CECE TS - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about CECE TS

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price29.10.200719.72
First price14.05.2007107.31
Historic min29.10.200719.72
Historic max16.08.2007155.00
Total volume81 911 750.00
CECE TS - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
200710 20.00 81.00 3 757 900 - - - graf
200709 72.00 121.00 6 763 000 - - - graf
200708 88.00 155.00 19 013 200 - - - graf
200707 43.00 86.00 36 254 500 - - - graf
200706 74.00 120.00 14 818 950 - - - graf
200705 104.00 127.00 1 304 200 - - - graf
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