General government (Debt securities - holdings by nonresidents) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat General government (Debt securities - holdings by nonresidents) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Debt securities - holdings by nonresidents

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Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Debt securities - holdings by nonresidents - General government - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 30.06.2017 858 674.00
Min 31.03.2004 51 731.00

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.03.2020 668 297.00 606 391.00 61 906.00 10.21% 661 680.00 6 617.00 1.00%
31.12.2019 606 391.00 669 526.00 -63 135.00 -9.43% 581 475.00 24 916.00 4.28%
30.09.2019 669 526.00 684 573.00 -15 047.00 -2.20% 600 934.00 68 592.00 11.41%
30.06.2019 684 573.00 661 680.00 22 893.00 3.46% 670 664.00 13 909.00 2.07%
31.03.2019 661 680.00 581 475.00 80 205.00 13.79% 782 785.00 - 121 105.00 -15.47%
31.12.2018 581 475.00 600 934.00 -19 459.00 -3.24% 712 677.00 - 131 202.00 -18.41%
30.09.2018 600 934.00 670 664.00 -69 730.00 -10.40% 723 813.00 - 122 879.00 -16.98%
30.06.2018 670 664.00 782 785.00 - 112 121.00 -14.32% 858 674.00 - 188 010.00 -21.90%
31.03.2018 782 785.00 712 677.00 70 108.00 9.84% 822 908.00 -40 123.00 -4.88%
31.12.2017 712 677.00 723 813.00 -11 136.00 -1.54% 684 905.00 27 772.00 4.05%
30.09.2017 723 813.00 858 674.00 - 134 861.00 -15.71% 658 357.00 65 456.00 9.94%
30.06.2017 858 674.00 822 908.00 35 766.00 4.35% 664 520.00 194 154.00 29.22%
31.03.2017 822 908.00 684 905.00 138 003.00 20.15% 636 464.00 186 444.00 29.29%
31.12.2016 684 905.00 658 357.00 26 548.00 4.03% 586 717.00 98 188.00 16.74%
30.09.2016 658 357.00 664 520.00 -6 163.00 -0.93% 574 190.00 84 167.00 14.66%
30.06.2016 664 520.00 636 464.00 28 056.00 4.41% 506 759.00 157 761.00 31.13%
31.03.2016 636 464.00 586 717.00 49 747.00 8.48% 498 242.00 138 222.00 27.74%
31.12.2015 586 717.00 574 190.00 12 527.00 2.18% 462 312.00 124 405.00 26.91%
30.09.2015 574 190.00 506 759.00 67 431.00 13.31% 480 332.00 93 858.00 19.54%
30.06.2015 506 759.00 498 242.00 8 517.00 1.71% 468 898.00 37 861.00 8.07%
31.03.2015 498 242.00 462 312.00 35 930.00 7.77% 506 559.00 -8 317.00 -1.64%
31.12.2014 462 312.00 480 332.00 -18 020.00 -3.75% 492 438.00 -30 126.00 -6.12%
30.09.2014 480 332.00 468 898.00 11 434.00 2.44% 439 268.00 41 064.00 9.35%
30.06.2014 468 898.00 506 559.00 -37 661.00 -7.43% 445 157.00 23 741.00 5.33%
31.03.2014 506 559.00 492 438.00 14 121.00 2.87% 442 339.00 64 220.00 14.52%
31.12.2013 492 438.00 439 268.00 53 170.00 12.10% 425 799.00 66 639.00 15.65%
30.09.2013 439 268.00 445 157.00 -5 889.00 -1.32% 422 535.00 16 733.00 3.96%
30.06.2013 445 157.00 442 339.00 2 818.00 0.64% 415 081.00 30 076.00 7.25%
31.03.2013 442 339.00 425 799.00 16 540.00 3.88% 407 510.00 34 829.00 8.55%
31.12.2012 425 799.00 422 535.00 3 264.00 0.77% 364 562.00 61 237.00 16.80%
30.09.2012 422 535.00 415 081.00 7 454.00 1.80% 360 795.00 61 740.00 17.11%
30.06.2012 415 081.00 407 510.00 7 571.00 1.86% 358 553.00 56 528.00 15.77%
31.03.2012 407 510.00 364 562.00 42 948.00 11.78% 345 769.00 61 741.00 17.86%
31.12.2011 364 562.00 360 795.00 3 767.00 1.04% 359 571.00 4 991.00 1.39%
30.09.2011 360 795.00 358 553.00 2 242.00 0.63% 358 951.00 1 844.00 0.51%
