EUROVIA CS - Share EUROVIA CS share price, Prague Stock Exchange

Kurzy akcie EUROVIA CS jsou na žádost BCPP o 15 min. zpožděné. Pro on-line kurzy se přihlašte.

Current price EUROVIA CS, A.S.

RMS - 20.9.2006 18:00:00
Current price 3 901.30 CZK (-2.42%)
Average 3 901.30 CZK / 1 Pc
Volume 3 901 CZK
First/Last 3 901.30/3 901.30 CZK
Min/Max 3 901.30/3 901.30 CZK
Number of changes 10
PCP 3 598.20/4 397.80 CZK

Akcie EUROVIA CS, A.S. - Ask/bid on markets

RMS : 20.9.2006 18:00:00
3 901.30 5 4 095.00 7
3 901.20 205 4 250.00 45
- 4 290.00 55
- 4 390.00 129
- 4 399.00 219
History » | All ask/bids »

Akcie EUROVIA CS, A.S. - Latest on-line trades on markets

Other info about EUROVIA CS, A.S.

CS0005022854, ISIN: CS0005022854, BIC: BAASTASZ - Information from central depository

EUROVIA CS on the Prague Stock Exchange

Dividend EUROVIA CS - Profit, P/E

Total monthly/yearly volumes of EUROVIA CS on the Prague Stock Exchange

Other names for EUROVIA CS, A.S.

SSŽ (Name), Stavby silnic a železnic, a.s. (Name), CZ45274924 (VAT), CZ45274924 (VAT, till 1.5.2004), 001-45274924 (VAT, till 1.5.2004), 45274924 (ID)

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