 130 350.50 3 219.50 2.47% 126 255.80 7 314.20 5.79%
31.12.2008 130 350.50 133 360.40 -3 009.90 -2.26% 128 471.00 1 879.50 1.46%
30.11.2008 133 360.40 135 244.30 -1 883.90 -1.39% 122 911.30 10 449.10 8.50%
31.10.2008 135 244.30 137 521.60 -2 277.30 -1.66% 120 197.80 15 046.50 12.52%
30.09.2008 137 521.60 138 045.00 - 523.40 -0.38% 108 367.70 29 153.90 26.90%
31.08.2008 138 045.00 142 338.40 -4 293.40 -3.02% 105 639.20 32 405.80 30.68%
31.07.2008 142 338.40 141 606.10 732.30 0.52% 105 679.90 36 658.50 34.69%
30.06.2008 141 606.10 135 895.30 5 710.80 4.20% 100 029.70 41 576.40 41.56%
31.05.2008 135 895.30 131 366.40 4 528.90 3.45% 94 429.40 41 465.90 43.91%
30.04.2008 131 366.40 128 661.90 2 704.50 2.10% 91 551.80 39 814.60 43.49%
31.03.2008 128 661.90 125 816.80 2 845.10 2.26% 90 729.60 37 932.30 41.81%
29.02.2008 125 816.80 126 255.80 - 439.00 -0.35% 90 061.30 35 755.50 39.70%
31.01.2008 126 255.80 128 471.00 -2 215.20 -1.72% 86 559.60 39 696.20 45.86%
31.12.2007 128 471.00 122 911.30 5 559.70 4.52% 86 726.80 41 744.20 48.13%
30.11.2007 122 911.30 120 197.80 2 713.50 2.26% 81 415.70 41 495.60 50.97%
31.10.2007 120 197.80 108 367.70 11 830.10 10.92% 84 379.90 35 817.90 42.45%
30.09.2007 108 367.70 105 639.20 2 728.50 2.58% 86 175.90 22 191.80 25.75%
31.08.2007 105 639.20 105 679.90 -40.70 -0.04% 85 409.60 20 229.60 23.69%
31.07.2007 105 679.90 100 029.70 5 650.20 5.65% 85 793.70 19 886.20 23.18%
30.06.2007 100 029.70 94 429.40 5 600.30 5.93% 86 351.10 13 678.60 15.84%
31.05.2007 94 429.40 91 551.80 2 877.60 3.14% 88 941.60 5 487.80 6.17%
30.04.2007 91 551.80 90 729.60 822.20 0.91% 86 618.40 4 933.40 5.70%
31.03.2007 90 729.60 90 061.30 668.30 0.74% 87 248.10 3 481.50 3.99%
28.02.2007 90 061.30 86 559.60 3 501.70 4.05% 83 944.70 6 116.60 7.29%
31.01.2007 86 559.60 86 726.80 - 167.20 -0.19% 84 316.20 2 243.40 2.66%
31.12.2006 86 726.80 81 415.70 5 311.10 6.52% 87 415.40 - 688.60 -0.79%
30.11.2006 81 415.70 84 379.90 -2 964.20 -3.51% 83 307.50 -1 891.80 -2.27%
31.10.2006 84 379.90 86 175.90 -1 796.00 -2.08% 84 228.60 151.30 0.18%
30.09.2006 86 175.90 85 409.60 766.30 0.90% 84 280.50 1 895.40 2.25%
31.08.2006 85 409.60 85 793.70 - 384.10 -0.45% 79 974.30 5 435.30 6.80%
31.07.2006 85 793.70 86 351.10 - 557.40 -0.65% 79 011.90 6 781.80 8.58%
30.06.2006 86 351.10 88 941.60 -2 590.50 -2.91% 79 718.00 6 633.10 8.32%
31.05.2006 88 941.60 86 618.40 2 323.20 2.68% 76 791.00 12 150.60 15.82%
30.04.2006 86 618.40 87 248.10 - 629.70 -0.72% 74 161.10 12 457.30 16.80%
31.03.2006 87 248.10 83 944.70 3 303.40 3.94% 72 375.90 14 872.20 20.55%
28.02.2006 83 944.70 84 316.20 - 371.50 -0.44% 73 608.80 10 335.90 14.04%
31.01.2006 84 316.20 87 415.40 -3 099.20 -3.55% 73 508.80 10 807.40 14.70%
31.12.2005 87 415.40 83 307.50 4 107.90 4.93% 72 354.00 15 061.40 20.82%
30.11.2005 83 307.50 84 228.60 - 921.10 -1.09% 71 208.50 12 099.00 16.99%
31.10.2005 84 228.60 84 280.50 -51.90 -0.06% 70 923.40 13 305.20 18.76%
