
Bushel is a unit of measurement used in the American volume system for dry substances. It is commonly used as a trade volume unit for cereals and other agricultural commodities. The volume of a bushel can vary depending on the commodity being measured, but in the United States, it is typically defined as 1 bushel = 8 gallons.

It's worth noting that different countries may have their own definitions for a bushel or use different units for measuring dry substances. However, the bushel is widely recognized and used internationally in the context of agricultural trade.

One bushel is equivalent to 35.23 liters.



Imperial units of volume -bushel questions and answers

  • How many litters equel one bushel?

    One bushel is equivalent to 35.23 liters.

  • What is a bushel?

    Bushel is a unit of measurement used in the American volume system for dry substances.

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