IRIDIUM INVEST - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about IRIDIUM INVEST

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price20.12.2001303.00
First price04.12.19955 500.00
Historic min14.01.2000294.30
Historic max05.12.19955 775.00
Total volume8 335 487.00
IRIDIUM INVEST - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2001 300.00 303.00 0 - - - graf
2000 294.00 303.00 8 781 - - - graf
1999 294.00 365.00 30 134 - - - graf
1998 305.00 1 915.00 1 146 124 - - - graf
1997 1 660.00 2 146.00 2 127 581 - - - graf
1996 1 515.00 3 660.00 4 956 827 - - - graf
1995 3 850.00 5 775.00 54 940 - - - graf
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