ŽIVNOBANKA-PODÍL.F - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ŽIVNOBANKA-PODÍL.F

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price14.05.2001595.00
First price25.08.1995270.00
Historic min07.11.1995216.00
Historic max01.09.2000691.70
Total volume462 146 096.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price15.05.2001613.80
First price13.06.1995500.00
Historic min11.07.1995120.00
Historic max04.09.2000665.00
Total volume390 127 607.70
ŽIVNOBANKA-PODÍL.F - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2001 540.00 606.00 9 884 840 525.00 614.00 16 698 604 graf
2000 573.00 692.00 63 653 539 566.00 665.00 92 675 232 graf
1999 408.00 608.00 73 273 506 381.00 603.00 113 002 389 graf
1998 323.00 413.00 63 789 000 315.00 415.00 38 848 733 graf
1997 330.00 503.00 125 411 359 315.00 495.00 54 768 219 graf
1996 255.00 392.00 102 057 923 254.00 395.00 59 380 967 graf
1995 216.00 315.00 22 346 017 120.00 500.00 14 572 693 graf
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