Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
30.09.2023 Penzijní společnosti - Počet účastníků II. a III. pilíře: Čtvrtletní, Supplementary pension insurance with state contribution
31.03.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
29.02.2024 Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.03.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
29.02.2024 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční

Graf hodnot, Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels)

Nahrávám ... Nahrávám interaktivní graf ...

Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Min 31.12.2017 390 885.50
Max 31.08.2008 751 354.00

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.10.2018 472 880.70 447 647.50 25 233.20 5.64% 428 069.30 44 811.40 10.47%
30.09.2018 447 647.50 454 723.50 -7 076.00 -1.56% 420 440.00 27 207.50 6.47%
31.08.2018 454 723.50 444 526.90 10 196.60 2.29% 429 976.00 24 747.50 5.76%
31.07.2018 444 526.90 437 553.90 6 973.00 1.59% 415 092.60 29 434.30 7.09%
30.06.2018 437 553.90 453 445.10 -15 891.20 -3.50% 400 670.80 36 883.10 9.21%
31.05.2018 453 445.10 453 553.20 - 108.10 -0.02% 413 944.70 39 500.40 9.54%
30.04.2018 453 553.20 439 502.20 14 051.00 3.20% 435 631.80 17 921.40 4.11%
31.03.2018 439 502.20 430 083.60 9 418.60 2.19% 415 733.60 23 768.60 5.72%
28.02.2018 430 083.60 414 632.10 15 451.50 3.73% 415 782.60 14 301.00 3.44%
31.01.2018 414 632.10 390 885.50 23 746.60 6.08% 411 235.10 3 397.00 0.83%
31.12.2017 390 885.50 423 364.70 -32 479.20 -7.67% 393 101.70 -2 216.20 -0.56%
30.11.2017 423 364.70 428 069.30 -4 704.60 -1.10% 403 265.90 20 098.80 4.98%
31.10.2017 428 069.30 420 440.00 7 629.30 1.81% 409 227.20 18 842.10 4.60%
30.09.2017 420 440.00 429 976.00 -9 536.00 -2.22% 417 017.00 3 423.00 0.82%
31.08.2017 429 976.00 415 092.60 14 883.40 3.59% 415 979.60 13 996.40 3.36%
31.07.2017 415 092.60 400 670.80 14 421.80 3.60% 426 832.70 -11 740.10 -2.75%
30.06.2017 400 670.80 413 944.70 -13 273.90 -3.21% 410 296.50 -9 625.70 -2.35%
31.05.2017 413 944.70 435 631.80 -21 687.10 -4.98% 426 466.30 -12 521.60 -2.94%
30.04.2017 435 631.80 415 733.60 19 898.20 4.79% 430 139.40 5 492.40 1.28%
31.03.2017 415 733.60 415 782.60 -49.00 -0.01% 428 209.30 -12 475.70 -2.91%
28.02.2017 415 782.60 411 235.10 4 547.50 1.11% 436 959.00 -21 176.40 -4.85%
31.01.2017 411 235.10 393 101.70 18 133.40 4.61% 448 330.60 -37 095.50 -8.27%
31.12.2016 393 101.70 403 265.90 -10 164.20 -2.52% 436 170.80 -43 069.10 -9.87%
30.11.2016 403 265.90 409 227.20 -5 961.30 -1.46% 445 908.60 -42 642.70 -9.56%
31.10.2016 409 227.20 417 017.00 -7 789.80 -1.87% 460 394.00 -51 166.80 -11.11%
30.09.2016 417 017.00 415 979.60 1 037.40 0.25% 455 058.10 -38 041.10 -8.36%
