EB EGB BC1 - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about EB EGB BC1

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price24.10.2014789.70
First price31.10.20131 000.00
Historic min10.07.2014745.40
Historic max22.01.20141 078.00
Total volume85 846 539.00
EB EGB BC1 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
201410 747.70 789.70 938 043 - - - graf
201409 759.70 887.10 1 434 640 - - - graf
201408 822.20 849.30 411 100 - - - graf
201407 745.40 1 068.00 1 691 975 - - - graf
201406 1 059.00 1 068.00 2 955 530 - - - graf
201405 982.40 1 055.00 1 959 057 - - - graf
201404 1 026.00 1 056.00 57 012 875 - - - graf
201403 998.20 1 046.00 17 704 391 - - - graf
201402 1 052.00 1 078.00 322 200 - - - graf
201401 1 032.00 1 078.00 1 105 028 - - - graf
201312 1 032.00 1 039.00 0 - - - graf
201311 1 000.00 1 039.00 311 700 - - - graf
201310 - - - - - - graf
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