ARCELORMITTAL - Share ARCELORMITTAL share price, Prague Stock Exchange
Current price ARCELORMITTAL, Liberty Ostrava a.s.
RMS - 16.7.2010 18:00:00 | |
Current price | 4 115.00 CZK (2.10%) |
Average | 4 146.13 CZK / 4 078 Pc |
Volume | 16 908 tis. CZK |
First/Last | 4 030.00/4 115.00 CZK |
Min/Max | 4 030.00/4 173.00 CZK |
Number of changes | 331 |
PCP | 0.00/0.00 CZK |
Akcie ARCELORMITTAL, Liberty Ostrava a.s. - Ask/bid on markets
RMS : 16.7.2010 18:00:00 | |||
Purchase price | Purchase pieces | Sale price | Sale pieces |
4 060.20 | 200 | 4 150.00 | 437 |
4 055.00 | 300 | 4 155.00 | 438 |
4 031.30 | 450 | 4 190.00 | 488 |
4 031.00 | 453 | 4 195.00 | 496 |
4 030.10 | 468 | 4 199.00 | 526 |
History » | All ask/bids » |
Akcie ARCELORMITTAL, Liberty Ostrava a.s. - Latest on-line trades on markets
Other info about ARCELORMITTAL, Liberty Ostrava a.s.
CZ0005098251, ISIN: CZ0005098251, BIC: BAANOVHU - Information from central depository
ARCELORMITTAL on the Prague Stock Exchange
Dividend ARCELORMITTAL - Profit, P/E
Total monthly/yearly volumes of ARCELORMITTAL on the Prague Stock Exchange