Converting units of length

The calculator converts between standard units of length: millimeters (mm), centimeters (cm), decimeters (dm), meters (m) and kilometers (km).  

The calculator can therefore be used to converts from for example meters to kilometers, centimeters to decimeters, but also kilometers to millimeters.  

Calculator for converting units of length

You need to input these three values into the calculator:

  1. Distance or length that you want to convert

  2. The unit from which you want to convert

  3. The unit to which you want to convert

Type in the number manually (the maximum accuracy is two decimal points) and choose the units from the menu.

The calculator will then instantly convert your value to your desired unit. 


Explanation of conversions

In the table you can see how the individual unit conversions work.

From every standard unit to the nearest smaller and larger unit.

Table of standard conversions of length or distance
1 km
1000 m
1 m
10 dm
1 dm
10 cm
1 cm
10 mm

1 mm        
0.1 cm                
1 cm  =
0.1 dm
1 dm  =
0.1 m
1 m  =
0.001 km

Converting units of length questions and answers

  • How does the metric length system work?

    The metric length system is based on magnitude so the difference between meters, millimeters and kilometers is some power of 10.

  • Where is the metric length unit system used?

    Every country except the ones that used the imperial system (UK, USA, Liberia, Myanmar) use the metric system.

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