30.09.2005 84 280.50 79 974.30 4 306.20 5.38% 70 143.90 14 136.60 20.15%
31.08.2005 79 974.30 79 011.90 962.40 1.22% 70 786.70 9 187.60 12.98%
31.07.2005 79 011.90 79 718.00 - 706.10 -0.89% 73 553.30 5 458.60 7.42%
30.06.2005 79 718.00 76 791.00 2 927.00 3.81% 75 532.60 4 185.40 5.54%
31.05.2005 76 791.00 74 161.10 2 629.90 3.55% 75 135.20 1 655.80 2.20%
30.04.2005 74 161.10 72 375.90 1 785.20 2.47% 74 525.00 - 363.90 -0.49%
31.03.2005 72 375.90 73 608.80 -1 232.90 -1.67% 72 215.40 160.50 0.22%
28.02.2005 73 608.80 73 508.80 100.00 0.14% 68 702.70 4 906.10 7.14%
31.01.2005 73 508.80 72 354.00 1 154.80 1.60% 71 275.60 2 233.20 3.13%
31.12.2004 72 354.00 71 208.50 1 145.50 1.61% 72 617.80 - 263.80 -0.36%
30.11.2004 71 208.50 70 923.40 285.10 0.40% 72 995.10 -1 786.60 -2.45%
31.10.2004 70 923.40 70 143.90 779.50 1.11% 68 965.30 1 958.10 2.84%
30.09.2004 70 143.90 70 786.70 - 642.80 -0.91% 66 414.00 3 729.90 5.62%
31.08.2004 70 786.70 73 553.30 -2 766.60 -3.76% 65 138.60 5 648.10 8.67%
31.07.2004 73 553.30 75 532.60 -1 979.30 -2.62% 65 765.90 7 787.40 11.84%
30.06.2004 75 532.60 75 135.20 397.40 0.53% 65 087.20 10 445.40 16.05%
31.05.2004 75 135.20 74 525.00 610.20 0.82% 60 469.40 14 665.80 24.25%
30.04.2004 74 525.00 72 215.40 2 309.60 3.20% 59 697.00 14 828.00 24.84%
31.03.2004 72 215.40 68 702.70 3 512.70 5.11% 56 807.80 15 407.60 27.12%
29.02.2004 68 702.70 71 275.60 -2 572.90 -3.61% 57 261.40 11 441.30 19.98%
31.01.2004 71 275.60 72 617.80 -1 342.20 -1.85% 56 857.00 14 418.60 25.36%
31.12.2003 72 617.80 72 995.10 - 377.30 -0.52% 56 043.40 16 574.40 29.57%
30.11.2003 72 995.10 68 965.30 4 029.80 5.84% 55 352.60 17 642.50 31.87%
31.10.2003 68 965.30 66 414.00 2 551.30 3.84% 52 987.30 15 978.00 30.15%
30.09.2003 66 414.00 65 138.60 1 275.40 1.96% 53 429.70 12 984.30 24.30%
31.08.2003 65 138.60 65 765.90 - 627.30 -0.95% 51 268.70 13 869.90 27.05%
31.07.2003 65 765.90 65 087.20 678.70 1.04% 52 037.20 13 728.70 26.38%
30.06.2003 65 087.20 60 469.40 4 617.80 7.64% 51 781.80 13 305.40 25.70%
31.05.2003 60 469.40 59 697.00 772.40 1.29% 52 118.30 8 351.10 16.02%
30.04.2003 59 697.00 56 807.80 2 889.20 5.09% 54 551.10 5 145.90 9.43%
31.03.2003 56 807.80 57 261.40 - 453.60 -0.79% 58 677.80 -1 870.00 -3.19%
28.02.2003 57 261.40 56 857.00 404.40 0.71% 59 141.70 -1 880.30 -3.18%
31.01.2003 56 857.00 56 043.40 813.60 1.45% 58 751.90 -1 894.90 -3.23%
31.12.2002 56 043.40 55 352.60 690.80 1.25% 55 675.90 367.50 0.66%
30.11.2002 55 352.60 52 987.30 2 365.30 4.46% 55 340.60 12.00 0.02%
31.10.2002 52 987.30 53 429.70 - 442.40 -0.83% 48 662.20 4 325.10 8.89%
30.09.2002 53 429.70 51 268.70 2 161.00 4.21% 49 249.90 4 179.80 8.49%
31.08.2002 51 268.70 52 037.20 - 768.50 -1.48% 65 788.90 -14 520.20 -22.07%
31.07.2002 52 037.20 51 781.80 255.40 0.49% 65 789.60 -13 752.40 -20.90%
30.06.2002 51 781.80 52 118.30 - 336.50 -0.65% 65 682.10 -13 900.30 -21.16%
31.05.2002 52 118.30 54 551.10 -2 432.80 -4.46% 62 609.20 -10 490.90 -16.76%
