other lending (financial and specific purpose) total, Kvartální součty - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat other lending (financial and specific purpose) total v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Client loans by type (total) - CZK+FC

Nahrávám ... Nahrávám interaktivní graf ...

Kvartální součty

Zpět na základní časovou řadu other lending (financial and specific purpose) total

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
01.07.2020 150 597.90 452 748.70 - 302 150.80 -66.74% 420 590.60 - 269 992.70 -64.19%
01.04.2020 452 748.70 439 622.00 13 126.70 2.99% 413 558.80 39 189.90 9.48%
01.01.2020 439 622.00 422 865.40 16 756.60 3.96% 415 803.20 23 818.80 5.73%
01.10.2019 422 865.40 420 590.60 2 274.80 0.54% 424 472.60 -1 607.20 -0.38%
01.07.2019 420 590.60 413 558.80 7 031.80 1.70% 428 674.90 -8 084.30 -1.89%
01.04.2019 413 558.80 415 803.20 -2 244.40 -0.54% 419 852.50 -6 293.70 -1.50%
01.01.2019 415 803.20 424 472.60 -8 669.40 -2.04% 415 376.10 427.10 0.10%
01.10.2018 424 472.60 428 674.90 -4 202.30 -0.98% 401 856.40 22 616.20 5.63%
01.07.2018 428 674.90 419 852.50 8 822.40 2.10% 417 495.30 11 179.60 2.68%
01.04.2018 419 852.50 415 376.10 4 476.40 1.08% 435 301.80 -15 449.30 -3.55%
01.01.2018 415 376.10 401 856.40 13 519.70 3.36% 446 153.10 -30 777.00 -6.90%
01.10.2017 401 856.40 417 495.30 -15 638.90 -3.75% 449 222.40 -47 366.00 -10.54%
01.07.2017 417 495.30 435 301.80 -17 806.50 -4.09% 444 444.20 -26 948.90 -6.06%
01.04.2017 435 301.80 446 153.10 -10 851.30 -2.43% 417 896.90 17 404.90 4.16%
01.01.2017 446 153.10 449 222.40 -3 069.30 -0.68% 399 102.90 47 050.20 11.79%
01.10.2016 449 222.40 444 444.20 4 778.20 1.07% 393 428.50 55 793.90 14.18%
01.07.2016 444 444.20 417 896.90 26 547.30 6.35% 389 028.60 55 415.60 14.24%
01.04.2016 417 896.90 399 102.90 18 794.00 4.71% 374 667.70 43 229.20 11.54%
01.01.2016 399 102.90 393 428.50 5 674.40 1.44% 371 075.90 28 027.00 7.55%
01.10.2015 393 428.50 389 028.60 4 399.90 1.13% 363 402.10 30 026.40 8.26%
01.07.2015 389 028.60 374 667.70 14 360.90 3.83% 348 398.30 40 630.30 11.66%
01.04.2015 374 667.70 371 075.90 3 591.80 0.97% 358 293.90 16 373.80 4.57%
01.01.2015 371 075.90 363 402.10 7 673.80 2.11% 344 011.10 27 064.80 7.87%
01.10.2014 363 402.10 348 398.30 15 003.80 4.31% 328 701.70 34 700.40 10.56%
01.07.2014 348 398.30 358 293.90 -9 895.60 -2.76% 308 576.20 39 822.10 12.91%
01.04.2014 358 293.90 344 011.10 14 282.80 4.15% 296 584.20 61 709.70 20.81%
01.01.2014 344 011.10 328 701.70 15 309.40 4.66% 267 474.70 76 536.40 28.61%
01.10.2013 328 701.70 308 576.20 20 125.50 6.52% 225 118.00 103 583.70 46.01%
01.07.2013 308 576.20 296 584.20 11 992.00 4.04% 208 363.50 100 212.70 48.10%
01.04.2013 296 584.20 267 474.70 29 109.50 10.88% 201 715.90 94 868.30 47.03%
01.01.2013 267 474.70 225 118.00 42 356.70 18.82% 193 940.10 73 534.60 37.92%
01.10.2012 225 118.00 208 363.50 16 754.50 8.04% 194 242.20 30 875.80 15.90%
01.07.2012 208 363.50 201 715.90 6 647.60 3.30% 190 511.80 17 851.70 9.37%
01.04.2012 201 715.90 193 940.10 7 775.80 4.01% 189 324.40 12 391.50 6.55%
01.01.2012 193 940.10 194 242.20 - 302.10 -0.16% 189 106.80 4 833.30 2.56%
01.10.2011 194 242.20 190 511.80 3 730.40 1.96% 214 799.50 -20 557.30 -9.57%
01.07.2011 190 511.80 189 324.40 1 187.40 0.63% 245 795.10 -55 283.30 -22.49%
01.04.2011 189 324.40 189 106.80 217.60 0.12% 260 376.00 -71 051.60 -27.29%
