ČS.SPRÁVCOV.VAR/01 - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ČS.SPRÁVCOV.VAR/01

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price08.08.2001100.50
First price12.11.1997100.40
Historic min12.12.1997100.22
Historic max18.03.1998101.22
Total volume4 008 647.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price20.07.200110 040.00
First price21.08.199710 000.00
Historic min16.03.20009 800.00
Historic max15.08.200010 040.00
Total volume1 818 227 939.70
ČS.SPRÁVCOV.VAR/01 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2001 101.00 101.00 0 10 040.00 10 040.00 16 612 474 graf
2000 101.00 101.00 0 9 800.00 10 040.00 848 899 536 graf
1999 100.00 101.00 0 10 040.00 10 824.00 863 465 750 graf
1998 100.00 101.00 2 997 502 10 040.00 10 040.00 89 230 100 graf
1997 100.00 101.00 1 011 145 10 000.00 10 040.00 20 080 graf
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