Deposits and credits received from clients total, Kvartální součty - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Deposits and credits received from clients total v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Non-financial corporations total (residents) - Client deposits by time (CZK+FC)

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Kvartální součty

Zpět na základní časovou řadu Deposits and credits received from clients total

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
01.07.2020 1 151 005.60 3 411 570.70 -2 260 565.10 -66.26% 3 143 679.60 -1 992 674.00 -63.39%
01.04.2020 3 411 570.70 3 317 504.80 94 065.90 2.84% 3 152 990.60 258 580.10 8.20%
01.01.2020 3 317 504.80 3 242 188.00 75 316.80 2.32% 3 067 868.20 249 636.60 8.14%
01.10.2019 3 242 188.00 3 143 679.60 98 508.40 3.13% 3 106 206.50 135 981.50 4.38%
01.07.2019 3 143 679.60 3 152 990.60 -9 311.00 -0.30% 2 974 204.00 169 475.60 5.70%
01.04.2019 3 152 990.60 3 067 868.20 85 122.40 2.77% 3 012 845.70 140 144.90 4.65%
01.01.2019 3 067 868.20 3 106 206.50 -38 338.30 -1.23% 2 980 689.30 87 178.90 2.92%
01.10.2018 3 106 206.50 2 974 204.00 132 002.50 4.44% 2 990 076.30 116 130.20 3.88%
01.07.2018 2 974 204.00 3 012 845.70 -38 641.70 -1.28% 2 954 035.90 20 168.10 0.68%
01.04.2018 3 012 845.70 2 980 689.30 32 156.40 1.08% 2 952 084.00 60 761.70 2.06%
01.01.2018 2 980 689.30 2 990 076.30 -9 387.00 -0.31% 2 846 993.10 133 696.20 4.70%
01.10.2017 2 990 076.30 2 954 035.90 36 040.40 1.22% 2 763 250.20 226 826.10 8.21%
01.07.2017 2 954 035.90 2 952 084.00 1 951.90 0.07% 2 672 854.30 281 181.60 10.52%
01.04.2017 2 952 084.00 2 846 993.10 105 090.90 3.69% 2 647 667.10 304 416.90 11.50%
01.01.2017 2 846 993.10 2 763 250.20 83 742.90 3.03% 2 640 568.90 206 424.20 7.82%
01.10.2016 2 763 250.20 2 672 854.30 90 395.90 3.38% 2 700 488.20 62 762.00 2.32%
01.07.2016 2 672 854.30 2 647 667.10 25 187.20 0.95% 2 536 181.50 136 672.80 5.39%
01.04.2016 2 647 667.10 2 640 568.90 7 098.20 0.27% 2 466 739.20 180 927.90 7.33%
01.01.2016 2 640 568.90 2 700 488.20 -59 919.30 -2.22% 2 421 593.40 218 975.50 9.04%
01.10.2015 2 700 488.20 2 536 181.50 164 306.70 6.48% 2 392 900.20 307 588.00 12.85%
01.07.2015 2 536 181.50 2 466 739.20 69 442.30 2.82% 2 244 787.70 291 393.80 12.98%
01.04.2015 2 466 739.20 2 421 593.40 45 145.80 1.86% 2 242 593.90 224 145.30 9.99%
01.01.2015 2 421 593.40 2 392 900.20 28 693.20 1.20% 2 221 434.60 200 158.80 9.01%
01.10.2014 2 392 900.20 2 244 787.70 148 112.50 6.60% 2 232 426.50 160 473.70 7.19%
01.07.2014 2 244 787.70 2 242 593.90 2 193.80 0.10% 2 127 535.20 117 252.50 5.51%
01.04.2014 2 242 593.90 2 221 434.60 21 159.30 0.95% 2 070 733.20 171 860.70 8.30%
01.01.2014 2 221 434.60 2 232 426.50 -10 991.90 -0.49% 2 020 753.50 200 681.10 9.93%
01.10.2013 2 232 426.50 2 127 535.20 104 891.30 4.93% 2 066 655.00 165 771.50 8.02%
01.07.2013 2 127 535.20 2 070 733.20 56 802.00 2.74% 1 973 582.90 153 952.30 7.80%
01.04.2013 2 070 733.20 2 020 753.50 49 979.70 2.47% 1 979 440.90 91 292.30 4.61%
01.01.2013 2 020 753.50 2 066 655.00 -45 901.50 -2.22% 1 916 514.30 104 239.20 5.44%
01.10.2012 2 066 655.00 1 973 582.90 93 072.10 4.72% 1 916 033.90 150 621.10 7.86%
01.07.2012 1 973 582.90 1 979 440.90 -5 858.00 -0.30% 1 765 074.50 208 508.40 11.81%
01.04.2012 1 979 440.90 1 916 514.30 62 926.60 3.28% 1 741 606.20 237 834.70 13.66%
01.01.2012 1 916 514.30 1 916 033.90 480.40 0.03% 1 727 687.40 188 826.90 10.93%
01.10.2011 1 916 033.90 1 765 074.50 150 959.40 8.55% 1 806 174.30 109 859.60 6.08%
