Nonresidents (Debt securities - holdings by general government) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Nonresidents (Debt securities - holdings by general government) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Debt securities - holdings by general government

Nahrávám ... Nahrávám interaktivní graf ...

Meziroční srovnání

Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Debt securities - holdings by general government - Nonresidents - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Min 30.06.2019 296.00
Max 31.03.2004 8 453.00

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.03.2020 412.00 487.00 -75.00 -15.40% 326.00 86.00 26.38%
31.12.2019 487.00 488.00 -1.00 -0.20% 320.00 167.00 52.19%
30.09.2019 488.00 296.00 192.00 64.86% 2 374.00 -1 886.00 -79.44%
30.06.2019 296.00 326.00 -30.00 -9.20% 2 489.00 -2 193.00 -88.11%
31.03.2019 326.00 320.00 6.00 1.88% 2 424.00 -2 098.00 -86.55%
31.12.2018 320.00 2 374.00 -2 054.00 -86.52% 2 574.00 -2 254.00 -87.57%
30.09.2018 2 374.00 2 489.00 - 115.00 -4.62% 2 293.00 81.00 3.53%
30.06.2018 2 489.00 2 424.00 65.00 2.68% 2 175.00 314.00 14.44%
31.03.2018 2 424.00 2 574.00 - 150.00 -5.83% 1 978.00 446.00 22.55%
31.12.2017 2 574.00 2 293.00 281.00 12.25% 2 084.00 490.00 23.51%
30.09.2017 2 293.00 2 175.00 118.00 5.43% 2 244.00 49.00 2.18%
30.06.2017 2 175.00 1 978.00 197.00 9.96% 1 831.00 344.00 18.79%
31.03.2017 1 978.00 2 084.00 - 106.00 -5.09% 1 711.00 267.00 15.60%
31.12.2016 2 084.00 2 244.00 - 160.00 -7.13% 1 634.00 450.00 27.54%
30.09.2016 2 244.00 1 831.00 413.00 22.56% 1 612.00 632.00 39.21%
30.06.2016 1 831.00 1 711.00 120.00 7.01% 1 711.00 120.00 7.01%
31.03.2016 1 711.00 1 634.00 77.00 4.71% 1 797.00 -86.00 -4.79%
31.12.2015 1 634.00 1 612.00 22.00 1.36% 1 717.00 -83.00 -4.83%
30.09.2015 1 612.00 1 711.00 -99.00 -5.79% 1 696.00 -84.00 -4.95%
30.06.2015 1 711.00 1 797.00 -86.00 -4.79% 1 686.00 25.00 1.48%
31.03.2015 1 797.00 1 717.00 80.00 4.66% 1 867.00 -70.00 -3.75%
31.12.2014 1 717.00 1 696.00 21.00 1.24% 2 434.00 - 717.00 -29.46%
30.09.2014 1 696.00 1 686.00 10.00 0.59% 2 505.00 - 809.00 -32.30%
30.06.2014 1 686.00 1 867.00 - 181.00 -9.69% 2 722.00 -1 036.00 -38.06%
31.03.2014 1 867.00 2 434.00 - 567.00 -23.29% 3 013.00 -1 146.00 -38.04%
31.12.2013 2 434.00 2 505.00 -71.00 -2.83% 2 787.00 - 353.00 -12.67%
30.09.2013 2 505.00 2 722.00 - 217.00 -7.97% 2 763.00 - 258.00 -9.34%
30.06.2013 2 722.00 3 013.00 - 291.00 -9.66% 2 516.00 206.00 8.19%
31.03.2013 3 013.00 2 787.00 226.00 8.11% 2 400.00 613.00 25.54%
31.12.2012 2 787.00 2 763.00 24.00 0.87% 2 731.00 56.00 2.05%
30.09.2012 2 763.00 2 516.00 247.00 9.82% 2 596.00 167.00 6.43%
30.06.2012 2 516.00 2 400.00 116.00 4.83% 2 503.00 13.00 0.52%
31.03.2012 2 400.00 2 731.00 - 331.00 -12.12% 2 215.00 185.00 8.35%
31.12.2011 2 731.00 2 596.00 135.00 5.20% 1 115.00 1 616.00 144.93%
30.09.2011 2 596.00 2 503.00 93.00 3.72% 1 622.00 974.00 60.05%
30.06.2011 2 503.00 2 215.00 288.00 13.00% 1 611.00 892.00 55.37%
31.03.2011 2 215.00 1 115.00 1 100.00 98.65% 1 797.00 418.00 23.26%
31.12.2010 1 115.00 1 622.00 - 507.00 -31.26% 1 836.00 - 721.00 -39.27%
30.09.2010 1 622.00 1 611.00 11.00 0.68% 1 923.00 - 301.00 -15.65%
30.06.2010 1 611.00 1 797.00 - 186.00 -10.35% 2 129.00 - 518.00 -24.33%
31.03.2010 1 797.00 1 836.00 -39.00 -2.12% 2 687.00 - 890.00 -33.12%
31.12.2009 1 836.00 1 923.00 -87.00 -4.52% 3 048.00 -1 212.00 -39.76%
30.09.2009 1 923.00 2 129.00 - 206.00 -9.68% 2 894.00 - 971.00 -33.55%
30.06.2009 2 129.00 2 687.00 - 558.00 -20.77% 2 933.00 - 804.00 -27.41%
