CS0005028554, OHLA ŽS, a.s.

Short and summary info about OHL ŽS

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price21.10.20031 377.00
First price11.01.1994243.00
Historic min19.10.2000163.00
Historic max28.01.20031 400.00
Total volume97 425 850.40
RMS - RM-System
Last price19.07.20192 600.00
First price10.01.1995550.00
Historic min23.10.2000184.80
Historic max11.06.20074 228.00
Total volume217 205 211.50

OHLA ŽS, a.s., ISIN CS0005028554 - Securities depository info

Full nameOHLA ŽS, a.s.
Short nameOHLA ŽS
Source issue-
Issuer NameOHLA ŽS, a.s.
Issuer ID46342796 (Trade register)
Nominal currencyCZK
Nominal Value1 000
Issued Volume1 346 294
Number of instrument units on accounts1 346 294
Volume of the issue1 346 294 000
Volume of the issue in accounts1 346 294 000
Nominal typekonstantní
Tradablenení registrována na reg.trhu
Security typeakcie
Convertabilityvolně převoditelná emise
Security formna jméno-CDCP vede seznam akcionářů
Shapezaknihovaný CP
Registration stateCDCP
Date of Registration22.11.1993
Change date9.6.2017
Maturity Date-
Date of Cancellation-
Trading CurrencyCZK
Tradable unitv jednotkách měny
Group Code7
Manager ID-
Manager ID-
Administrator ID-

Issuer OHLA ŽS, a.s.

Issuer nameOHL ŽS, a.s.
Postal address - nameOHL ŽS, a.s.
ID number46342796 (Trade register)
Addres - StreetBurešova 938/17
ZIP60 200
Postal address - StreetBurešova 938/17
ZIP60 200
Subject typeemitent
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Subject categoryprávnická osoba
Change date16.12.2014
Change typeplatná/ý

List of other issues, OHL ŽS, a.s.

CZ0003501421 ŽS BRNO, A.S., 4,80%, 2005-2010 13.06.2005 / 14.06.2010
CS0005028554 OHLA ŽS, a.s. 22.11.1993 / -
CZ0005073155 16.07.1993 / 22.11.1993
CS0005028562 29.03.1993 / 31.12.1993

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