31.08.2016 415 979.60 426 832.70 -10 853.10 -2.54% 450 156.10 -34 176.50 -7.59%
31.07.2016 426 832.70 410 296.50 16 536.20 4.03% 472 160.20 -45 327.50 -9.60%
30.06.2016 410 296.50 426 466.30 -16 169.80 -3.79% 453 583.70 -43 287.20 -9.54%
31.05.2016 426 466.30 430 139.40 -3 673.10 -0.85% 451 605.00 -25 138.70 -5.57%
30.04.2016 430 139.40 428 209.30 1 930.10 0.45% 471 105.80 -40 966.40 -8.70%
31.03.2016 428 209.30 436 959.00 -8 749.70 -2.00% 449 647.40 -21 438.10 -4.77%
29.02.2016 436 959.00 448 330.60 -11 371.60 -2.54% 453 254.60 -16 295.60 -3.60%
31.01.2016 448 330.60 436 170.80 12 159.80 2.79% 455 042.40 -6 711.80 -1.47%
31.12.2015 436 170.80 445 908.60 -9 737.80 -2.18% 450 787.80 -14 617.00 -3.24%
30.11.2015 445 908.60 460 394.00 -14 485.40 -3.15% 452 854.30 -6 945.70 -1.53%
31.10.2015 460 394.00 455 058.10 5 335.90 1.17% 451 412.50 8 981.50 1.99%
30.09.2015 455 058.10 450 156.10 4 902.00 1.09% 457 063.60 -2 005.50 -0.44%
31.08.2015 450 156.10 472 160.20 -22 004.10 -4.66% 472 070.10 -21 914.00 -4.64%
31.07.2015 472 160.20 453 583.70 18 576.50 4.10% 488 865.70 -16 705.50 -3.42%
30.06.2015 453 583.70 451 605.00 1 978.70 0.44% 493 510.80 -39 927.10 -8.09%
31.05.2015 451 605.00 471 105.80 -19 500.80 -4.14% 517 759.30 -66 154.30 -12.78%
30.04.2015 471 105.80 449 647.40 21 458.40 4.77% 532 076.40 -60 970.60 -11.46%
31.03.2015 449 647.40 453 254.60 -3 607.20 -0.80% 523 106.30 -73 458.90 -14.04%
28.02.2015 453 254.60 455 042.40 -1 787.80 -0.39% 521 317.30 -68 062.70 -13.06%
31.01.2015 455 042.40 450 787.80 4 254.60 0.94% 512 561.90 -57 519.50 -11.22%
31.12.2014 450 787.80 452 854.30 -2 066.50 -0.46% 524 544.00 -73 756.20 -14.06%
30.11.2014 452 854.30 451 412.50 1 441.80 0.32% 519 842.70 -66 988.40 -12.89%
31.10.2014 451 412.50 457 063.60 -5 651.10 -1.24% 519 708.90 -68 296.40 -13.14%
30.09.2014 457 063.60 472 070.10 -15 006.50 -3.18% 529 946.00 -72 882.40 -13.75%
31.08.2014 472 070.10 488 865.70 -16 795.60 -3.44% 533 682.80 -61 612.70 -11.54%
31.07.2014 488 865.70 493 510.80 -4 645.10 -0.94% 538 609.40 -49 743.70 -9.24%
30.06.2014 493 510.80 517 759.30 -24 248.50 -4.68% 530 663.80 -37 153.00 -7.00%
31.05.2014 517 759.30 532 076.40 -14 317.10 -2.69% 532 727.00 -14 967.70 -2.81%
30.04.2014 532 076.40 523 106.30 8 970.10 1.71% 541 940.00 -9 863.60 -1.82%
31.03.2014 523 106.30 521 317.30 1 789.00 0.34% 549 884.20 -26 777.90 -4.87%
28.02.2014 521 317.30 512 561.90 8 755.40 1.71% 554 198.00 -32 880.70 -5.93%
31.01.2014 512 561.90 524 544.00 -11 982.10 -2.28% 550 396.60 -37 834.70 -6.87%
31.12.2013 524 544.00 519 842.70 4 701.30 0.90% 563 841.20 -39 297.20 -6.97%
30.11.2013 519 842.70 519 708.90 133.80 0.03% 573 271.00 -53 428.30 -9.32%
31.10.2013 519 708.90 529 946.00 -10 237.10 -1.93% 576 077.70 -56 368.80 -9.78%
