UNILEVER - Share UNILEVER share price, Prague Stock Exchange

Current price UNILEVER

Burza - 26.7.2024 16:29:29
Current price 16:29:29 1 250.00 CZK (-1.57%)
1 267.79 CZK / 145 Pc
Volume 183 830 CZK
First/Last 1 270.00/1 250.00 CZK
Min/Max 1 250.00 / 1 270.00 CZK
Trades 2
Bid/Ask 16:15:07 - / 1 250.00 CZK

Akcie UNILEVER - Ask/bid on markets

Akcie UNILEVER - Latest on-line trades on markets

26.7.2024 15:58:58 16 1 250.00CZK
26.7.2024 9:05:03 129 1 270.00CZK
25.7.2024 15:43:08 10 1 270.00CZK
25.7.2024 10:18:32 20 1 200.00CZK
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Other info about UNILEVER

GB00B10RZP78, ISIN: GB00B10RZP78, BIC: - Information from central depository

UNILEVER on the Prague Stock Exchange

Dividend UNILEVER - Profit, P/E

Total monthly/yearly volumes of UNILEVER on the Prague Stock Exchange

Other names for UNILEVER

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