MSP PŘEROV 21/97 - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about MSP PŘEROV 21/97

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price25.09.199717.65
First price06.04.1993112.00
Historic min08.09.199715.25
Historic max08.02.1994122.63
Total volume109 772 432.00
MSP PŘEROV 21/97 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
1997 15.00 57.00 105 767 - - - graf
1996 48.00 7 466.00 771 916 - - - graf
1995 100.00 10 900.00 7 647 771 - - - graf
1994 98.00 123.00 34 988 445 - - - graf
1993 99.00 113.00 66 258 533 - - - graf
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