ČESKOMORAVSKÝ LEN - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ČESKOMORAVSKÝ LEN

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price28.12.2000151.50
First price19.10.1993630.00
Historic min16.07.199970.00
Historic max29.03.19942 425.00
Total volume116 875 136.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price30.08.2001204.00
First price10.01.19951 775.70
Historic min02.12.199967.80
Historic max16.01.19952 000.00
Total volume26 368 520.10
ČESKOMORAVSKÝ LEN - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2001 - - - 180.00 207.00 6 478 429 graf
2000 74.00 156.00 67 166 82.00 201.00 1 303 665 graf
1999 70.00 170.00 88 656 68.00 166.00 1 567 443 graf
1998 163.00 422.00 2 056 034 149.00 428.00 1 132 390 graf
1997 211.00 1 060.00 5 450 245 184.00 1 032.00 1 581 026 graf
1996 842.00 1 630.00 61 777 886 773.00 1 610.00 11 045 885 graf
1995 950.00 2 000.00 23 492 051 933.00 2 000.00 3 255 313 graf
1994 792.00 2 425.00 23 649 498 - - - graf
1993 450.00 720.00 62 160 - - - graf
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