General government (Debt securities - holdings by all residents) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat General government (Debt securities - holdings by all residents) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Debt securities - holdings by all residents

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Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Debt securities - holdings by all residents - General government - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.03.2013 1 430 899.00
Min 31.03.2005 502 166.00

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.03.2020 1 164 855.00 1 084 952.00 79 903.00 7.36% 1 097 756.00 67 099.00 6.11%
31.12.2019 1 084 952.00 1 089 159.00 -4 207.00 -0.39% 1 050 690.00 34 262.00 3.26%
30.09.2019 1 089 159.00 1 084 284.00 4 875.00 0.45% 1 056 521.00 32 638.00 3.09%
30.06.2019 1 084 284.00 1 097 756.00 -13 472.00 -1.23% 1 039 630.00 44 654.00 4.30%
31.03.2019 1 097 756.00 1 050 690.00 47 066.00 4.48% 1 012 330.00 85 426.00 8.44%
31.12.2018 1 050 690.00 1 056 521.00 -5 831.00 -0.55% 1 001 636.00 49 054.00 4.90%
30.09.2018 1 056 521.00 1 039 630.00 16 891.00 1.62% 1 003 268.00 53 253.00 5.31%
30.06.2018 1 039 630.00 1 012 330.00 27 300.00 2.70% 1 069 616.00 -29 986.00 -2.80%
31.03.2018 1 012 330.00 1 001 636.00 10 694.00 1.07% 1 123 284.00 - 110 954.00 -9.88%
31.12.2017 1 001 636.00 1 003 268.00 -1 632.00 -0.16% 1 104 533.00 - 102 897.00 -9.32%
30.09.2017 1 003 268.00 1 069 616.00 -66 348.00 -6.20% 1 187 120.00 - 183 852.00 -15.49%
30.06.2017 1 069 616.00 1 123 284.00 -53 668.00 -4.78% 1 212 911.00 - 143 295.00 -11.81%
31.03.2017 1 123 284.00 1 104 533.00 18 751.00 1.70% 1 259 834.00 - 136 550.00 -10.84%
31.12.2016 1 104 533.00 1 187 120.00 -82 587.00 -6.96% 1 285 290.00 - 180 757.00 -14.06%
30.09.2016 1 187 120.00 1 212 911.00 -25 791.00 -2.13% 1 281 150.00 -94 030.00 -7.34%
30.06.2016 1 212 911.00 1 259 834.00 -46 923.00 -3.72% 1 329 773.00 - 116 862.00 -8.79%
31.03.2016 1 259 834.00 1 285 290.00 -25 456.00 -1.98% 1 400 768.00 - 140 934.00 -10.06%
31.12.2015 1 285 290.00 1 281 150.00 4 140.00 0.32% 1 413 877.00 - 128 587.00 -9.09%
30.09.2015 1 281 150.00 1 329 773.00 -48 623.00 -3.66% 1 388 170.00 - 107 020.00 -7.71%
30.06.2015 1 329 773.00 1 400 768.00 -70 995.00 -5.07% 1 387 940.00 -58 167.00 -4.19%
31.03.2015 1 400 768.00 1 413 877.00 -13 109.00 -0.93% 1 325 015.00 75 753.00 5.72%
31.12.2014 1 413 877.00 1 388 170.00 25 707.00 1.85% 1 312 912.00 100 965.00 7.69%
30.09.2014 1 388 170.00 1 387 940.00 230.00 0.02% 1 325 627.00 62 543.00 4.72%
30.06.2014 1 387 940.00 1 325 015.00 62 925.00 4.75% 1 366 171.00 21 769.00 1.59%
31.03.2014 1 325 015.00 1 312 912.00 12 103.00 0.92% 1 430 899.00 - 105 884.00 -7.40%
31.12.2013 1 312 912.00 1 325 627.00 -12 715.00 -0.96% 1 391 125.00 -78 213.00 -5.62%
30.09.2013 1 325 627.00 1 366 171.00 -40 544.00 -2.97% 1 379 653.00 -54 026.00 -3.92%
30.06.2013 1 366 171.00 1 430 899.00 -64 728.00 -4.52% 1 342 166.00 24 005.00 1.79%
31.03.2013 1 430 899.00 1 391 125.00 39 774.00 2.86% 1 303 727.00 127 172.00 9.75%
31.12.2012 1 391 125.00 1 379 653.00 11 472.00 0.83% 1 199 826.00 191 299.00 15.94%
30.09.2012 1 379 653.00 1 342 166.00 37 487.00 2.79% 1 146 810.00 232 843.00 20.30%
30.06.2012 1 342 166.00 1 303 727.00 38 439.00 2.95% 1 046 515.00 295 651.00 28.25%
31.03.2012 1 303 727.00 1 199 826.00 103 901.00 8.66% 1 066 001.00 237 726.00 22.30%
31.12.2011 1 199 826.00 1 146 810.00 53 016.00 4.62% 1 004 304.00 195 522.00 19.47%
