ARMABETON PRAHA - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ARMABETON PRAHA

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price06.12.1994930.00
First price27.07.1993800.00
Historic min09.12.1993400.00
Historic max14.03.19941 860.00
Total volume52 800 791.00
ARMABETON PRAHA - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
199412 930.00 950.00 764 400 - - - graf
199411 865.00 960.00 4 467 518 - - - graf
199410 880.00 1 150.00 1 090 037 - - - graf
199409 970.00 1 170.00 2 180 738 - - - graf
199408 961.00 1 050.00 931 623 - - - graf
199407 970.00 1 020.00 313 525 - - - graf
199406 920.00 1 155.00 1 299 795 - - - graf
199405 980.00 1 280.00 2 153 780 - - - graf
199404 1 310.00 1 680.00 6 542 200 - - - graf
199403 1 495.00 1 860.00 27 194 785 - - - graf
199402 760.00 1 470.00 4 261 071 - - - graf
199401 480.00 691.00 681 806 - - - graf
199312 400.00 510.00 308 710 - - - graf
199311 400.00 576.00 508 243 - - - graf
199310 400.00 480.00 101 160 - - - graf
199309 448.00 700.00 1 400 - - - graf
199308 - - 0 - - - graf
199307 800.00 800.00 0 - - - graf
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