EB DAX TS15 - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about EB DAX TS15

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price09.08.202165.57
First price08.03.2021551.62
Historic min06.08.202165.57
Historic max08.03.2021551.62
Total volume901 057.68
EB DAX TS15 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
202108 65.57 127.65 7 085 - - - graf
202107 72.86 244.46 273 019 - - - graf
202106 87.52 163.19 28 999 - - - graf
202105 155.76 316.85 323 481 - - - graf
202104 196.76 298.14 268 473 - - - graf
202103 323.82 551.62 0 - - - graf
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