30.09.2011 1 146 810.00 1 046 515.00 100 295.00 9.58% 1 096 967.00 49 843.00 4.54%
30.06.2011 1 046 515.00 1 066 001.00 -19 486.00 -1.83% 982 522.00 63 993.00 6.51%
31.03.2011 1 066 001.00 1 004 304.00 61 697.00 6.14% 966 441.00 99 560.00 10.30%
31.12.2010 1 004 304.00 1 096 967.00 -92 663.00 -8.45% 894 740.00 109 564.00 12.25%
30.09.2010 1 096 967.00 982 522.00 114 445.00 11.65% 902 073.00 194 894.00 21.61%
30.06.2010 982 522.00 966 441.00 16 081.00 1.66% 858 852.00 123 670.00 14.40%
31.03.2010 966 441.00 894 740.00 71 701.00 8.01% 759 959.00 206 482.00 27.17%
31.12.2009 894 740.00 902 073.00 -7 333.00 -0.81% 770 689.00 124 051.00 16.10%
30.09.2009 902 073.00 858 852.00 43 221.00 5.03% 658 151.00 243 922.00 37.06%
30.06.2009 858 852.00 759 959.00 98 893.00 13.01% 639 914.00 218 938.00 34.21%
31.03.2009 759 959.00 770 689.00 -10 730.00 -1.39% 641 706.00 118 253.00 18.43%
31.12.2008 770 689.00 658 151.00 112 538.00 17.10% 673 009.00 97 680.00 14.51%
30.09.2008 658 151.00 639 914.00 18 237.00 2.85% 634 220.00 23 931.00 3.77%
30.06.2008 639 914.00 641 706.00 -1 792.00 -0.28% 646 757.00 -6 843.00 -1.06%
31.03.2008 641 706.00 673 009.00 -31 303.00 -4.65% 619 215.00 22 491.00 3.63%
31.12.2007 673 009.00 634 220.00 38 789.00 6.12% 611 583.00 61 426.00 10.04%
30.09.2007 634 220.00 646 757.00 -12 537.00 -1.94% 573 589.00 60 631.00 10.57%
30.06.2007 646 757.00 619 215.00 27 542.00 4.45% 557 169.00 89 588.00 16.08%
31.03.2007 619 215.00 611 583.00 7 632.00 1.25% 534 840.00 84 375.00 15.78%
31.12.2006 611 583.00 573 589.00 37 994.00 6.62% 535 725.00 75 858.00 14.16%
30.09.2006 573 589.00 557 169.00 16 420.00 2.95% 515 469.00 58 120.00 11.28%
30.06.2006 557 169.00 534 840.00 22 329.00 4.17% 511 637.00 45 532.00 8.90%
31.03.2006 534 840.00 535 725.00 - 885.00 -0.17% 502 166.00 32 674.00 6.51%
31.12.2005 535 725.00 515 469.00 20 256.00 3.93% 519 456.00 16 269.00 3.13%
30.09.2005 515 469.00 511 637.00 3 832.00 0.75% 539 386.00 -23 917.00 -4.43%
30.06.2005 511 637.00 502 166.00 9 471.00 1.89% 556 108.00 -44 471.00 -8.00%
31.03.2005 502 166.00 519 456.00 -17 290.00 -3.33% 535 877.00 -33 711.00 -6.29%
31.12.2004 519 456.00 539 386.00 -19 930.00 -3.69% - - -
30.09.2004 539 386.00 556 108.00 -16 722.00 -3.01% - - -
30.06.2004 556 108.00 535 877.00 20 231.00 3.78% - - -
31.03.2004 535 877.00 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

General government - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
General government (Archive (ESA95))
General government (Client)
General government (Archive (ESA95))
General government (Client)
General government (Client loans by sector (CZK+FC))
General government (Client loans by sector (CZK))
General government (Client loans by sector (FC))
General government (Client loans by sector (EUR))
General government (Client deposits by sector (CZK+FC))
General government (Client deposits by sector (CZK))
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - Central government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Central government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - Overnight (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - With agreed maturity (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - Redeemable at notice (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents - Repurchase agreements (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech MFIs (excluding the CNB) - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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