30.09.2013 529 946.00 533 682.80 -3 736.80 -0.70% 596 530.20 -66 584.20 -11.16%
31.08.2013 533 682.80 538 609.40 -4 926.60 -0.91% 601 261.90 -67 579.10 -11.24%
31.07.2013 538 609.40 530 663.80 7 945.60 1.50% 590 883.20 -52 273.80 -8.85%
30.06.2013 530 663.80 532 727.00 -2 063.20 -0.39% 618 869.90 -88 206.10 -14.25%
31.05.2013 532 727.00 541 940.00 -9 213.00 -1.70% 616 333.60 -83 606.60 -13.57%
30.04.2013 541 940.00 549 884.20 -7 944.20 -1.44% 632 552.60 -90 612.60 -14.32%
31.03.2013 549 884.20 554 198.00 -4 313.80 -0.78% 622 648.80 -72 764.60 -11.69%
28.02.2013 554 198.00 550 396.60 3 801.40 0.69% 614 915.40 -60 717.40 -9.87%
31.01.2013 550 396.60 563 841.20 -13 444.60 -2.38% 607 066.30 -56 669.70 -9.34%
31.12.2012 563 841.20 573 271.00 -9 429.80 -1.64% 623 991.10 -60 149.90 -9.64%
30.11.2012 573 271.00 576 077.70 -2 806.70 -0.49% 608 867.40 -35 596.40 -5.85%
31.10.2012 576 077.70 596 530.20 -20 452.50 -3.43% 609 569.40 -33 491.70 -5.49%
30.09.2012 596 530.20 601 261.90 -4 731.70 -0.79% 611 856.00 -15 325.80 -2.50%
31.08.2012 601 261.90 590 883.20 10 378.70 1.76% 585 206.70 16 055.20 2.74%
31.07.2012 590 883.20 618 869.90 -27 986.70 -4.52% 606 931.60 -16 048.40 -2.64%
30.06.2012 618 869.90 616 333.60 2 536.30 0.41% 589 265.60 29 604.30 5.02%
31.05.2012 616 333.60 632 552.60 -16 219.00 -2.56% 588 114.70 28 218.90 4.80%
30.04.2012 632 552.60 622 648.80 9 903.80 1.59% 591 307.40 41 245.20 6.98%
31.03.2012 622 648.80 614 915.40 7 733.40 1.26% 567 546.40 55 102.40 9.71%
29.02.2012 614 915.40 607 066.30 7 849.10 1.29% 567 479.40 47 436.00 8.36%
31.01.2012 607 066.30 623 991.10 -16 924.80 -2.71% 569 191.50 37 874.80 6.65%
31.12.2011 623 991.10 608 867.40 15 123.70 2.48% 587 584.30 36 406.80 6.20%
30.11.2011 608 867.40 609 569.40 - 702.00 -0.12% 562 058.80 46 808.60 8.33%
31.10.2011 609 569.40 611 856.00 -2 286.60 -0.37% 583 464.80 26 104.60 4.47%
30.09.2011 611 856.00 585 206.70 26 649.30 4.55% 570 786.60 41 069.40 7.20%
31.08.2011 585 206.70 606 931.60 -21 724.90 -3.58% 581 932.80 3 273.90 0.56%
31.07.2011 606 931.60 589 265.60 17 666.00 3.00% 621 364.80 -14 433.20 -2.32%
30.06.2011 589 265.60 588 114.70 1 150.90 0.20% 606 536.70 -17 271.10 -2.85%
31.05.2011 588 114.70 591 307.40 -3 192.70 -0.54% 613 334.10 -25 219.40 -4.11%
30.04.2011 591 307.40 567 546.40 23 761.00 4.19% 655 832.30 -64 524.90 -9.84%
31.03.2011 567 546.40 567 479.40 67.00 0.01% 600 562.40 -33 016.00 -5.50%
28.02.2011 567 479.40 569 191.50 -1 712.10 -0.30% 611 680.70 -44 201.30 -7.23%
31.01.2011 569 191.50 587 584.30 -18 392.80 -3.13% 603 829.40 -34 637.90 -5.74%
31.12.2010 587 584.30 562 058.80 25 525.50 4.54% 624 653.60 -37 069.30 -5.93%
30.11.2010 562 058.80 583 464.80 -21 406.00 -3.67% 575 704.90 -13 646.10 -2.37%
31.10.2010 583 464.80 570 786.60 12 678.20 2.22% 606 875.40 -23 410.60 -3.86%
