ĎAS - Share ĎAS share price, Prague Stock Exchange
Current price ĎAS, A.S.
RMS - 24.2.2006 17:00:00 | |
Current price | 570.30 CZK (0.00%) |
Average | 570.30 CZK / 10 Pc |
Volume | 5 703 CZK |
First/Last | 570.30/570.30 CZK |
Min/Max | 570.30/570.30 CZK |
Number of changes | 3 |
PCP | 513.30/627.30 CZK |
Akcie ĎAS, A.S. - Ask/bid on markets
RMS : 24.2.2006 17:00:00 | |||
Purchase price | Purchase pieces | Sale price | Sale pieces |
570.30 | 1 004 | 602.00 | 6 |
527.00 | 1 099 | 630.00 | 13 |
526.80 | 1 147 | - | |
526.70 | 1 248 | - | |
- | - | ||
History ť | All ask/bids ť |
Akcie ĎAS, A.S. - Latest on-line trades on markets
Other info about ĎAS, A.S.
CS0005031152, ISIN: CS0005031152, BIC: BAAZDAS - Information from central depository
ĎAS on the Prague Stock Exchange
Dividend ĎAS - Profit, P/E
Total monthly/yearly volumes of ĎAS on the Prague Stock Exchange