JTGF XV. 8,125/28 - Bond JTGF XV. 8,125/28 share price, Prague Stock Exchange

Current price JTGF XV. 8,125/28, J&T Global Finance XV., s.r.o., 8,125%, 2023 - 2028

Burza - 26.7.2024 16:29:29
Current price 16:29:29 - CZK
Volume - CZK
First/Last -/- CZK
Min/Max - / - CZK
Trades -
Bid/Ask 16:05:18 103.94 / 102.56 CZK

Akcie JTGF XV. 8,125/28, J&T Global Finance XV., s.r.o., 8,125%, 2023 - 2028 - Ask/bid on markets

Burza : 26.7.2024 16:05:18
102.55 2 000 000 103.95 1 500 000
Complette informations about asks and bids are available only after registration and for a personal use accorging to conditions on the Prague Stock Exchange. You can register and check agreement on ask/bid page.
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Akcie JTGF XV. 8,125/28, J&T Global Finance XV., s.r.o., 8,125%, 2023 - 2028 - Latest on-line trades on markets

24.7.2024 12:11:43 140 000 103.94CZK
23.7.2024 12:11:56 280 000 102.51CZK
22.7.2024 15:08:44 540 000 102.51CZK
11.7.2024 12:00:08 100 000 103.98CZK
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Other info about JTGF XV. 8,125/28, J&T Global Finance XV., s.r.o., 8,125%, 2023 - 2028

CZ0003550378, ISIN: CZ0003550378, BIC: BDAJTGLU - Information from central depository

JTGF XV. 8,125/28 on the Prague Stock Exchange

Total monthly/yearly volumes of JTGF XV. 8,125/28 on the Prague Stock Exchange

Other names for JTGF XV. 8,125/28, J&T Global Finance XV., s.r.o., 8,125%, 2023 - 2028

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