Full name | EUR 5,00 DUTCH STATE DSL 01-2011 |
Short name | DUTCH EUR 5,00/11 |
Source issue | - |
ISIN | NL0000102606 |
BIC | - |
Issuer Name | NETHERLANDS |
Issuer ID | 80073096 (Trade register) |
Nominal currency | EUR |
Nominal Value | 1 |
Issued Volume | 15 212 000 000 |
Number of instrument units on accounts | - |
Volume of the issue | 15 212 000 000 |
Volume of the issue in accounts | - |
Nominal type | konstantní |
Tradable | není registrována na reg.trhu |
Security type | dluhopis |
Convertability | volně převoditelná emise |
Security form | na doručitele |
Shape | zaknihovaný CP |
Registration state | Clearstream 2 |
Date of Registration | 27.6.2011 |
Change date | 18.7.2011 |
Maturity Date | 15.7.2011 |
Date of Cancellation | 18.7.2011 |
Trading Currency | EUR |
Tradable unit | v procentech |
Group Code | 9 |
Status | cancelled |
Manager ID | - |
Manager ID | - |
Administrator ID | - |
Administrator | - |
TVAL | 100 |