01.07.2011 1 765 074.50 1 741 606.20 23 468.30 1.35% 1 740 612.00 24 462.50 1.41%
01.04.2011 1 741 606.20 1 727 687.40 13 918.80 0.81% 1 773 259.30 -31 653.10 -1.78%
01.01.2011 1 727 687.40 1 806 174.30 -78 486.90 -4.35% 1 690 870.50 36 816.90 2.18%
01.10.2010 1 806 174.30 1 740 612.00 65 562.30 3.77% 1 709 526.50 96 647.80 5.65%
01.07.2010 1 740 612.00 1 773 259.30 -32 647.30 -1.84% 1 580 688.90 159 923.10 10.12%
01.04.2010 1 773 259.30 1 690 870.50 82 388.80 4.87% 1 608 086.80 165 172.50 10.27%
01.01.2010 1 690 870.50 1 709 526.50 -18 656.00 -1.09% 1 630 271.10 60 599.40 3.72%
01.10.2009 1 709 526.50 1 580 688.90 128 837.60 8.15% 1 667 491.50 42 035.00 2.52%
01.07.2009 1 580 688.90 1 608 086.80 -27 397.90 -1.70% 1 594 648.10 -13 959.20 -0.88%
01.04.2009 1 608 086.80 1 630 271.10 -22 184.30 -1.36% 1 589 284.90 18 801.90 1.18%
01.01.2009 1 630 271.10 1 667 491.50 -37 220.40 -2.23% 1 646 847.10 -16 576.00 -1.01%
01.10.2008 1 667 491.50 1 594 648.10 72 843.40 4.57% 1 687 800.30 -20 308.80 -1.20%
01.07.2008 1 594 648.10 1 589 284.90 5 363.20 0.34% 1 529 145.90 65 502.20 4.28%
01.04.2008 1 589 284.90 1 646 847.10 -57 562.20 -3.50% 1 544 584.80 44 700.10 2.89%
01.01.2008 1 646 847.10 1 687 800.30 -40 953.20 -2.43% 1 496 297.20 150 549.90 10.06%
01.10.2007 1 687 800.30 1 529 145.90 158 654.40 10.38% 1 494 367.10 193 433.20 12.94%
01.07.2007 1 529 145.90 1 544 584.80 -15 438.90 -1.00% 1 428 228.50 100 917.40 7.07%
01.04.2007 1 544 584.80 1 496 297.20 48 287.60 3.23% 1 385 542.00 159 042.80 11.48%
01.01.2007 1 496 297.20 1 494 367.10 1 930.10 0.13% 1 335 319.40 160 977.80 12.06%
01.10.2006 1 494 367.10 1 428 228.50 66 138.60 4.63% 1 265 230.80 229 136.30 18.11%
01.07.2006 1 428 228.50 1 385 542.00 42 686.50 3.08% 1 135 445.10 292 783.40 25.79%
01.04.2006 1 385 542.00 1 335 319.40 50 222.60 3.76% 1 121 872.80 263 669.20 23.50%
01.01.2006 1 335 319.40 1 265 230.80 70 088.60 5.54% 1 058 507.80 276 811.60 26.15%
01.10.2005 1 265 230.80 1 135 445.10 129 785.70 11.43% 1 134 705.20 130 525.60 11.50%
01.07.2005 1 135 445.10 1 121 872.80 13 572.30 1.21% 1 097 727.20 37 717.90 3.44%
01.04.2005 1 121 872.80 1 058 507.80 63 365.00 5.99% 1 058 669.90 63 202.90 5.97%
01.01.2005 1 058 507.80 1 134 705.20 -76 197.40 -6.72% 978 224.10 80 283.70 8.21%
01.10.2004 1 134 705.20 1 097 727.20 36 978.00 3.37% 1 046 802.20 87 903.00 8.40%
01.07.2004 1 097 727.20 1 058 669.90 39 057.30 3.69% 963 964.40 133 762.80 13.88%
01.04.2004 1 058 669.90 978 224.10 80 445.80 8.22% 908 656.20 150 013.70 16.51%
01.01.2004 978 224.10 1 046 802.20 -68 578.10 -6.55% 907 417.60 70 806.50 7.80%
01.10.2003 1 046 802.20 963 964.40 82 837.80 8.59% 939 503.90 107 298.30 11.42%
01.07.2003 963 964.40 908 656.20 55 308.20 6.09% 848 621.90 115 342.50 13.59%
01.04.2003 908 656.20 907 417.60 1 238.60 0.14% 820 527.60 88 128.60 10.74%
01.01.2003 907 417.60 939 503.90 -32 086.30 -3.42% 793 925.00 113 492.60 14.30%
01.10.2002 939 503.90 848 621.90 90 882.00 10.71% 863 279.90 76 224.00 8.83%
01.07.2002 848 621.90 820 527.60 28 094.30 3.42% 966 682.50 - 118 060.60 -12.21%
01.04.2002 820 527.60 793 925.00 26 602.60 3.35% 974 078.90 - 153 551.30 -15.76%
01.01.2002 793 925.00 863 279.90 -69 354.90 -8.03% 912 328.90 - 118 403.90 -12.98%
01.10.2001 863 279.90 966 682.50 - 103 402.60 -10.70% 789 484.40 73 795.50 9.35%
01.07.2001 966 682.50 974 078.90 -7 396.40 -0.76% 795 958.30 170 724.20 21.45%
01.04.2001 974 078.90 912 328.90 61 750.00 6.77% 757 877.60 216 201.30 28.53%
