AT0000A0CL73, EUR 3,40 AUSTRIA, REP.OF 09-2014

EUR 3,40 AUSTRIA, REP.OF 09-2014, ISIN AT0000A0CL73 - Securities depository info

Full nameEUR 3,40 AUSTRIA, REP.OF 09-2014
Short nameAUST. EUR 3,40/14
Source issue-
Issuer NameRepublic of Austria
Issuer ID8880073142 (Trade register)
Nominal currencyEUR
Nominal Value1 000
Issued Volume3 000 000
Number of instrument units on accounts-
Volume of the issue3 000 000 000
Volume of the issue in accounts-
Nominal typekonstantní
Tradablenení registrována na reg.trhu
Security typedluhopis
Convertabilityvolně převoditelná emise
Security formna doručitele
Shapezaknihovaný CP
Registration stateClearstream 2
Date of Registration27.6.2011
Change date21.10.2014
Maturity Date20.10.2014
Date of Cancellation21.10.2014
Trading CurrencyEUR
Tradable unitv procentech
Group Code9
Manager ID-
Manager ID-
Administrator ID-

Issuer EUR 3,40 AUSTRIA, REP.OF 09-2014

Issuer nameRepublic of Austria
Postal address - nameRepublic of Austria
ID number8880073142 (Trade register)
Addres - Street-
ZIP1 210
Postal address - Street-
ZIP1 210
Subject typeemitent
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Change date21.10.2013
Change typeplatná/ý

List of other issues, Republic of Austria

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