CZ0003563736, DRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o., 7,75%, 2024 - 2029

Short and summary info about TRIGEMA REF VAR/25

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price08.10.2024100.00
First price27.01.2022100.00
Historic min22.09.2022100.00
Historic max02.05.2023100.00
Total volume0.00

DRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o., 7,75%, 2024 - 2029, ISIN CZ0003563736 - Securities depository info

Full nameDRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o., 7,75%, 2024 - 2029
Short nameDRFG REP 7 7,75/29
Source issue-
Issuer NameDRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o.
Issuer ID14100045 (Trade register)
Nominal currencyCZK
Nominal Value1
Issued Volume25 000 000
Number of instrument units on accounts-
Volume of the issue25 000 000
Volume of the issue in accounts-
Nominal typekonstantní
Tradablenení registrována na reg.trhu
Security typedluhopis
Convertabilityvolně převoditelná emise
Security formna jméno / na majitele
Shapezaknihovaný CP
Registration stateCDCP
Date of Registration11.7.2024
Change date-
Maturity Date30.6.2029
Date of Cancellation-
Trading CurrencyCZK
Tradable unitv procentech
Group Code9
Manager ID-
Manager ID-
Administrator ID60717068 (Trade register)

Issuer DRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o., 7,75%, 2024 - 2029

Issuer nameDRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o.
Postal address - name-
ID number14100045 (Trade register)
Addres - StreetVinařská 460/3
ZIP60 300
Postal address - Street-
Subject typeemitent
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Change date29.5.2023
Change typeplatná/ý

List of other issues, DRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o.

CZ0003565467 DRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o., 7,00%, 2024 - 2027 18.09.2024 / -
CZ0003563736 DRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o., 7,75%, 2024 - 2029 11.07.2024 / -
CZ0003563744 DRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o., 7,95%, 2024 - 2025 11.07.2024 / -
CZ0003551087 DRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o., 8,25%, 2023 - 2028 29.05.2023 / 01.09.2023
CZ0003551095 DRFG RE Project 7 s.r.o., 8,25%, 2023 - 2028 29.05.2023 / 01.09.2023

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