SPOJ.ZÁV.-NÁBYTEK - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about SPOJ.ZÁV.-NÁBYTEK

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price02.02.199665.00
First price15.06.199320 000.00
Historic min13.07.199533.44
Historic max15.06.199320 000.00
Total volume138 961.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price30.01.199662.00
First price10.01.199558.00
Historic min04.07.199545.00
Historic max10.08.1995109.00
Total volume58 180.60
SPOJ.ZÁV.-NÁBYTEK - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
1996 59.00 65.00 1 235 59.00 64.00 2 161 graf
1995 33.00 123.00 78 151 45.00 109.00 56 020 graf
1994 73.00 500.00 39 575 - - - graf
1993 20 000.00 20 000.00 20 000 - - - graf
Zobrazit sloupec