HOTEL MÁJ - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about HOTEL MÁJ

RMS - RM-System
Last price21.12.20011 422.00
First price15.01.19971 000.00
Historic min10.07.199885.00
Historic max22.12.20001 422.00
Total volume24 099.00
HOTEL MÁJ - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2001 - - - 1 422.00 1 422.00 0 graf
2000 - - - 1 422.00 1 422.00 0 graf
1999 - - - 838.00 1 422.00 0 graf
1998 - - - 85.00 762.00 23 499 graf
1997 - - - 600.00 1 250.00 600 graf
Zobrazit sloupec