30.06.2011 358 553.00 345 769.00 12 784.00 3.70% 292 419.00 66 134.00 22.62%
31.03.2011 345 769.00 359 571.00 -13 802.00 -3.84% 287 036.00 58 733.00 20.46%
31.12.2010 359 571.00 358 951.00 620.00 0.17% 279 316.00 80 255.00 28.73%
30.09.2010 358 951.00 292 419.00 66 532.00 22.75% 241 549.00 117 402.00 48.60%
30.06.2010 292 419.00 287 036.00 5 383.00 1.88% 236 623.00 55 796.00 23.58%
31.03.2010 287 036.00 279 316.00 7 720.00 2.76% 207 908.00 79 128.00 38.06%
31.12.2009 279 316.00 241 549.00 37 767.00 15.64% 221 544.00 57 772.00 26.08%
30.09.2009 241 549.00 236 623.00 4 926.00 2.08% 252 506.00 -10 957.00 -4.34%
30.06.2009 236 623.00 207 908.00 28 715.00 13.81% 250 674.00 -14 051.00 -5.61%
31.03.2009 207 908.00 221 544.00 -13 636.00 -6.15% 207 592.00 316.00 0.15%
31.12.2008 221 544.00 252 506.00 -30 962.00 -12.26% 208 518.00 13 026.00 6.25%
30.09.2008 252 506.00 250 674.00 1 832.00 0.73% 198 262.00 54 244.00 27.36%
30.06.2008 250 674.00 207 592.00 43 082.00 20.75% 206 603.00 44 071.00 21.33%
31.03.2008 207 592.00 208 518.00 - 926.00 -0.44% 193 968.00 13 624.00 7.02%
31.12.2007 208 518.00 198 262.00 10 256.00 5.17% 185 683.00 22 835.00 12.30%
30.09.2007 198 262.00 206 603.00 -8 341.00 -4.04% 176 691.00 21 571.00 12.21%
30.06.2007 206 603.00 193 968.00 12 635.00 6.51% 177 268.00 29 335.00 16.55%
31.03.2007 193 968.00 185 683.00 8 285.00 4.46% 176 145.00 17 823.00 10.12%
31.12.2006 185 683.00 176 691.00 8 992.00 5.09% 169 783.00 15 900.00 9.36%
30.09.2006 176 691.00 177 268.00 - 577.00 -0.33% 168 937.00 7 754.00 4.59%
30.06.2006 177 268.00 176 145.00 1 123.00 0.64% 156 702.00 20 566.00 13.12%
31.03.2006 176 145.00 169 783.00 6 362.00 3.75% 149 134.00 27 011.00 18.11%
31.12.2005 169 783.00 168 937.00 846.00 0.50% 118 998.00 50 785.00 42.68%
30.09.2005 168 937.00 156 702.00 12 235.00 7.81% 107 432.00 61 505.00 57.25%
30.06.2005 156 702.00 149 134.00 7 568.00 5.07% 95 634.00 61 068.00 63.86%
31.03.2005 149 134.00 118 998.00 30 136.00 25.32% 51 731.00 97 403.00 188.29%
31.12.2004 118 998.00 107 432.00 11 566.00 10.77% - - -
30.09.2004 107 432.00 95 634.00 11 798.00 12.34% - - -
30.06.2004 95 634.00 51 731.00 43 903.00 84.87% - - -
31.03.2004 51 731.00 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

General government - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
General government (Archive (ESA95))
General government (Client)
General government (Archive (ESA95))
General government (Client)
General government (Client loans by sector (CZK+FC))
General government (Client loans by sector (CZK))
General government (Client loans by sector (FC))
General government (Client loans by sector (EUR))
General government (Client deposits by sector (CZK+FC))
General government (Client deposits by sector (CZK))
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - Central government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Central government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - Overnight (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - With agreed maturity (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - Redeemable at notice (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - Repurchase agreements (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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