ALPHABET (GOOGLE) - Share ALPHABET (GOOGLE) share price, Prague Stock Exchange

Current price ALPHABET (GOOGLE)

RMS - 26.7.2024 16:49:08
Current price 4 218.00 CZK (-0.75%)
Average 4 218.00 CZK / 4 Pc
Volume 16 872 CZK
First/Last 4 218.00/4 218.00 CZK
Min/Max 4 218.00/4 218.00 CZK
Number of changes 109
PCP 3 400.00/5 100.00 CZK

Akcie ALPHABET (GOOGLE) - Ask/bid on markets

RMS : 26.7.2024 16:49:08
4 150.00 5 4 218.00 6
4 100.00 6 4 237.50 26
3 850.00 18 4 238.00 31
3 840.00 23 4 550.00 52
3 820.00 35 4 650.00 57
History » | All ask/bids »

Akcie ALPHABET (GOOGLE) - Latest on-line trades on markets

26.7.2024 16:49:08 4 4 218.00CZK
25.7.2024 15:22:02 3 4 250.00CZK
25.7.2024 14:47:33 1 4 250.00CZK
25.7.2024 14:32:17 10 4 200.00CZK
Volume analysis » · Next trades »»

Other info about ALPHABET (GOOGLE)

US02079K3059, ISIN: US02079K3059, BIC: BAAGOOGL - Information from central depository

ALPHABET (GOOGLE) on the Prague Stock Exchange

Total monthly/yearly volumes of ALPHABET (GOOGLE) on the Prague Stock Exchange

Other names for ALPHABET (GOOGLE)

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