30.09.2010 570 786.60 581 932.80 -11 146.20 -1.92% 584 229.50 -13 442.90 -2.30%
31.08.2010 581 932.80 621 364.80 -39 432.00 -6.35% 598 911.10 -16 978.30 -2.83%
31.07.2010 621 364.80 606 536.70 14 828.10 2.44% 631 404.10 -10 039.30 -1.59%
30.06.2010 606 536.70 613 334.10 -6 797.40 -1.11% 618 107.90 -11 571.20 -1.87%
31.05.2010 613 334.10 655 832.30 -42 498.20 -6.48% 689 959.80 -76 625.70 -11.11%
30.04.2010 655 832.30 600 562.40 55 269.90 9.20% 672 553.50 -16 721.20 -2.49%
31.03.2010 600 562.40 611 680.70 -11 118.30 -1.82% 638 762.40 -38 200.00 -5.98%
28.02.2010 611 680.70 603 829.40 7 851.30 1.30% 670 085.10 -58 404.40 -8.72%
31.01.2010 603 829.40 624 653.60 -20 824.20 -3.33% 677 939.30 -74 109.90 -10.93%
31.12.2009 624 653.60 575 704.90 48 948.70 8.50% 654 428.80 -29 775.20 -4.55%
30.11.2009 575 704.90 606 875.40 -31 170.50 -5.14% 700 789.90 - 125 085.00 -17.85%
31.10.2009 606 875.40 584 229.50 22 645.90 3.88% 717 365.70 - 110 490.30 -15.40%
30.09.2009 584 229.50 598 911.10 -14 681.60 -2.45% 702 616.50 - 118 387.00 -16.85%
31.08.2009 598 911.10 631 404.10 -32 493.00 -5.15% 751 354.00 - 152 442.90 -20.29%
31.07.2009 631 404.10 618 107.90 13 296.20 2.15% 716 643.10 -85 239.00 -11.89%
30.06.2009 618 107.90 689 959.80 -71 851.90 -10.41% 689 840.20 -71 732.30 -10.40%
31.05.2009 689 959.80 672 553.50 17 406.30 2.59% 746 795.50 -56 835.70 -7.61%
30.04.2009 672 553.50 638 762.40 33 791.10 5.29% 747 023.50 -74 470.00 -9.97%
31.03.2009 638 762.40 670 085.10 -31 322.70 -4.67% 695 781.90 -57 019.50 -8.20%
28.02.2009 670 085.10 677 939.30 -7 854.20 -1.16% 739 312.80 -69 227.70 -9.36%
31.01.2009 677 939.30 654 428.80 23 510.50 3.59% 700 848.50 -22 909.20 -3.27%
31.12.2008 654 428.80 700 789.90 -46 361.10 -6.62% 731 598.90 -77 170.10 -10.55%
30.11.2008 700 789.90 717 365.70 -16 575.80 -2.31% 719 660.10 -18 870.20 -2.62%
31.10.2008 717 365.70 702 616.50 14 749.20 2.10% 692 243.80 25 121.90 3.63%
30.09.2008 702 616.50 751 354.00 -48 737.50 -6.49% 721 048.40 -18 431.90 -2.56%
31.08.2008 751 354.00 716 643.10 34 710.90 4.84% 732 007.40 19 346.60 2.64%
31.07.2008 716 643.10 689 840.20 26 802.90 3.89% 692 847.90 23 795.20 3.43%
30.06.2008 689 840.20 746 795.50 -56 955.30 -7.63% 737 505.70 -47 665.50 -6.46%
31.05.2008 746 795.50 747 023.50 - 228.00 -0.03% 717 496.80 29 298.70 4.08%
30.04.2008 747 023.50 695 781.90 51 241.60 7.36% 749 823.00 -2 799.50 -0.37%
31.03.2008 695 781.90 739 312.80 -43 530.90 -5.89% 731 786.90 -36 005.00 -4.92%
29.02.2008 739 312.80 700 848.50 38 464.30 5.49% 694 730.40 44 582.40 6.42%
31.01.2008 700 848.50 731 598.90 -30 750.40 -4.20% 683 706.40 17 142.10 2.51%
31.12.2007 731 598.90 719 660.10 11 938.80 1.66% 693 742.50 37 856.40 5.46%
30.11.2007 719 660.10 692 243.80 27 416.30 3.96% 663 066.30 56 593.80 8.54%
