CZ0005023655, KDYNIUM A. S.
Short and summary info about KDYNIUM
The Prague Stock Exchange | ||
Last price | 30.05.1997 | 172.34 |
First price | 17.03.1994 | 414.00 |
Historic min | 02.11.1995 | 167.67 |
Historic max | 13.09.1994 | 700.00 |
Total volume | 559 968.00 |
RMS - RM-System | ||
Last price | 25.03.2025 | 3 500.00 |
First price | 10.01.1995 | 445.00 |
Historic min | 16.05.1997 | 117.30 |
Historic max | 26.11.2007 | 5 800.00 |
Total volume | 22 787 721.40 |
KDYNIUM A. S., ISIN CZ0005023655 - Securities depository info
Full name | KDYNIUM A. S. |
Short name | KDYNIUM |
Source issue | - |
ISIN | CZ0005023655 |
Issuer Name | KDYNIUM a. s. |
Issuer ID | 45357293 (Trade register) |
Nominal currency | CZK |
Nominal Value | 1 000 |
Issued Volume | 52 369 |
Number of instrument units on accounts | 52 369 |
Volume of the issue | 52 369 000 |
Volume of the issue in accounts | 52 369 000 |
Nominal type | konstantní |
Tradable | není registrována na reg.trhu |
Security type | akcie |
Convertability | volně převoditelná emise |
Security form | na doručitele |
Shape | zaknihovaný CP |
Registration state | CDCP |
Date of Registration | 31.12.1993 |
Change date | 28.3.2017 |
Maturity Date | - |
Date of Cancellation | - |
Trading Currency | CZK |
Tradable unit | v jednotkách měny |
Group Code | 7 |
Status | valid:2 |
Manager ID | - |
Manager ID | - |
Administrator ID | - |
Administrator | - |
TVAL | 0 |
Issuer KDYNIUM A. S.
Issuer name | KDYNIUM a. s. |
Postal address - name | KDYNIUM a. s. |
ID number | 45357293 (Trade register) |
Addres - Street | Nádražní 104 |
City | Kdyně |
ZIP | 34 506 |
Country | CZE |
Postal address - Street | Nádražní 104 |
City | Kdyně |
ZIP | 34 506 |
Country | CZE |
Subject type | emitent |
Subject category | právnická osoba |
Subject category | právnická osoba |
Change date | 6.10.2014 |
Change type | platná/ý |
List of other issues, KDYNIUM a. s.
ISIN | Name | Published/Closed |
CZ0005023655 | KDYNIUM A. S. | 31.12.1993 / - |
770930002132 | KDYNIUM KDYNĚ | 30.06.1993 / 09.02.2005 |
CS0005023662 | 29.03.1993 / 31.12.1993 |