T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. ID 64949681, Issuer of secuiries

Issuer nameT-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.
Postal address - nameT-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.
ID number64949681 (Trade register)
Addres - StreetTomíčkova 2144/1
CityPraha 4
ZIP14 900
Postal address - StreetTomíčkova 2144/1
CityPraha 4
ZIP14 900
Subject typeemitent
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Change date10.11.2016
Change typeplatná/ý

Issues of securities, T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.

CZ0009000832 T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. 10.11.2016 / -
CZ0009098687 T-MOBILE CZECH REPUBLIC A.S. 02.07.2010 / 16.07.2014
CZ0003501140 RADIOMOBIL 8,20/04 08.11.1999 / 08.11.2004
770960001780 RADIOMOBIL PRAHA 06.09.1996 / 09.05.2001
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