Other persons and sectoral unstructured liabilities - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Other persons and sectoral unstructured liabilities v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Debt securities, Loans and Deposits by counterparty sector (in CZK thousands)

Nahrávám ... Nahrávám interaktivní graf ...

Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{aliapage.main_sql.name}} ... Other persons and sectoral unstructured liabilities - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Min 31.03.2020 8 085 646.00
Max 30.06.2013 40 152 201.00

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.03.2020 8 085 646.00 8 111 311.00 -25 665.00 -0.32% 8 673 976.00 - 588 330.00 -6.78%
31.12.2019 8 111 311.00 8 420 570.00 - 309 259.00 -3.67% 15 882 184.00 -7 770 873.00 -48.93%
30.09.2019 8 420 570.00 8 682 513.00 - 261 943.00 -3.02% 16 525 774.00 -8 105 204.00 -49.05%
30.06.2019 8 682 513.00 8 673 976.00 8 537.00 0.10% 17 311 455.00 -8 628 942.00 -49.85%
31.03.2019 8 673 976.00 15 882 184.00 -7 208 208.00 -45.39% 18 623 504.00 -9 949 528.00 -53.42%
31.12.2018 15 882 184.00 16 525 774.00 - 643 590.00 -3.89% 18 748 261.00 -2 866 077.00 -15.29%
30.09.2018 16 525 774.00 17 311 455.00 - 785 681.00 -4.54% 18 128 930.00 -1 603 156.00 -8.84%
30.06.2018 17 311 455.00 18 623 504.00 -1 312 049.00 -7.05% 18 510 048.00 -1 198 593.00 -6.48%
31.03.2018 18 623 504.00 18 748 261.00 - 124 757.00 -0.67% 19 081 394.00 - 457 890.00 -2.40%
31.12.2017 18 748 261.00 18 128 930.00 619 331.00 3.42% 28 921 465.00 -10 173 204.00 -35.18%
30.09.2017 18 128 930.00 18 510 048.00 - 381 118.00 -2.06% 27 726 778.00 -9 597 848.00 -34.62%
30.06.2017 18 510 048.00 19 081 394.00 - 571 346.00 -2.99% 28 291 218.00 -9 781 170.00 -34.57%
31.03.2017 19 081 394.00 28 921 465.00 -9 840 071.00 -34.02% 27 643 764.00 -8 562 370.00 -30.97%
31.12.2016 28 921 465.00 27 726 778.00 1 194 687.00 4.31% 27 355 407.00 1 566 058.00 5.72%
30.09.2016 27 726 778.00 28 291 218.00 - 564 440.00 -2.00% 27 809 454.00 -82 676.00 -0.30%
30.06.2016 28 291 218.00 27 643 764.00 647 454.00 2.34% 28 511 663.00 - 220 445.00 -0.77%
31.03.2016 27 643 764.00 27 355 407.00 288 357.00 1.05% 27 031 366.00 612 398.00 2.27%
31.12.2015 27 355 407.00 27 809 454.00 - 454 047.00 -1.63% 27 049 445.00 305 962.00 1.13%
30.09.2015 27 809 454.00 28 511 663.00 - 702 209.00 -2.46% 26 104 034.00 1 705 420.00 6.53%
30.06.2015 28 511 663.00 27 031 366.00 1 480 297.00 5.48% 25 679 628.00 2 832 035.00 11.03%
31.03.2015 27 031 366.00 27 049 445.00 -18 079.00 -0.07% 28 534 739.00 -1 503 373.00 -5.27%
31.12.2014 27 049 445.00 26 104 034.00 945 411.00 3.62% 27 209 158.00 - 159 713.00 -0.59%
30.09.2014 26 104 034.00 25 679 628.00 424 406.00 1.65% 39 436 928.00 -13 332 894.00 -33.81%
30.06.2014 25 679 628.00 28 534 739.00 -2 855 111.00 -10.01% 40 152 201.00 -14 472 573.00 -36.04%
31.03.2014 28 534 739.00 27 209 158.00 1 325 581.00 4.87% 39 056 224.00 -10 521 485.00 -26.94%
31.12.2013 27 209 158.00 39 436 928.00 -12 227 770.00 -31.01% 34 311 754.00 -7 102 596.00 -20.70%
30.09.2013 39 436 928.00 40 152 201.00 - 715 273.00 -1.78% 30 538 465.00 8 898 463.00 29.14%
30.06.2013 40 152 201.00 39 056 224.00 1 095 977.00 2.81% 27 772 890.00 12 379 311.00 44.57%
31.03.2013 39 056 224.00 34 311 754.00 4 744 470.00 13.83% 25 439 170.00 13 617 054.00 53.53%
31.12.2012 34 311 754.00 30 538 465.00 3 773 289.00 12.36% 25 264 142.00 9 047 612.00 35.81%
30.09.2012 30 538 465.00 27 772 890.00 2 765 575.00 9.96% 23 167 106.00 7 371 359.00 31.82%
30.06.2012 27 772 890.00 25 439 170.00 2 333 720.00 9.17% 21 670 019.00 6 102 871.00 28.16%
31.03.2012 25 439 170.00 25 264 142.00 175 028.00 0.69% 19 979 237.00 5 459 933.00 27.33%
31.12.2011 25 264 142.00 23 167 106.00 2 097 036.00 9.05% 17 760 974.00 7 503 168.00 42.25%
30.09.2011 23 167 106.00 21 670 019.00 1 497 087.00 6.91% 16 492 927.00 6 674 179.00 40.47%
30.06.2011 21 670 019.00 19 979 237.00 1 690 782.00 8.46% 20 559 902.00 1 110 117.00 5.40%
31.03.2011 19 979 237.00 17 760 974.00 2 218 263.00 12.49% 18 707 078.00 1 272 159.00 6.80%
31.12.2010 17 760 974.00 16 492 927.00 1 268 047.00 7.69% 15 951 175.00 1 809 799.00 11.35%
30.09.2010 16 492 927.00 20 559 902.00 -4 066 975.00 -19.78% 15 115 431.00 1 377 496.00 9.11%
30.06.2010 20 559 902.00 18 707 078.00 1 852 824.00 9.90% 13 498 823.00 7 061 079.00 52.31%
31.03.2010 18 707 078.00 15 951 175.00 2 755 903.00 17.28% 12 020 287.00 6 686 791.00 55.63%
31.12.2009 15 951 175.00 15 115 431.00 835 744.00 5.53% 10 468 695.00 5 482 480.00 52.37%
30.09.2009 15 115 431.00 13 498 823.00 1 616 608.00 11.98% 8 617 886.00 6 497 545.00 75.40%
30.06.2009 13 498 823.00 12 020 287.00 1 478 536.00 12.30% - - -
31.03.2009 12 020 287.00 10 468 695.00 1 551 592.00 14.82% - - -
31.12.2008 10 468 695.00 8 617 886.00 1 850 809.00 21.48% - - -
30.09.2008 8 617 886.00 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Other persons and sectoral unstructured liabilities - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Other persons and sectoral unstructured liabilities (Banking sector, total)
Other persons and sectoral unstructured liabilities (Large banks)
Other persons and sectoral unstructured liabilities (Medium-sized banks)
Other persons and sectoral unstructured liabilities (Small banks)
Other persons and sectoral unstructured liabilities (Foreign bank branches)
Other persons and sectoral unstructured liabilities (Building societies)
Other persons and sectoral unstructured liabilities (Debt securities, Loans and Deposits by counterparty sector (in CZK thousands))
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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