Electricity - current and historical Electricity prices, chart the development of Electricity price - 1 year - currency EUR

Cena plynu pro domácnosti

Dodavatel a tarif Cena za plyn
(1 MWh a 1m3)
RIGHT POWER, a.s. - Tarif DOM 2024 1090.00 Kč/MWh
10.84 Kč/m3
MND a.s. - Plyn z první ruky – Ceník Zima 25/26 1090.08 Kč/MWh
10.84 Kč/m3
MND Energie - Plyn z první ruky – Ceník Zima 25/26 1090.08 Kč/MWh
10.84 Kč/m3
IN ENERGIE - Ceník PREMIUM PLUS 24měsíců 002 1109.00 Kč/MWh
11.03 Kč/m3
ZT energy - Výhodný plyn - ceníkový produkt pro domácnosti 1120.00 Kč/MWh
11.14 Kč/m3

Chart and table shows the price of electricity for Central European Energy Exchange - Futures for base load with an annual delivery - F PXE CZ BL CAL-25.

The price of energy consists of two parts:
  • fixed price per month - the amount varies depending on which product line you use
  • price per megawatt hour consumed (MWh), which for some products are divided into low-cost (NT) and high-cost (HT) tariff
High and low tariff are two different prices for electricity consumed, which are applied to the so-called two-tariff's products. Low tariff discount price is valid for a certain time each day - all the electricity they consume at the time, is charged a lower price.
Two-tarriff's products are beneficial for households that use energy-consuming appliances such as storage or direct heating or water heating. If one-tariff's product there is only one price for the electricity consumed.

Source: www.pxe.cz.

Electricity - Data

Date and time   Unit Curr Quantity   Price  
 18.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   89.57  
 17.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   90.21  
 16.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   87.28  
 13.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   89.57  
 12.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   89.87  
 11.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   91.82  
 10.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   90.79  
 9.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   93.99  
 6.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   93.87  
 5.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   93.48  
 4.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   93.36  
 3.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   95.58  
 2.9.2024   MWh  EUR   1   98.72  
 30.8.2024   MWh  EUR   1   99.87  
 29.8.2024   MWh  EUR   1   99.67  
 28.8.2024   MWh  EUR   1   100.14  
 27.8.2024   MWh  EUR   1   100.60  
 26.8.2024   MWh  EUR   1   99.43  
 23.8.2024   MWh  EUR   1   98.73  
 22.8.2024   MWh  EUR   1   98.65  
  ‹‹ First 60    Next 20 › 

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