Alimon a.s. ID 27527956, Issuer of secuiries

Issuer nameAlimon a.s.
Postal address - nameAlimon a.s.
ID number27527956 (Trade register)
Addres - StreetK Zelené louce 1341/20
CityPraha 4 - Kunratice
ZIP14 800
Postal address - StreetK Zelené louce 1341/20
CityPraha 4 - Kunratice
ZIP14 800
Subject typeemitent
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Change date6.6.2014
Change typeplatná/ý

Issues of securities, Alimon a.s.

CZ0005124164 ALIMON A.S. 06.06.2014 / -
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