31.10.2007 692 243.80 721 048.40 -28 804.60 -3.99% 669 482.70 22 761.10 3.40%
30.09.2007 721 048.40 732 007.40 -10 959.00 -1.50% 681 507.30 39 541.10 5.80%
31.08.2007 732 007.40 692 847.90 39 159.50 5.65% 674 297.90 57 709.50 8.56%
31.07.2007 692 847.90 737 505.70 -44 657.80 -6.06% 669 482.40 23 365.50 3.49%
30.06.2007 737 505.70 717 496.80 20 008.90 2.79% 702 701.70 34 804.00 4.95%
31.05.2007 717 496.80 749 823.00 -32 326.20 -4.31% 677 060.60 40 436.20 5.97%
30.04.2007 749 823.00 731 786.90 18 036.10 2.46% 719 706.60 30 116.40 4.18%
31.03.2007 731 786.90 694 730.40 37 056.50 5.33% 708 473.60 23 313.30 3.29%
28.02.2007 694 730.40 683 706.40 11 024.00 1.61% 679 891.90 14 838.50 2.18%
31.01.2007 683 706.40 693 742.50 -10 036.10 -1.45% 672 373.90 11 332.50 1.69%
31.12.2006 693 742.50 663 066.30 30 676.20 4.63% 690 849.50 2 893.00 0.42%
30.11.2006 663 066.30 669 482.70 -6 416.40 -0.96% 694 973.70 -31 907.40 -4.59%
31.10.2006 669 482.70 681 507.30 -12 024.60 -1.76% 696 878.50 -27 395.80 -3.93%
30.09.2006 681 507.30 674 297.90 7 209.40 1.07% 714 296.50 -32 789.20 -4.59%
31.08.2006 674 297.90 669 482.40 4 815.50 0.72% 700 059.30 -25 761.40 -3.68%
31.07.2006 669 482.40 702 701.70 -33 219.30 -4.73% 719 845.90 -50 363.50 -7.00%
30.06.2006 702 701.70 677 060.60 25 641.10 3.79% 722 130.00 -19 428.30 -2.69%
31.05.2006 677 060.60 719 706.60 -42 646.00 -5.93% 714 054.60 -36 994.00 -5.18%
30.04.2006 719 706.60 708 473.60 11 233.00 1.59% 731 148.80 -11 442.20 -1.56%
31.03.2006 708 473.60 679 891.90 28 581.70 4.20% 686 614.20 21 859.40 3.18%
28.02.2006 679 891.90 672 373.90 7 518.00 1.12% 696 619.20 -16 727.30 -2.40%
31.01.2006 672 373.90 690 849.50 -18 475.60 -2.67% 675 367.40 -2 993.50 -0.44%
31.12.2005 690 849.50 694 973.70 -4 124.20 -0.59% 693 365.50 -2 516.00 -0.36%
30.11.2005 694 973.70 696 878.50 -1 904.80 -0.27% 692 251.30 2 722.40 0.39%
31.10.2005 696 878.50 714 296.50 -17 418.00 -2.44% 720 020.50 -23 142.00 -3.21%
30.09.2005 714 296.50 700 059.30 14 237.20 2.03% 706 412.00 7 884.50 1.12%
31.08.2005 700 059.30 719 845.90 -19 786.60 -2.75% 702 984.70 -2 925.40 -0.42%
31.07.2005 719 845.90 722 130.00 -2 284.10 -0.32% 717 396.80 2 449.10 0.34%
30.06.2005 722 130.00 714 054.60 8 075.40 1.13% 698 534.70 23 595.30 3.38%
31.05.2005 714 054.60 731 148.80 -17 094.20 -2.34% 703 064.50 10 990.10 1.56%
30.04.2005 731 148.80 686 614.20 44 534.60 6.49% 726 712.40 4 436.40 0.61%
31.03.2005 686 614.20 696 619.20 -10 005.00 -1.44% 691 008.70 -4 394.50 -0.64%
28.02.2005 696 619.20 675 367.40 21 251.80 3.15% 701 611.60 -4 992.40 -0.71%
31.01.2005 675 367.40 693 365.50 -17 998.10 -2.60% 693 725.40 -18 358.00 -2.65%
31.12.2004 693 365.50 692 251.30 1 114.20 0.16% 683 710.40 9 655.10 1.41%
