POLYTECHNA - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about POLYTECHNA

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price23.08.19942 100.00
First price24.08.19932 500.00
Historic min31.08.19931 320.00
Historic max22.02.19944 600.00
Total volume1 151 180.00
POLYTECHNA - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
1994 1 910.00 4 600.00 971 670 - - - graf
1993 1 320.00 4 200.00 179 510 - - - graf
ETHEREUM - cena na burzách a CFD
Bitstamp2,053Koupit 2,053 Prodat
Gemini2,053Koupit 2,053 Prodat
Binance2,052Koupit 2,052 Prodat
InstaForex2,053Koupit 2,051 Prodat
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