IP BANKA - Share IP BANKA share price, Prague Stock Exchange

Current price IP BANKA, A.S.

RMS - 15.6.2000 17:00:00
Current price 67.80 CZK (-12.17%)
Average 69.10 CZK / 13 078 Pc
Volume 903 689 CZK
First/Last 72.70/67.80 CZK
Min/Max 67.80/74.30 CZK
Number of changes 258
PCP 62.20/76.00 CZK

Akcie IP BANKA, A.S. - Ask/bid on markets

RMS : 15.6.2000 17:00:00
65.00 5 56.50 2 000
62.20 506 67.80 5 893
60.00 606 69.00 5 916
58.00 3 609 70.00 6 416
56.50 3 612 70.20 6 460
History » | All ask/bids »

Akcie IP BANKA, A.S. - Latest on-line trades on markets

Other info about IP BANKA, A.S.

CZ0008002854, ISIN: CZ0008002854, BIC: BAAINBA - Information from central depository

IP BANKA on the Prague Stock Exchange

Dividend IP BANKA - Profit, P/E

Total monthly/yearly volumes of IP BANKA on the Prague Stock Exchange

Other names for IP BANKA, A.S.

IPB,a.s. (Name, till 27.9.2000), Investiční banka a.s. (Name), IP Exit (Name), IP banka, a.s. (Name), INVESTIČNÍ A POŠTOVNÍ BANKA, a.s. (Name, till 15.6.2000), INVESTIČNÍ A POŠTOVNÍ BANKA, a.s. - nucená správa (Name, till 26.9.2000), IP banka, a.s. - nucená správa (Name, till 1.6.2002), CZ45316619 (VAT), CZ45316619 (VAT, till 1.5.2004), 001-45316619 (VAT, till 1.5.2004), 45316619 (ID), 45316619 (ID, till 10.11.1998)

Other securities IP BANKA, A.S.

IPB VAR/01 - IPB 11,125/98 - Investiční banka
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