ZVVZ - Share ZVVZ share price, Prague Stock Exchange

Current price ZVVZ

RMS - 21.12.2001 17:01:27
Current price 377.20 CZK (-14.27%)
Average 420.01 CZK / 223 Pc
Volume 93 662 CZK
First/Last 376.00/377.20 CZK
Min/Max 376.00/440.00 CZK
Number of changes 68
PCP 375.80/459.20 CZK

Akcie ZVVZ - Ask/bid on markets

RMS : 21.12.2001 17:01:27
377.30 4 440.00 26
377.20 40 450.00 200
377.10 50 -
376.40 88 -
376.20 128 -
History » | All ask/bids »

Akcie ZVVZ - Latest on-line trades on markets

Other info about ZVVZ

CZ0005081653, ISIN: CZ0005081653, BIC: BAAZVVZ - Information from central depository

ZVVZ on the Prague Stock Exchange

Dividend ZVVZ - Profit, P/E

Total monthly/yearly volumes of ZVVZ on the Prague Stock Exchange

Other names for ZVVZ

ZVVZ a.s. (Name), Závody na výrobu vzduchotechnických zařízení, a.s. (Name, till 8.1.1993), CZ00009041 (VAT), CZ00009041 (VAT, till 1.5.2004), 098-00009041 (VAT, till 1.5.2004), 00009041 (ID), 00009041 (ID, till 31.5.2000), 00009041 (ID, till 12.9.2001)

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