TON - ENERGO a.s. ID 25532626, Issuer of secuiries

Issuer nameTON - ENERGO a.s.
Postal address - nameTON - ENERGO a.s.
ID number25532626 (Trade register)
Addres - StreetMichaela Thoneta 148
CityBystřice pod Hostýnem
ZIP76 861
Postal address - StreetMichaela Thoneta 148
CityBystřice pod Hostýnem
ZIP76 861
Subject typeemitent
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Change date25.6.2014
Change typeplatná/ý

Issues of securities, TON - ENERGO a.s.

CZ0005127050 BH ENERGO a.s. 25.06.2014 / -
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