Brent Crude Oil - current and historical Brent Crude Oil prices, chart the development of Brent Crude Oil price - 1 year - currency USD


Brent refers to a type of oil, including 15 kinds of oil from North Sea fields, consisting primarily of Brent Crude, Brent Sweet Light Oil Oseberg and Forties. Price of Brent crude oil is used in the valuation of two-thirds of world oil supply - particularly the supply of oil consumed in Western Europe and from Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Other known types of oil OPEC Reference Basket includes, Dubai Crude and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Crude Oil.

Brent crude gained its name by goose brent, under which they were named the oilfields in the North Sea companies Exxon and Shell.

Brent crude oil is light, though not as light as WTI. Contains approximately 0.37% sulfur. Brent is ideal for making gasoline and middle distillates. Normally processed in refineries in northwest Europe, but when market prices are favorable for export can be processed in refineries in the U.S. and countries around the Mediterranean Sea.

Trading brent oil

Symbol for Brent crude oil is "SC." Originally traded only on the International Petroleum Exchange in London, but since 2005, also traded on the Intercontinental Exchange, known as ICE. One contract of Brent crude oil has a value of 1,000 barrels (160 m3) and traded in U.S. dollars.

Brent oil prices

Brent used to be usually about about $ 1 cheaper than WTI and $ 1 more expensive than OPEC Basket. Since 2007, Brent crude traded with a difference of approximately 1 to 3 U.S. dollars for WTI, which is probably connected with the gradual depletion of North Sea fields and the reduction of mining.

CFD Brent Crude Oil

Brent Crude Oil - Data

Date and time   Unit Curr Quantity   Price  
 17.3.2025   bbl.  USD   1   70.98  
 14.3.2025   bbl.  USD   1   70.60  
 13.3.2025   bbl.  USD   1   70.09  
 12.3.2025   bbl.  USD   1   70.98  
 11.3.2025   bbl.  USD   1   69.91  
 10.3.2025   bbl.  USD   1   69.19  
 7.3.2025   bbl.  USD   1   70.34  
 6.3.2025   bbl.  USD   1   69.42  
 5.3.2025   bbl.  USD   1   69.37  
 4.3.2025   bbl.  USD   1   71.11  
 3.3.2025   bbl.  USD   1   71.36  
 28.2.2025   bbl.  USD   1   73.13  
 27.2.2025   bbl.  USD   1   73.34  
 26.2.2025   bbl.  USD   1   72.22  
 25.2.2025   bbl.  USD   1   72.66  
 24.2.2025   bbl.  USD   1   74.44  
 21.2.2025   bbl.  USD   1   74.25  
 20.2.2025   bbl.  USD   1   76.39  
 19.2.2025   bbl.  USD   1   76.03  
 18.2.2025   bbl.  USD   1   75.77  
  ‹‹ First 60    Next 20 › 

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