CZ0009075008, FOTOLAB a.s.

Short and summary info about CZ0009075008

RMS - RM-System
Last price24.11.199510 453.00
First price30.03.199510 000.00
Historic min20.07.19952 919.00
Historic max14.11.199510 453.00
Total volume0.00

FOTOLAB a.s., ISIN CZ0009075008 - Securities depository info

Full name-
Short name-
Source issue-
Issuer NameFOTOLAB a.s.
Issuer ID49241338 (Trade register)
Nominal currencyCZK
Nominal Value10 000
Issued Volume30 000
Number of instrument units on accounts-
Volume of the issue300 000 000
Volume of the issue in accounts-
Nominal typekonstantní
Tradableje registrována na reg.trhu
Security typeakcie
Convertabilityvolně převoditelná emise
Security formna doručitele
Shapezaknihovaný CP
Registration stateStředisko CP
Date of Registration28.3.1995
Change date23.11.1995
Maturity Date-
Date of Cancellation23.11.1995
Trading Currency-
Tradable unit-
Group Code-
Manager ID-
Manager ID-
Administrator ID-

Issuer CZ0009075008

Issuer nameCEWE COLOR
Postal address - nameCEWE COLOR
ID number49241338 (Trade register)
Addres - StreetKloknerova 24/2278
CityPraha 4
ZIP14 800
Postal address - StreetKloknerova 24/2278
CityPraha 4
ZIP14 800
Subject typeemitent
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Change date10.9.2010
Change typeplatná/ý

List of other issues, CEWE COLOR

770950002996 CEWE COLOR, A.S. 02.07.2010 / 12.08.2010
CZ0008466927 CEWE COLOR, A.S. 02.07.2010 / 26.07.2011
CZ0009075081 FOTOLAB PRAHA 23.11.1995 / 21.01.2000
CZ0009075008 28.03.1995 / 23.11.1995

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