Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Financial assets, stocks, Total economy) - ekonomika ČNB

Aktualizace dat Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Financial assets, stocks, Total economy) v této aplikaci skončila 30.6.2023. Aktualizovná data časových řad najdete na stránkách nové aplikace z dat ARAD ČNB

Graf hodnot, Financial assets, stocks, Total economy

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Nahrávám graf návštěvnosti {{}} ... Shares and other equity (AF.51) - Nahrávám graf - roční srovnání ...

Minima a maxima

Typ Období Hodnota
Max 31.03.2020 6 043 453.00
Min 31.03.2004 2 792 889.00

Historické hodnoty

Období Hodnota Předchozí Rozdíl Změna Před rokem Rozdíl Změna
31.03.2020 6 043 453.00 5 932 865.00 110 588.00 1.86% 5 605 580.00 437 873.00 7.81%
31.12.2019 5 932 865.00 5 789 884.00 142 981.00 2.47% 5 438 534.00 494 331.00 9.09%
30.09.2019 5 789 884.00 5 661 878.00 128 006.00 2.26% 5 332 678.00 457 206.00 8.57%
30.06.2019 5 661 878.00 5 605 580.00 56 298.00 1.00% 5 204 522.00 457 356.00 8.79%
31.03.2019 5 605 580.00 5 438 534.00 167 046.00 3.07% 5 225 517.00 380 063.00 7.27%
31.12.2018 5 438 534.00 5 332 678.00 105 856.00 1.99% 5 198 491.00 240 043.00 4.62%
30.09.2018 5 332 678.00 5 204 522.00 128 156.00 2.46% 4 951 889.00 380 789.00 7.69%
30.06.2018 5 204 522.00 5 225 517.00 -20 995.00 -0.40% 4 850 556.00 353 966.00 7.30%
31.03.2018 5 225 517.00 5 198 491.00 27 026.00 0.52% 4 805 296.00 420 221.00 8.74%
31.12.2017 5 198 491.00 4 951 889.00 246 602.00 4.98% 4 482 331.00 716 160.00 15.98%
30.09.2017 4 951 889.00 4 850 556.00 101 333.00 2.09% 4 433 670.00 518 219.00 11.69%
30.06.2017 4 850 556.00 4 805 296.00 45 260.00 0.94% 4 325 222.00 525 334.00 12.15%
31.03.2017 4 805 296.00 4 482 331.00 322 965.00 7.21% 4 300 052.00 505 244.00 11.75%
31.12.2016 4 482 331.00 4 433 670.00 48 661.00 1.10% 4 309 597.00 172 734.00 4.01%
30.09.2016 4 433 670.00 4 325 222.00 108 448.00 2.51% 4 312 339.00 121 331.00 2.81%
30.06.2016 4 325 222.00 4 300 052.00 25 170.00 0.59% 4 240 145.00 85 077.00 2.01%
31.03.2016 4 300 052.00 4 309 597.00 -9 545.00 -0.22% 4 247 295.00 52 757.00 1.24%
31.12.2015 4 309 597.00 4 312 339.00 -2 742.00 -0.06% 4 119 022.00 190 575.00 4.63%
30.09.2015 4 312 339.00 4 240 145.00 72 194.00 1.70% 4 144 812.00 167 527.00 4.04%
30.06.2015 4 240 145.00 4 247 295.00 -7 150.00 -0.17% 4 098 203.00 141 942.00 3.46%
31.03.2015 4 247 295.00 4 119 022.00 128 273.00 3.11% 4 120 604.00 126 691.00 3.07%
31.12.2014 4 119 022.00 4 144 812.00 -25 790.00 -0.62% 3 965 042.00 153 980.00 3.88%
30.09.2014 4 144 812.00 4 098 203.00 46 609.00 1.14% 3 976 825.00 167 987.00 4.22%
30.06.2014 4 098 203.00 4 120 604.00 -22 401.00 -0.54% 3 919 102.00 179 101.00 4.57%
31.03.2014 4 120 604.00 3 965 042.00 155 562.00 3.92% 3 957 460.00 163 144.00 4.12%
31.12.2013 3 965 042.00 3 976 825.00 -11 783.00 -0.30% 3 955 381.00 9 661.00 0.24%
30.09.2013 3 976 825.00 3 919 102.00 57 723.00 1.47% 3 939 924.00 36 901.00 0.94%
30.06.2013 3 919 102.00 3 957 460.00 -38 358.00 -0.97% 3 849 667.00 69 435.00 1.80%
31.03.2013 3 957 460.00 3 955 381.00 2 079.00 0.05% 3 875 078.00 82 382.00 2.13%
31.12.2012 3 955 381.00 3 939 924.00 15 457.00 0.39% 3 794 689.00 160 692.00 4.23%
30.09.2012 3 939 924.00 3 849 667.00 90 257.00 2.34% 3 769 512.00 170 412.00 4.52%
30.06.2012 3 849 667.00 3 875 078.00 -25 411.00 -0.66% 3 821 842.00 27 825.00 0.73%
31.03.2012 3 875 078.00 3 794 689.00 80 389.00 2.12% 3 824 533.00 50 545.00 1.32%
31.12.2011 3 794 689.00 3 769 512.00 25 177.00 0.67% 3 806 763.00 -12 074.00 -0.32%
30.09.2011 3 769 512.00 3 821 842.00 -52 330.00 -1.37% 3 769 086.00 426.00 0.01%
30.06.2011 3 821 842.00 3 824 533.00 -2 691.00 -0.07% 3 739 298.00 82 544.00 2.21%
31.03.2011 3 824 533.00 3 806 763.00 17 770.00 0.47% 3 693 262.00 131 271.00 3.55%
31.12.2010 3 806 763.00 3 769 086.00 37 677.00 1.00% 3 635 064.00 171 699.00 4.72%
30.09.2010 3 769 086.00 3 739 298.00 29 788.00 0.80% 3 611 825.00 157 261.00 4.35%
30.06.2010 3 739 298.00 3 693 262.00 46 036.00 1.25% 3 526 710.00 212 588.00 6.03%