01.01.2011 189 106.80 214 799.50 -25 692.70 -11.96% 271 262.40 -82 155.60 -30.29%
01.10.2010 214 799.50 245 795.10 -30 995.60 -12.61% 271 103.40 -56 303.90 -20.77%
01.07.2010 245 795.10 260 376.00 -14 580.90 -5.60% 281 743.50 -35 948.40 -12.76%
01.04.2010 260 376.00 271 262.40 -10 886.40 -4.01% 299 492.30 -39 116.30 -13.06%
01.01.2010 271 262.40 271 103.40 159.00 0.06% 308 515.40 -37 253.00 -12.07%
01.10.2009 271 103.40 281 743.50 -10 640.10 -3.78% 316 908.10 -45 804.70 -14.45%
01.07.2009 281 743.50 299 492.30 -17 748.80 -5.93% 321 161.60 -39 418.10 -12.27%
01.04.2009 299 492.30 308 515.40 -9 023.10 -2.92% 300 746.70 -1 254.40 -0.42%
01.01.2009 308 515.40 316 908.10 -8 392.70 -2.65% 289 523.90 18 991.50 6.56%
01.10.2008 316 908.10 321 161.60 -4 253.50 -1.32% 290 923.00 25 985.10 8.93%
01.07.2008 321 161.60 300 746.70 20 414.90 6.79% 286 954.40 34 207.20 11.92%
01.04.2008 300 746.70 289 523.90 11 222.80 3.88% 266 035.90 34 710.80 13.05%
01.01.2008 289 523.90 290 923.00 -1 399.10 -0.48% 256 575.80 32 948.10 12.84%
01.10.2007 290 923.00 286 954.40 3 968.60 1.38% 251 262.60 39 660.40 15.78%
01.07.2007 286 954.40 266 035.90 20 918.50 7.86% 231 329.40 55 625.00 24.05%
01.04.2007 266 035.90 256 575.80 9 460.10 3.69% 213 191.90 52 844.00 24.79%
01.01.2007 256 575.80 251 262.60 5 313.20 2.11% 204 086.20 52 489.60 25.72%
01.10.2006 251 262.60 231 329.40 19 933.20 8.62% 210 071.40 41 191.20 19.61%
01.07.2006 231 329.40 213 191.90 18 137.50 8.51% 214 037.80 17 291.60 8.08%
01.04.2006 213 191.90 204 086.20 9 105.70 4.46% 212 982.90 209.00 0.10%
01.01.2006 204 086.20 210 071.40 -5 985.20 -2.85% 241 727.80 -37 641.60 -15.57%
01.10.2005 210 071.40 214 037.80 -3 966.40 -1.85% 265 044.20 -54 972.80 -20.74%
01.07.2005 214 037.80 212 982.90 1 054.90 0.50% 285 052.80 -71 015.00 -24.91%
01.04.2005 212 982.90 241 727.80 -28 744.90 -11.89% 293 364.70 -80 381.80 -27.40%
01.01.2005 241 727.80 265 044.20 -23 316.40 -8.80% 309 270.50 -67 542.70 -21.84%
01.10.2004 265 044.20 285 052.80 -20 008.60 -7.02% 310 914.70 -45 870.50 -14.75%
01.07.2004 285 052.80 293 364.70 -8 311.90 -2.83% 310 607.40 -25 554.60 -8.23%
01.04.2004 293 364.70 309 270.50 -15 905.80 -5.14% 316 494.30 -23 129.60 -7.31%
01.01.2004 309 270.50 310 914.70 -1 644.20 -0.53% 367 122.50 -57 852.00 -15.76%
01.10.2003 310 914.70 310 607.40 307.30 0.10% 371 349.20 -60 434.50 -16.27%
01.07.2003 310 607.40 316 494.30 -5 886.90 -1.86% 380 483.30 -69 875.90 -18.36%
01.04.2003 316 494.30 367 122.50 -50 628.20 -13.79% 391 969.50 -75 475.20 -19.26%
01.01.2003 367 122.50 371 349.20 -4 226.70 -1.14% 381 092.80 -13 970.30 -3.67%
01.10.2002 371 349.20 380 483.30 -9 134.10 -2.40% - - -
01.07.2002 380 483.30 391 969.50 -11 486.20 -2.93% - - -
01.04.2002 391 969.50 381 092.80 10 876.70 2.85% - - -
01.01.2002 381 092.80 - - - - - -

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
other lending (financial and specific purpose) total (Client loans by type (total) - CZK+FC)
other lending (financial and specific purpose) total (Residents - loans by type (total) - CZK+FC)
other lending (financial and specific purpose) total (Non-residents - loans by type (total) - CZK+FC)
other lending (financial and specific purpose) total (Client loans by type (total) - CZK+FC)
other lending (financial and specific purpose) total (Residents - loans by type (total) - CZK+FC)
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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