HZL ÈMHB 12,00/03 - Bond HZL ÈMHB 12,00/03 share price, Prague Stock Exchange

Kurzy akcie HZL ÈMHB 12,00/03 jsou na žádost BCPP o 15 min. zpoždìné. Pro on-line kurzy se pøihlašte.

Current price HZL ÈMHB 12,00/03

RMS - 19.5.2003 17:00:00
Current price - CZK (-100.00%)
Average - CZK / 0 Pc
Volume 0 CZK
First/Last -/- CZK
Min/Max -/- CZK
Number of changes 0
PCP 0.00/0.00 CZK

Akcie HZL ÈMHB 12,00/03 - Ask/bid on markets

RMS : 19.5.2003 17:00:00
- -
- -
- -
- -
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History » | All ask/bids »

Akcie HZL ÈMHB 12,00/03 - Latest on-line trades on markets

Other info about HZL ÈMHB 12,00/03

CZ0002000060, ISIN: CZ0002000060, BIC: BDCREGI - Information from central depository

HZL ÈMHB 12,00/03 on the Prague Stock Exchange

Total monthly/yearly volumes of HZL ÈMHB 12,00/03 on the Prague Stock Exchange

Other names for HZL ÈMHB 12,00/03

ÈMHB (Name), Hypoteèní banka (Name), Èeskomoravská hypoteèní banka, a.s. (Name), Regionbanka a.s. (Name, till 26.12.1994), CZ13584324 (VAT), CZ13584324 (VAT, till 1.5.2004), 13584324 (ID), 13584324 (ID, till 17.7.2002), 13584324 (ID, till 13.8.2003), 13584324 (ID, till 1.9.2004)

Other securities HZL ÈMHB 12,00/03

HZL HB VAR/37 - HZL HB VAR/37 - HZL HB VAR/37 - HZL HB VAR/37 - HZL HB VAR/37 - HZL HB VAR/23 - HZL HB VAR/22 - HZL HB 0,60/17 - HZL HB 1,75/15 - HZL ÈMHB VAR/15
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