GRAMOFONOVÉ ZÁVODY - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about GRAMOFONOVÉ ZÁVODY

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price25.09.19981 039.00
First price02.03.19951 030.00
Historic min20.05.1997187.72
Historic max03.02.19981 080.00
Total volume11 908 887.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price30.09.19981 047.00
First price28.03.1995458.00
Historic min26.05.1997165.50
Historic max21.05.19981 113.00
Total volume8 705 195.13
GRAMOFONOVÉ ZÁVODY - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
1998 898.00 1 080.00 1 336 947 932.00 1 113.00 2 667 058 graf
1997 188.00 1 047.00 5 556 447 166.00 1 047.00 3 741 489 graf
1996 260.00 455.00 2 096 104 221.00 469.00 1 364 949 graf
1995 361.00 1 030.00 2 919 389 275.00 597.00 917 041 graf
Zobrazit sloupec