01.01.2001 912 328.90 789 484.40 122 844.50 15.56% 769 605.50 142 723.40 18.55%
01.10.2000 789 484.40 795 958.30 -6 473.90 -0.81% 750 261.50 39 222.90 5.23%
01.07.2000 795 958.30 757 877.60 38 080.70 5.02% 748 528.70 47 429.60 6.34%
01.04.2000 757 877.60 769 605.50 -11 727.90 -1.52% 727 593.20 30 284.40 4.16%
01.01.2000 769 605.50 750 261.50 19 344.00 2.58% 729 093.30 40 512.20 5.56%
01.10.1999 750 261.50 748 528.70 1 732.80 0.23% 745 791.20 4 470.30 0.60%
01.07.1999 748 528.70 727 593.20 20 935.50 2.88% 771 179.00 -22 650.30 -2.94%
01.04.1999 727 593.20 729 093.30 -1 500.10 -0.21% 732 560.20 -4 967.00 -0.68%
01.01.1999 729 093.30 745 791.20 -16 697.90 -2.24% 741 858.10 -12 764.80 -1.72%
01.10.1998 745 791.20 771 179.00 -25 387.80 -3.29% 810 936.40 -65 145.20 -8.03%
01.07.1998 771 179.00 732 560.20 38 618.80 5.27% 794 012.00 -22 833.00 -2.88%
01.04.1998 732 560.20 741 858.10 -9 297.90 -1.25% 752 353.10 -19 792.90 -2.63%
01.01.1998 741 858.10 810 936.40 -69 078.30 -8.52% 804 171.20 -62 313.10 -7.75%
01.10.1997 810 936.40 794 012.00 16 924.40 2.13% 872 619.20 -61 682.80 -7.07%
01.07.1997 794 012.00 752 353.10 41 658.90 5.54% 863 762.60 -69 750.60 -8.08%
01.04.1997 752 353.10 804 171.20 -51 818.10 -6.44% 844 937.40 -92 584.30 -10.96%
01.01.1997 804 171.20 872 619.20 -68 448.00 -7.84% 790 218.60 13 952.60 1.77%
01.10.1996 872 619.20 863 762.60 8 856.60 1.03% 794 708.70 77 910.50 9.80%
01.07.1996 863 762.60 844 937.40 18 825.20 2.23% 719 530.70 144 231.90 20.05%
01.04.1996 844 937.40 790 218.60 54 718.80 6.92% 678 614.90 166 322.50 24.51%
01.01.1996 790 218.60 794 708.70 -4 490.10 -0.56% 668 777.30 121 441.30 18.16%
01.10.1995 794 708.70 719 530.70 75 178.00 10.45% 686 614.40 108 094.30 15.74%
01.07.1995 719 530.70 678 614.90 40 915.80 6.03% 633 225.60 86 305.10 13.63%
01.04.1995 678 614.90 668 777.30 9 837.60 1.47% 622 089.80 56 525.10 9.09%
01.01.1995 668 777.30 686 614.40 -17 837.10 -2.60% 552 490.70 116 286.60 21.05%
01.10.1994 686 614.40 633 225.60 53 388.80 8.43% 554 881.30 131 733.10 23.74%
01.07.1994 633 225.60 622 089.80 11 135.80 1.79% 516 629.80 116 595.80 22.57%
01.04.1994 622 089.80 552 490.70 69 599.10 12.60% 450 281.50 171 808.30 38.16%
01.01.1994 552 490.70 554 881.30 -2 390.60 -0.43% 433 377.70 119 113.00 27.48%
01.10.1993 554 881.30 516 629.80 38 251.50 7.40% - - -
01.07.1993 516 629.80 450 281.50 66 348.30 14.73% - - -
01.04.1993 450 281.50 433 377.70 16 903.80 3.90% - - -
01.01.1993 433 377.70 - - - - - -

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by time (CZK+FC))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by time (CZK))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by time (FC))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by time (EUR))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by type (CZK+FC))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by type (CZK))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by type (FC))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Client deposits by type (EUR))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Households (residents) - Client deposits by time (CZK+FC))
Deposits and credits received from clients total (Households - trades (residents) - Client deposits by time (CZK+FC))
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Central government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)
Capital and reserves (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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