Other general government - Outstanding amounts, Kvartální součty - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Other general government - Outstanding amounts v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Sector breakdown of components of M3

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Kvartální součty

Zpět na základní časovou řadu Other general government - Outstanding amounts

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
01.07.2020 281 085.88 790 580.60 - 509 494.72 -64.45% 759 556.33 - 478 470.45 -62.99%
01.04.2020 790 580.60 740 272.89 50 307.71 6.80% 730 870.53 59 710.07 8.17%
01.01.2020 740 272.89 690 781.90 49 490.99 7.16% 708 456.23 31 816.66 4.49%
01.10.2019 690 781.90 759 556.33 -68 774.43 -9.05% 652 767.24 38 014.66 5.82%
01.07.2019 759 556.33 730 870.53 28 685.80 3.92% 729 416.25 30 140.08 4.13%
01.04.2019 730 870.53 708 456.23 22 414.30 3.16% 711 369.73 19 500.80 2.74%
01.01.2019 708 456.23 652 767.24 55 688.99 8.53% 695 140.10 13 316.13 1.92%
01.10.2018 652 767.24 729 416.25 -76 649.01 -10.51% 657 080.94 -4 313.70 -0.66%
01.07.2018 729 416.25 711 369.73 18 046.52 2.54% 703 335.31 26 080.94 3.71%
01.04.2018 711 369.73 695 140.10 16 229.63 2.33% 638 124.10 73 245.62 11.48%
01.01.2018 695 140.10 657 080.94 38 059.16 5.79% 594 411.48 100 728.62 16.95%
01.10.2017 657 080.94 703 335.31 -46 254.37 -6.58% 601 640.29 55 440.65 9.21%
01.07.2017 703 335.31 638 124.10 65 211.20 10.22% 631 870.32 71 464.99 11.31%
01.04.2017 638 124.10 594 411.48 43 712.63 7.35% 583 971.47 54 152.63 9.27%
01.01.2017 594 411.48 601 640.29 -7 228.81 -1.20% 526 269.38 68 142.10 12.95%
01.10.2016 601 640.29 631 870.32 -30 230.03 -4.78% 476 401.08 125 239.21 26.29%
01.07.2016 631 870.32 583 971.47 47 898.84 8.20% 503 759.46 128 110.85 25.43%
01.04.2016 583 971.47 526 269.38 57 702.09 10.96% 488 729.53 95 241.94 19.49%
01.01.2016 526 269.38 476 401.08 49 868.30 10.47% 467 641.25 58 628.13 12.54%
01.10.2015 476 401.08 503 759.46 -27 358.39 -5.43% 464 813.22 11 587.86 2.49%
01.07.2015 503 759.46 488 729.53 15 029.93 3.08% 481 489.63 22 269.84 4.63%
01.04.2015 488 729.53 467 641.25 21 088.28 4.51% 471 181.57 17 547.97 3.72%
01.01.2015 467 641.25 464 813.22 2 828.03 0.61% 453 928.04 13 713.20 3.02%
01.10.2014 464 813.22 481 489.63 -16 676.41 -3.46% 420 788.50 44 024.71 10.46%
01.07.2014 481 489.63 471 181.57 10 308.06 2.19% 435 758.87 45 730.76 10.49%
01.04.2014 471 181.57 453 928.04 17 253.52 3.80% 415 928.46 55 253.11 13.28%
01.01.2014 453 928.04 420 788.50 33 139.54 7.88% 425 429.92 28 498.13 6.70%
01.10.2013 420 788.50 435 758.87 -14 970.36 -3.44% 397 677.10 23 111.40 5.81%
01.07.2013 435 758.87 415 928.46 19 830.41 4.77% 401 307.59 34 451.27 8.58%
01.04.2013 415 928.46 425 429.92 -9 501.46 -2.23% 388 207.11 27 721.35 7.14%
01.01.2013 425 429.92 397 677.10 27 752.81 6.98% 372 728.84 52 701.08 14.14%
01.10.2012 397 677.10 401 307.59 -3 630.49 -0.90% 358 261.53 39 415.57 11.00%
01.07.2012 401 307.59 388 207.11 13 100.48 3.37% 406 623.93 -5 316.34 -1.31%
01.04.2012 388 207.11 372 728.84 15 478.28 4.15% 385 143.94 3 063.18 0.80%
01.01.2012 372 728.84 358 261.53 14 467.30 4.04% 389 923.18 -17 194.35 -4.41%
01.10.2011 358 261.53 406 623.93 -48 362.40 -11.89% 380 406.89 -22 145.35 -5.82%
