ČEZ - Share ČEZ share price, Prague Stock Exchange

Current price ČEZ, a. s.

Burza - 26.7.2024 16:29:29
Current price 16:29:29 905.00 CZK (-0.11%)
907.60 CZK / 64 608 Pc
Volume 58 638 tis. CZK
First/Last 904.00/905.00 CZK
Min/Max 903.50 / 909.50 CZK
Trades 238
Bid/Ask 16:15:05 0.0 Min / 99 999 999.99 CZK
RMS - 26.7.2024 15:45:54
Current price 910.00 CZK (0.33%)
Average 906.84 CZK / 1 830 Pc
Volume 1 660 tis. CZK
First/Last 906.00/910.00 CZK
Min/Max 900.00/910.00 CZK
Number of changes 162
PCP 725.50/1 088.00 CZK

Akcie ČEZ, a. s. - Ask/bid on markets

Burza : 26.7.2024 16:15:06
952.00 793 862.00 5 138
Complette informations about asks and bids are available only after registration and for a personal use accorging to conditions on the Prague Stock Exchange. You can register and check agreement on ask/bid page.
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RMS : 26.7.2024 16:09:46
906.00 11 910.00 55
905.50 164 910.50 155
905.00 214 911.00 205
904.00 219 913.00 305
901.00 282 914.00 355
History » | All ask/bids »

Akcie ČEZ, a. s. - Latest on-line trades on markets

26.7.2024 16:15:06 11 328 905.00CZK
26.7.2024 16:09:55 42 907.00CZK
26.7.2024 16:09:51 124 907.00CZK
26.7.2024 16:09:48 67 907.00CZK
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26.7.2024 14:42:10 112 910.00CZK
26.7.2024 14:41:03 38 908.00CZK
26.7.2024 14:41:03 50 908.00CZK
26.7.2024 14:41:03 200 908.00CZK
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Other info about ČEZ, a. s.

CZ0005112300, ISIN: CZ0005112300, BIC: BAACEZ - Information from central depository

ČEZ on the Prague Stock Exchange

Dividend ČEZ - Profit, P/E

Total monthly/yearly volumes of ČEZ on the Prague Stock Exchange

Other names for ČEZ, a. s.

ČEZ, a.s. (Name), CZ45274649 (VAT), CZ45274649 (VAT, till 1.5.2004), 001-45274649 (VAT, till 1.5.2004), 45274649 (ID), 45274649 (ID, till 12.10.2000), 45274649 (ID, till 21.8.2002), Czech Power Company (Name), České energetické závody (Name)

Other securities ČEZ, a. s.

ČEZ VAR/14 - ČEZ 4,30/10 - ČEZ 0,00/09 - ČEZ 3,35/08 - ČEZ 8,75/04 - ČEZ 11,0625/08 - ČEZ 2 - ČEZ 11,3/05 - ČEZ 10,90/01 - ČEZ 14 3/8 /01
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