30.04.2002 54 551.10 58 677.80 -4 126.70 -7.03% 67 028.30 -12 477.20 -18.61%
31.03.2002 58 677.80 59 141.70 - 463.90 -0.78% 66 520.80 -7 843.00 -11.79%
28.02.2002 59 141.70 58 751.90 389.80 0.66% 64 365.10 -5 223.40 -8.12%
31.01.2002 58 751.90 55 675.90 3 076.00 5.52% 61 570.30 -2 818.40 -4.58%
31.12.2001 55 675.90 55 340.60 335.30 0.61% 64 154.00 -8 478.10 -13.22%
30.11.2001 55 340.60 48 662.20 6 678.40 13.72% 61 669.50 -6 328.90 -10.26%
31.10.2001 48 662.20 49 249.90 - 587.70 -1.19% 63 332.70 -14 670.50 -23.16%
30.09.2001 49 249.90 65 788.90 -16 539.00 -25.14% 61 826.00 -12 576.10 -20.34%
31.08.2001 65 788.90 65 789.60 -0.70 -0.00% 61 692.60 4 096.30 6.64%
31.07.2001 65 789.60 65 682.10 107.50 0.16% 81 191.40 -15 401.80 -18.97%
30.06.2001 65 682.10 62 609.20 3 072.90 4.91% 82 041.20 -16 359.10 -19.94%
31.05.2001 62 609.20 67 028.30 -4 419.10 -6.59% 90 720.70 -28 111.50 -30.99%
30.04.2001 67 028.30 66 520.80 507.50 0.76% 90 435.80 -23 407.50 -25.88%
31.03.2001 66 520.80 64 365.10 2 155.70 3.35% 86 579.00 -20 058.20 -23.17%
28.02.2001 64 365.10 61 570.30 2 794.80 4.54% 48 165.20 16 199.90 33.63%
31.01.2001 61 570.30 64 154.00 -2 583.70 -4.03% 47 722.10 13 848.20 29.02%
31.12.2000 64 154.00 61 669.50 2 484.50 4.03% 49 993.90 14 160.10 28.32%
30.11.2000 61 669.50 63 332.70 -1 663.20 -2.63% 50 945.60 10 723.90 21.05%
31.10.2000 63 332.70 61 826.00 1 506.70 2.44% 50 777.00 12 555.70 24.73%
30.09.2000 61 826.00 61 692.60 133.40 0.22% 50 927.10 10 898.90 21.40%
31.08.2000 61 692.60 81 191.40 -19 498.80 -24.02% 49 145.20 12 547.40 25.53%
31.07.2000 81 191.40 82 041.20 - 849.80 -1.04% 49 516.30 31 675.10 63.97%
30.06.2000 82 041.20 90 720.70 -8 679.50 -9.57% 65 321.20 16 720.00 25.60%
31.05.2000 90 720.70 90 435.80 284.90 0.32% 55 558.00 35 162.70 63.29%
30.04.2000 90 435.80 86 579.00 3 856.80 4.45% 51 422.70 39 013.10 75.87%
31.03.2000 86 579.00 48 165.20 38 413.80 79.75% 51 737.20 34 841.80 67.34%
29.02.2000 48 165.20 47 722.10 443.10 0.93% 50 280.10 -2 114.90 -4.21%
31.01.2000 47 722.10 49 993.90 -2 271.80 -4.54% 51 060.00 -3 337.90 -6.54%
31.12.1999 49 993.90 50 945.60 - 951.70 -1.87% 53 501.60 -3 507.70 -6.56%
30.11.1999 50 945.60 50 777.00 168.60 0.33% 61 039.90 -10 094.30 -16.54%
31.10.1999 50 777.00 50 927.10 - 150.10 -0.29% 60 236.50 -9 459.50 -15.70%
30.09.1999 50 927.10 49 145.20 1 781.90 3.63% 58 878.20 -7 951.10 -13.50%
31.08.1999 49 145.20 49 516.30 - 371.10 -0.75% 56 015.70 -6 870.50 -12.27%
31.07.1999 49 516.30 65 321.20 -15 804.90 -24.20% 54 112.40 -4 596.10 -8.49%
30.06.1999 65 321.20 55 558.00 9 763.20 17.57% 56 425.60 8 895.60 15.77%
31.05.1999 55 558.00 51 422.70 4 135.30 8.04% 55 268.10 289.90 0.52%
30.04.1999 51 422.70 51 737.20 - 314.50 -0.61% 53 939.00 -2 516.30 -4.67%
31.03.1999 51 737.20 50 280.10 1 457.10 2.90% 52 284.80 - 547.60 -1.05%
28.02.1999 50 280.10 51 060.00 - 779.90 -1.53% 51 034.60 - 754.50 -1.48%
31.01.1999 51 060.00 53 501.60 -2 441.60 -4.56% 51 530.80 - 470.80 -0.91%