01.07.2011 406 623.93 385 143.94 21 479.99 5.58% 436 200.32 -29 576.40 -6.78%
01.04.2011 385 143.94 389 923.18 -4 779.24 -1.23% 412 391.33 -27 247.39 -6.61%
01.01.2011 389 923.18 380 406.89 9 516.29 2.50% 400 528.20 -10 605.01 -2.65%
01.10.2010 380 406.89 436 200.32 -55 793.44 -12.79% 376 177.41 4 229.48 1.12%
01.07.2010 436 200.32 412 391.33 23 808.99 5.77% 419 143.10 17 057.23 4.07%
01.04.2010 412 391.33 400 528.20 11 863.13 2.96% 465 939.40 -53 548.07 -11.49%
01.01.2010 400 528.20 376 177.41 24 350.79 6.47% 446 592.60 -46 064.40 -10.31%
01.10.2009 376 177.41 419 143.10 -42 965.69 -10.25% 439 247.19 -63 069.79 -14.36%
01.07.2009 419 143.10 465 939.40 -46 796.31 -10.04% 466 900.10 -47 757.00 -10.23%
01.04.2009 465 939.40 446 592.60 19 346.80 4.33% 443 946.24 21 993.16 4.95%
01.01.2009 446 592.60 439 247.19 7 345.41 1.67% 420 806.42 25 786.18 6.13%
01.10.2008 439 247.19 466 900.10 -27 652.91 -5.92% 347 205.61 92 041.58 26.51%
01.07.2008 466 900.10 443 946.24 22 953.85 5.17% 370 147.68 96 752.42 26.14%
01.04.2008 443 946.24 420 806.42 23 139.83 5.50% 325 910.89 118 035.36 36.22%
01.01.2008 420 806.42 347 205.61 73 600.80 21.20% 298 904.26 121 902.16 40.78%
01.10.2007 347 205.61 370 147.68 -22 942.06 -6.20% 279 622.65 67 582.97 24.17%
01.07.2007 370 147.68 325 910.89 44 236.79 13.57% 296 171.11 73 976.56 24.98%
01.04.2007 325 910.89 298 904.26 27 006.63 9.04% 283 949.54 41 961.35 14.78%
01.01.2007 298 904.26 279 622.65 19 281.61 6.90% 261 071.41 37 832.85 14.49%
01.10.2006 279 622.65 296 171.11 -16 548.47 -5.59% 249 175.06 30 447.58 12.22%
01.07.2006 296 171.11 283 949.54 12 221.58 4.30% 255 673.30 40 497.81 15.84%
01.04.2006 283 949.54 261 071.41 22 878.13 8.76% 222 840.95 61 108.59 27.42%
01.01.2006 261 071.41 249 175.06 11 896.35 4.77% 200 751.65 60 319.76 30.05%
01.10.2005 249 175.06 255 673.30 -6 498.24 -2.54% 214 282.38 34 892.68 16.28%
01.07.2005 255 673.30 222 840.95 32 832.35 14.73% 216 502.74 39 170.57 18.09%
01.04.2005 222 840.95 200 751.65 22 089.30 11.00% 214 012.62 8 828.33 4.13%
01.01.2005 200 751.65 214 282.38 -13 530.73 -6.31% 199 942.34 809.31 0.40%
01.10.2004 214 282.38 216 502.74 -2 220.36 -1.03% 207 490.43 6 791.95 3.27%
01.07.2004 216 502.74 214 012.62 2 490.11 1.16% 225 509.87 -9 007.13 -3.99%
01.04.2004 214 012.62 199 942.34 14 070.28 7.04% 198 417.61 15 595.01 7.86%
01.01.2004 199 942.34 207 490.43 -7 548.09 -3.64% 194 283.78 5 658.57 2.91%
01.10.2003 207 490.43 225 509.87 -18 019.44 -7.99% 166 356.94 41 133.49 24.73%
01.07.2003 225 509.87 198 417.61 27 092.25 13.65% 164 973.19 60 536.67 36.69%
01.04.2003 198 417.61 194 283.78 4 133.84 2.13% 147 788.89 50 628.72 34.26%
01.01.2003 194 283.78 166 356.94 27 926.84 16.79% 133 979.83 60 303.94 45.01%
01.10.2002 166 356.94 164 973.19 1 383.74 0.84% - - -
01.07.2002 164 973.19 147 788.89 17 184.30 11.63% - - -
01.04.2002 147 788.89 133 979.83 13 809.06 10.31% - - -
01.01.2002 133 979.83 - - - - - -

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Other general government - Outstanding amounts (Sector breakdown of components of M3)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - Central government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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