31.03.2009 2 687.00 3 048.00 - 361.00 -11.84% 3 593.00 - 906.00 -25.22%
31.12.2008 3 048.00 2 894.00 154.00 5.32% 3 910.00 - 862.00 -22.05%
30.09.2008 2 894.00 2 933.00 -39.00 -1.33% 3 475.00 - 581.00 -16.72%
30.06.2008 2 933.00 3 593.00 - 660.00 -18.37% 4 271.00 -1 338.00 -31.33%
31.03.2008 3 593.00 3 910.00 - 317.00 -8.11% 4 308.00 - 715.00 -16.60%
31.12.2007 3 910.00 3 475.00 435.00 12.52% 2 463.00 1 447.00 58.75%
30.09.2007 3 475.00 4 271.00 - 796.00 -18.64% 2 944.00 531.00 18.04%
30.06.2007 4 271.00 4 308.00 -37.00 -0.86% 3 834.00 437.00 11.40%
31.03.2007 4 308.00 2 463.00 1 845.00 74.91% 4 527.00 - 219.00 -4.84%
31.12.2006 2 463.00 2 944.00 - 481.00 -16.34% 6 974.00 -4 511.00 -64.68%
30.09.2006 2 944.00 3 834.00 - 890.00 -23.21% 4 345.00 -1 401.00 -32.24%
30.06.2006 3 834.00 4 527.00 - 693.00 -15.31% 3 058.00 776.00 25.38%
31.03.2006 4 527.00 6 974.00 -2 447.00 -35.09% 3 420.00 1 107.00 32.37%
31.12.2005 6 974.00 4 345.00 2 629.00 60.51% 3 244.00 3 730.00 114.98%
30.09.2005 4 345.00 3 058.00 1 287.00 42.09% 6 042.00 -1 697.00 -28.09%
30.06.2005 3 058.00 3 420.00 - 362.00 -10.58% 5 789.00 -2 731.00 -47.18%
31.03.2005 3 420.00 3 244.00 176.00 5.43% 8 453.00 -5 033.00 -59.54%
31.12.2004 3 244.00 6 042.00 -2 798.00 -46.31% - - -
30.09.2004 6 042.00 5 789.00 253.00 4.37% - - -
30.06.2004 5 789.00 8 453.00 -2 664.00 -31.52% - - -
31.03.2004 8 453.00 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Nonresidents - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Nonresidents (Debt securities - holdings by general government)
Nonresidents (Debt securities - holdings by financial corporations)
Nonresidents (Debt securities - holdings by households and NPISHs)
Nonresidents (Debt securities - holdings by all residents)
Nonresidents (Debt securities - holdings by nonfinancial corporations)
--loans to nonbank nonresidents (Official reserves assets and other foreign currency assets (approximate market value) - in mill. USD)
Shares and other equity capital issued - nonresidents (Total in sectoral breakdown of holders - CZK)
Non-negotiable securities - residents and nonresidents total (Total in sectoral breakdown of holders - CZK)
Other debt securities - residents and nonresidents total (Total in sectoral breakdown of holders - CZK)
Shares and other equity capital issued - residents and nonresidents total (Total in sectoral breakdown of holders - CZK)
Other debt securities up to and including 1 year - residents and nonresidents total (Other debt securities in maturity and holders' sector breakdown - all currencies)
Other debt securities over 1 up to and including 5 years - residents and nonresidents total (up to 2003 up to and including 4 years) (Other debt securities in maturity and holders' sector breakdown - all currencies)
Other debt securities over 5 years - residents and nonresidents total (up to 2003 over 4 years) (Other debt securities in maturity and holders' sector breakdown - all currencies)
IND14 Shares and other equity (incl. MMF shares/units) - nonresidents (Total in sectoral breakdown of issuers - all currencies)
IND1 Non-negotiable securities - residents and nonresidents total (Total in sectoral breakdown of issuers - all currencies)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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Kryptoměny - Bitcoin, Ethereum

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Ropa - PHM, Benzín, Nafta, Nafta v Evropě


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