31.12.1998 53 501.60 61 039.90 -7 538.30 -12.35% 53 116.90 384.70 0.72%
30.11.1998 61 039.90 60 236.50 803.40 1.33% 54 149.40 6 890.50 12.72%
31.10.1998 60 236.50 58 878.20 1 358.30 2.31% 51 800.50 8 436.00 16.29%
30.09.1998 58 878.20 56 015.70 2 862.50 5.11% 53 321.60 5 556.60 10.42%
31.08.1998 56 015.70 54 112.40 1 903.30 3.52% 54 090.60 1 925.10 3.56%
31.07.1998 54 112.40 56 425.60 -2 313.20 -4.10% 55 550.00 -1 437.60 -2.59%
30.06.1998 56 425.60 55 268.10 1 157.50 2.09% 56 431.40 -5.80 -0.01%
31.05.1998 55 268.10 53 939.00 1 329.10 2.46% 61 235.00 -5 966.90 -9.74%
30.04.1998 53 939.00 52 284.80 1 654.20 3.16% 60 982.90 -7 043.90 -11.55%
31.03.1998 52 284.80 51 034.60 1 250.20 2.45% 58 203.10 -5 918.30 -10.17%
28.02.1998 51 034.60 51 530.80 - 496.20 -0.96% 54 580.10 -3 545.50 -6.50%
31.01.1998 51 530.80 53 116.90 -1 586.10 -2.99% 52 791.20 -1 260.40 -2.39%
31.12.1997 53 116.90 54 149.40 -1 032.50 -1.91% 33 757.00 19 359.90 57.35%
30.11.1997 54 149.40 51 800.50 2 348.90 4.53% 32 630.40 21 519.00 65.95%
31.10.1997 51 800.50 53 321.60 -1 521.10 -2.85% 33 816.00 17 984.50 53.18%
30.09.1997 53 321.60 54 090.60 - 769.00 -1.42% 30 654.50 22 667.10 73.94%
31.08.1997 54 090.60 55 550.00 -1 459.40 -2.63% 29 287.10 24 803.50 84.69%
31.07.1997 55 550.00 56 431.40 - 881.40 -1.56% 28 433.90 27 116.10 95.37%
30.06.1997 56 431.40 61 235.00 -4 803.60 -7.84% 27 125.20 29 306.20 108.04%
31.05.1997 61 235.00 60 982.90 252.10 0.41% 25 131.40 36 103.60 143.66%
30.04.1997 60 982.90 58 203.10 2 779.80 4.78% 22 794.80 38 188.10 167.53%
31.03.1997 58 203.10 54 580.10 3 623.00 6.64% 24 861.40 33 341.70 134.11%
28.02.1997 54 580.10 52 791.20 1 788.90 3.39% 25 408.60 29 171.50 114.81%
31.01.1997 52 791.20 33 757.00 19 034.20 56.39% 24 779.40 28 011.80 113.04%
31.12.1996 33 757.00 32 630.40 1 126.60 3.45% 24 022.60 9 734.40 40.52%
30.11.1996 32 630.40 33 816.00 -1 185.60 -3.51% 20 267.10 12 363.30 61.00%
31.10.1996 33 816.00 30 654.50 3 161.50 10.31% 19 289.10 14 526.90 75.31%
30.09.1996 30 654.50 29 287.10 1 367.40 4.67% 20 213.00 10 441.50 51.66%
31.08.1996 29 287.10 28 433.90 853.20 3.00% 18 142.30 11 144.80 61.43%
31.07.1996 28 433.90 27 125.20 1 308.70 4.82% 19 198.50 9 235.40 48.10%
30.06.1996 27 125.20 25 131.40 1 993.80 7.93% 18 366.10 8 759.10 47.69%
31.05.1996 25 131.40 22 794.80 2 336.60 10.25% 17 940.00 7 191.40 40.09%
30.04.1996 22 794.80 24 861.40 -2 066.60 -8.31% 17 396.90 5 397.90 31.03%
31.03.1996 24 861.40 25 408.60 - 547.20 -2.15% 16 022.20 8 839.20 55.17%
29.02.1996 25 408.60 24 779.40 629.20 2.54% 15 353.50 10 055.10 65.49%
31.01.1996 24 779.40 24 022.60 756.80 3.15% 14 905.30 9 874.10 66.25%
31.12.1995 24 022.60 20 267.10 3 755.50 18.53% 14 745.40 9 277.20 62.92%
30.11.1995 20 267.10 19 289.10 978.00 5.07% 17 712.10 2 555.00 14.43%
31.10.1995 19 289.10 20 213.00 - 923.90 -4.57% 17 465.40 1 823.70 10.44%
30.09.1995 20 213.00 18 142.30 2 070.70 11.41% 15 081.80 5 131.20 34.02%
31.08.1995 18 142.30 19 198.50 -1 056.20 -5.50% 14 745.10 3 397.20 23.04%