31.03.2010 3 693 262.00 3 635 064.00 58 198.00 1.60% 3 459 789.00 233 473.00 6.75%
31.12.2009 3 635 064.00 3 611 825.00 23 239.00 0.64% 3 467 693.00 167 371.00 4.83%
30.09.2009 3 611 825.00 3 526 710.00 85 115.00 2.41% 3 599 158.00 12 667.00 0.35%
30.06.2009 3 526 710.00 3 459 789.00 66 921.00 1.93% 3 707 759.00 - 181 049.00 -4.88%
31.03.2009 3 459 789.00 3 467 693.00 -7 904.00 -0.23% 3 652 458.00 - 192 669.00 -5.28%
31.12.2008 3 467 693.00 3 599 158.00 - 131 465.00 -3.65% 3 598 321.00 - 130 628.00 -3.63%
30.09.2008 3 599 158.00 3 707 759.00 - 108 601.00 -2.93% 3 463 879.00 135 279.00 3.91%
30.06.2008 3 707 759.00 3 652 458.00 55 301.00 1.51% 3 391 184.00 316 575.00 9.34%
31.03.2008 3 652 458.00 3 598 321.00 54 137.00 1.50% 3 271 905.00 380 553.00 11.63%
31.12.2007 3 598 321.00 3 463 879.00 134 442.00 3.88% 3 185 733.00 412 588.00 12.95%
30.09.2007 3 463 879.00 3 391 184.00 72 695.00 2.14% 3 088 022.00 375 857.00 12.17%
30.06.2007 3 391 184.00 3 271 905.00 119 279.00 3.65% 3 044 132.00 347 052.00 11.40%
31.03.2007 3 271 905.00 3 185 733.00 86 172.00 2.70% 3 088 571.00 183 334.00 5.94%
31.12.2006 3 185 733.00 3 088 022.00 97 711.00 3.16% 3 037 678.00 148 055.00 4.87%
30.09.2006 3 088 022.00 3 044 132.00 43 890.00 1.44% 3 031 368.00 56 654.00 1.87%
30.06.2006 3 044 132.00 3 088 571.00 -44 439.00 -1.44% 2 933 997.00 110 135.00 3.75%
31.03.2006 3 088 571.00 3 037 678.00 50 893.00 1.68% 2 999 890.00 88 681.00 2.96%
31.12.2005 3 037 678.00 3 031 368.00 6 310.00 0.21% 2 922 568.00 115 110.00 3.94%
30.09.2005 3 031 368.00 2 933 997.00 97 371.00 3.32% 2 857 242.00 174 126.00 6.09%
30.06.2005 2 933 997.00 2 999 890.00 -65 893.00 -2.20% 2 798 474.00 135 523.00 4.84%
31.03.2005 2 999 890.00 2 922 568.00 77 322.00 2.65% 2 792 889.00 207 001.00 7.41%
31.12.2004 2 922 568.00 2 857 242.00 65 326.00 2.29% - - -
30.09.2004 2 857 242.00 2 798 474.00 58 768.00 2.10% - - -
30.06.2004 2 798 474.00 2 792 889.00 5 585.00 0.20% - - -
31.03.2004 2 792 889.00 - - - - - -

Graf jako obrázek

Shares and other equity (AF.51) - Graf

Ekonomické ukazatele České národní banky


Podobné sestavy

Vyberte název statistické sestavy dat, kterou chcete prohlédnout
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Total economy)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, transactions, Total economy)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Non-MMF investment funds)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Other financial institutions)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Insurance corporations)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Pension funds)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Central government)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Non-financial corporation)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Monetary financial institutions)
Shares and other equity (AF.51) (Liabilities, stocks, Rest of the World)
Monetary and financial statistics (Statistical data)
Loans to residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - General government (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of securities other than shares issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - total (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - MFIs (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Holdings of shares/ other equity issued by residents - Other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - assets)
Deposits of residents - Other general government/other residents (Aggregated balance sheet of the Czech National Bank - liabilities)

Aplikace Ekonomika ČNB ze sekce makroekonomika zobrazuje časové řady hlavních makroekonomických údajů z ekonomiky ČR. Najdete zde přes 10.000 grafů různých hodnot od úrokových sazeb, přes statistiky státního rozpočtu, statistiky ČNB a data zpracovávaná ČSÚ. Data jsou k dispozici obvykle za posledních více než 20 let, od prosince roku 1992. Zdroj dat: ČNB ARAD

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