30.11.2004 692 251.30 720 020.50 -27 769.20 -3.86% 669 186.70 23 064.60 3.45%
31.10.2004 720 020.50 706 412.00 13 608.50 1.93% 674 531.70 45 488.80 6.74%
30.09.2004 706 412.00 702 984.70 3 427.30 0.49% 658 233.40 48 178.60 7.32%
31.08.2004 702 984.70 717 396.80 -14 412.10 -2.01% 699 653.30 3 331.40 0.48%
31.07.2004 717 396.80 698 534.70 18 862.10 2.70% 675 727.40 41 669.40 6.17%
30.06.2004 698 534.70 703 064.50 -4 529.80 -0.64% 656 687.00 41 847.70 6.37%
31.05.2004 703 064.50 726 712.40 -23 647.90 -3.25% 684 991.80 18 072.70 2.64%
30.04.2004 726 712.40 691 008.70 35 703.70 5.17% 693 747.10 32 965.30 4.75%
31.03.2004 691 008.70 701 611.60 -10 602.90 -1.51% 659 840.10 31 168.60 4.72%
29.02.2004 701 611.60 693 725.40 7 886.20 1.14% 680 725.30 20 886.30 3.07%
31.01.2004 693 725.40 683 710.40 10 015.00 1.46% 687 209.80 6 515.60 0.95%
31.12.2003 683 710.40 669 186.70 14 523.70 2.17% 663 260.40 20 450.00 3.08%
30.11.2003 669 186.70 674 531.70 -5 345.00 -0.79% 685 261.70 -16 075.00 -2.35%
31.10.2003 674 531.70 658 233.40 16 298.30 2.48% 670 374.70 4 157.00 0.62%
30.09.2003 658 233.40 699 653.30 -41 419.90 -5.92% 659 519.40 -1 286.00 -0.19%
31.08.2003 699 653.30 675 727.40 23 925.90 3.54% 588 693.30 110 960.00 18.85%
31.07.2003 675 727.40 656 687.00 19 040.40 2.90% 570 051.60 105 675.80 18.54%
30.06.2003 656 687.00 684 991.80 -28 304.80 -4.13% 577 990.80 78 696.20 13.62%
31.05.2003 684 991.80 693 747.10 -8 755.30 -1.26% 618 392.80 66 599.00 10.77%
30.04.2003 693 747.10 659 840.10 33 907.00 5.14% 627 691.50 66 055.60 10.52%
31.03.2003 659 840.10 680 725.30 -20 885.20 -3.07% 624 385.60 35 454.50 5.68%
28.02.2003 680 725.30 687 209.80 -6 484.50 -0.94% 612 116.00 68 609.30 11.21%
31.01.2003 687 209.80 663 260.40 23 949.40 3.61% 603 154.30 84 055.50 13.94%
31.12.2002 663 260.40 685 261.70 -22 001.30 -3.21% - - -
30.11.2002 685 261.70 670 374.70 14 887.00 2.22% - - -
31.10.2002 670 374.70 659 519.40 10 855.30 1.65% - - -
30.09.2002 659 519.40 588 693.30 70 826.10 12.03% - - -
31.08.2002 588 693.30 570 051.60 18 641.70 3.27% - - -
31.07.2002 570 051.60 577 990.80 -7 939.20 -1.37% - - -
30.06.2002 577 990.80 618 392.80 -40 402.00 -6.53% - - -
31.05.2002 618 392.80 627 691.50 -9 298.70 -1.48% - - -
30.04.2002 627 691.50 624 385.60 3 305.90 0.53% - - -
31.03.2002 624 385.60 612 116.00 12 269.60 2.00% - - -
28.02.2002 612 116.00 603 154.30 8 961.70 1.49% - - -
31.01.2002 603 154.30 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (levels))
Deposits of other general government/ other residents - With agreed maturity (Consolidated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (including the CNB) - liabilities (flows))
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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