31.07.1995 19 198.50 18 366.10 832.40 4.53% 14 555.00 4 643.50 31.90%
30.06.1995 18 366.10 17 940.00 426.10 2.38% 12 442.70 5 923.40 47.61%
31.05.1995 17 940.00 17 396.90 543.10 3.12% 13 317.30 4 622.70 34.71%
30.04.1995 17 396.90 16 022.20 1 374.70 8.58% 10 873.50 6 523.40 59.99%
31.03.1995 16 022.20 15 353.50 668.70 4.36% 9 517.00 6 505.20 68.35%
28.02.1995 15 353.50 14 905.30 448.20 3.01% 6 966.20 8 387.30 120.40%
31.01.1995 14 905.30 14 745.40 159.90 1.08% 6 224.80 8 680.50 139.45%
31.12.1994 14 745.40 17 712.10 -2 966.70 -16.75% 5 531.00 9 214.40 166.60%
30.11.1994 17 712.10 17 465.40 246.70 1.41% 4 895.80 12 816.30 261.78%
31.10.1994 17 465.40 15 081.80 2 383.60 15.80% 4 369.20 13 096.20 299.74%
30.09.1994 15 081.80 14 745.10 336.70 2.28% 1 577.20 13 504.60 856.24%
31.08.1994 14 745.10 14 555.00 190.10 1.31% 1 188.30 13 556.80 1 140.86%
31.07.1994 14 555.00 12 442.70 2 112.30 16.98% 1 408.30 13 146.70 933.52%
30.06.1994 12 442.70 13 317.30 - 874.60 -6.57% 1 124.30 11 318.40 1 006.71%
31.05.1994 13 317.30 10 873.50 2 443.80 22.47% 1 093.00 12 224.30 1 118.42%
30.04.1994 10 873.50 9 517.00 1 356.50 14.25% 1 019.30 9 854.20 966.76%
31.03.1994 9 517.00 6 966.20 2 550.80 36.62% 932.50 8 584.50 920.59%
28.02.1994 6 966.20 6 224.80 741.40 11.91% 611.10 6 355.10 1 039.94%
31.01.1994 6 224.80 5 531.00 693.80 12.54% 591.40 5 633.40 952.55%
31.12.1993 5 531.00 4 895.80 635.20 12.97% - - -
30.11.1993 4 895.80 4 369.20 526.60 12.05% - - -
31.10.1993 4 369.20 1 577.20 2 792.00 177.02% - - -
30.09.1993 1 577.20 1 188.30 388.90 32.73% - - -
31.08.1993 1 188.30 1 408.30 - 220.00 -15.62% - - -
31.07.1993 1 408.30 1 124.30 284.00 25.26% - - -
30.06.1993 1 124.30 1 093.00 31.30 2.86% - - -
31.05.1993 1 093.00 1 019.30 73.70 7.23% - - -
30.04.1993 1 019.30 932.50 86.80 9.31% - - -
31.03.1993 932.50 611.10 321.40 52.59% - - -
28.02.1993 611.10 591.40 19.70 3.33% - - -
31.01.1993 591.40 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (EUR))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (CZK))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client deposits by sector (EUR))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK+FC))
Financial institutions (since 2008 except savings and credit unions) (Client loans by sector (CZK))
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Capital and reserves (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Statistics on other financial institutions (Monetary statistics)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - monetary aggregates (levels) (Levels)
Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels) (Levels)
Longer-term MFI liabilities - Capital and reserves (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels))
Credit to government (Monetary aggregates and counterparts - main counterparts of M3 (levels))

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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