Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents, Kvartální součty - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Nové časové řady makroekonomiky a jejich data

Data ke dniŘada nebo sestava
31.12.2023 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
30.11.2023 Úvěry: Celkove náklady úvěrů domácnostem na bydlení v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
31.12.2023 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v ČR vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční
30.11.2023 Úvěry: Celkové náklady úvěrů nefinančním podnikům v EA vyjádřené ukazatelem cost of borrowing, Míra v %, Procenta, Měsíční

Graf hodnot, Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions

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Kvartální součty

Zpět na základní časovou řadu Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
01.04.2015 189 671.47 282 374.41 -92 702.94 -32.83% 246 956.60 -57 285.14 -23.20%
01.01.2015 282 374.41 271 906.76 10 467.65 3.85% 237 123.26 45 251.15 19.08%
01.10.2014 271 906.76 259 533.56 12 373.19 4.77% 233 352.19 38 554.56 16.52%
01.07.2014 259 533.56 246 956.60 12 576.96 5.09% 232 600.87 26 932.69 11.58%
01.04.2014 246 956.60 237 123.26 9 833.35 4.15% 232 899.42 14 057.18 6.04%
01.01.2014 237 123.26 233 352.19 3 771.06 1.62% 230 090.31 7 032.94 3.06%
01.10.2013 233 352.19 232 600.87 751.33 0.32% 234 878.09 -1 525.89 -0.65%
01.07.2013 232 600.87 232 899.42 - 298.56 -0.13% 233 887.57 -1 286.70 -0.55%
01.04.2013 232 899.42 230 090.31 2 809.11 1.22% 231 187.20 1 712.22 0.74%
01.01.2013 230 090.31 234 878.09 -4 787.77 -2.04% 233 125.42 -3 035.11 -1.30%
01.10.2012 234 878.09 233 887.57 990.52 0.42% 234 047.03 831.05 0.35%
01.07.2012 233 887.57 231 187.20 2 700.36 1.17% 233 928.97 -41.41 -0.02%
01.04.2012 231 187.20 233 125.42 -1 938.22 -0.83% 229 597.00 1 590.20 0.69%
01.01.2012 233 125.42 234 047.03 - 921.61 -0.39% 217 785.64 15 339.78 7.04%
01.10.2011 234 047.03 233 928.97 118.06 0.05% 202 604.15 31 442.88 15.52%
01.07.2011 233 928.97 229 597.00 4 331.97 1.89% 190 750.77 43 178.20 22.64%
01.04.2011 229 597.00 217 785.64 11 811.36 5.42% 193 119.12 36 477.89 18.89%
01.01.2011 217 785.64 202 604.15 15 181.49 7.49% 194 329.91 23 455.73 12.07%
01.10.2010 202 604.15 190 750.77 11 853.38 6.21% 194 567.02 8 037.13 4.13%
01.07.2010 190 750.77 193 119.12 -2 368.35 -1.23% 197 714.36 -6 963.59 -3.52%
01.04.2010 193 119.12 194 329.91 -1 210.79 -0.62% 193 774.33 - 655.21 -0.34%
01.01.2010 194 329.91 194 567.02 - 237.11 -0.12% 191 596.15 2 733.76 1.43%
01.10.2009 194 567.02 197 714.36 -3 147.34 -1.59% 189 630.70 4 936.32 2.60%
01.07.2009 197 714.36 193 774.33 3 940.03 2.03% 189 171.12 8 543.24 4.52%
01.04.2009 193 774.33 191 596.15 2 178.18 1.14% 188 841.23 4 933.11 2.61%
01.01.2009 191 596.15 189 630.70 1 965.45 1.04% 173 962.14 17 634.01 10.14%
01.10.2008 189 630.70 189 171.12 459.58 0.24% 164 225.65 25 405.04 15.47%
01.07.2008 189 171.12 188 841.23 329.89 0.17% 153 201.14 35 969.98 23.48%
01.04.2008 188 841.23 173 962.14 14 879.09 8.55% 129 069.40 59 771.83 46.31%
01.01.2008 173 962.14 164 225.65 9 736.48 5.93% 118 618.18 55 343.96 46.66%
01.10.2007 164 225.65 153 201.14 11 024.52 7.20% 112 316.22 51 909.44 46.22%
01.07.2007 153 201.14 129 069.40 24 131.74 18.70% 97 954.41 55 246.73 56.40%
01.04.2007 129 069.40 118 618.18 10 451.22 8.81% 97 995.30 31 074.10 31.71%
01.01.2007 118 618.18 112 316.22 6 301.96 5.61% 97 771.70 20 846.48 21.32%
01.10.2006 112 316.22 97 954.41 14 361.81 14.66% 87 713.60 24 602.62 28.05%
01.07.2006 97 954.41 97 995.30 -40.90 -0.04% 66 853.21 31 101.19 46.52%
01.04.2006 97 995.30 97 771.70 223.61 0.23% 63 397.08 34 598.23 54.57%
01.01.2006 97 771.70 87 713.60 10 058.10 11.47% 59 547.60 38 224.10 64.19%
01.10.2005 87 713.60 66 853.21 20 860.38 31.20% 62 162.88 25 550.71 41.10%
01.07.2005 66 853.21 63 397.08 3 456.14 5.45% 53 949.78 12 903.44 23.92%
01.04.2005 63 397.08 59 547.60 3 849.48 6.46% 49 335.04 14 062.03 28.50%
01.01.2005 59 547.60 62 162.88 -2 615.28 -4.21% 46 019.87 13 527.73 29.40%
01.10.2004 62 162.88 53 949.78 8 213.11 15.22% 50 421.95 11 740.93 23.29%
01.07.2004 53 949.78 49 335.04 4 614.73 9.35% 46 635.64 7 314.13 15.68%
01.04.2004 49 335.04 46 019.87 3 315.18 7.20% 44 030.04 5 305.01 12.05%
01.01.2004 46 019.87 50 421.95 -4 402.08 -8.73% 53 515.50 -7 495.63 -14.01%
01.10.2003 50 421.95 46 635.64 3 786.31 8.12% 64 356.36 -13 934.41 -21.65%
01.07.2003 46 635.64 44 030.04 2 605.61 5.92% 68 533.79 -21 898.15 -31.95%
01.04.2003 44 030.04 53 515.50 -9 485.46 -17.72% 71 563.36 -27 533.32 -38.47%
01.01.2003 53 515.50 64 356.36 -10 840.86 -16.84% 72 536.09 -19 020.59 -26.22%
01.10.2002 64 356.36 68 533.79 -4 177.44 -6.10% - - -
01.07.2002 68 533.79 71 563.36 -3 029.57 -4.23% - - -
01.04.2002 71 563.36 72 536.09 - 972.73 -1.34% - - -
01.01.2002 72 536.09 - - - - - -

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - CNB)
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions)
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs)
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - CNB)
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs)
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - CNB)
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Other Monetary Financial Institutions)
Holdings of shares/other equity issued by residents (Balance sheets of MFIs by reporting institutions - Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs)
Statistics of monetary developments in the CR (Monetary statistics)
Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets (Balance sheet of the Czech National Bank)
Loans to residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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